Get Your Shit Together Walmart - Elk Grove
Intro & Watt Avenue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Florin 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Elk Grove 2 3 | Kicked out

Broken pricetag holder and...

...a hidden spray bottle.

Trash. The floor is otherwise clean!

Shoes on the candy.

And this was the final photo from that day. Officer Perez from the Elk Grove police department approached me and said that he had been summoned because someone was "taking pictures of women". Two more officers arrived on the scene and asked to look through my photos, which I allowed. I was asked if I lived in Elk Grove or was just visiting.
I believe the officer took this photo as she attempted to view the photos. She clicked through them. "They are just pictures of trash".
I explained that I was taking photos for this article I was writing called "Get Your Shit Together Walmart", wherein I would document the state of Walmart stores and ask their league of billionaire owners to meet the community standards of cleanliness in their stores. They were not impressed.
"I'm sure your house isn't clean all the time", one officer suggested, defending Walmart.
"True, but I don't invite people over when it is a mess", wasn't my actual reply.
Officer Perez told me that taking photos was against the rules at Walmart and told me that I would have to leave Walmart and not return.
I was kind of disappointed and wondered, was I getting kicked out of all Walmarts, or just this one? I can defintely live without a Walmart, but I'd love to return if they ever get their shit together.
Intro & Watt Avenue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Florin 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Elk Grove 2 3 | Kicked out
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