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More mail about Kirby Vacuum sales. You may wish to read the Introduction to Kirby sales, and Kirby Mail.
A few people have written in regards to my posts about the sales techniques
of Kirby Vacuum Cleaner salesmen.
The latest flurry of correspondence has been from would-be Kirby salesmen and women. It appears that Kirby Vacuum has been using deceptive techniques to recruit able young door-to-door salesmen, and because I've gotten three of these letters in the last few months makes me think this is a common problem.
I fell for the ad in a newspaper about Kirby. When my friend and decided to go in for an application they hired us on the spot. The man that taught us all about the Kirby lied the whole time, of course we didn't learn any of this until our first day. We were told that as long as we did 3 demos a day we would get paid $510 a week.
So we went in on our first day, we were never told where we were going. We got to work at 8:45 am. They took us all the way to Lake City. We live in Jacksonville Florida. They told us before we started that the appointments were already set so we thought these people knew we were coming but come to find out we were just knocking on everyone's door in the neighborhood. I hate doing stuff like that I feel like I am harassing people. When the people said "no thanks" they would still try to pressure them into letting us come in and do the demo. So when we would get in the house to do the demos we were told we had to use 100 filter pads or else the demo wouldn't count and we wouldn't get paid. Plus we were told we weren't allowed to use our phones to call in to the office, we had to use the customers, I thought that was rude to come in and use the customers house phone. While we would do the demos our managers would leave us and go miles away with no way to reach them. So we went and did this for hours. With no breaks, not even for lunch. Needless to say I never got my 3 demos for the day so that meant I wouldn't get paid for that week. I didn't even get paid for the 2 sales I made. My husband started to get worried because I had no way to call him and he couldn't call and didn't know where I was. I didn't get home until 2:00 am the next morning. When we started the training no one ever said that the hours would be like that. My friend is a single mother and I have a family of my own to think about. Before we went home we were told that every day are like that. We found out that the ad said Monday thru Friday, but if you don't work Saturday you don't get paid. My friend and I quit that night. The whole thing is a scam and I don't like how they go about with the customers. When someone says no you shouldn't push and push like they do. I think they should ban Kirby from selling door to door. They make the machine look bad, and for that I will never own anything Kirby. Please show my story so no one else make the mistake that my friend and I made. Thank you. Thanks for your story! Where is Lake City compared with Jacksonville? Lake City is about 2 and a half hours from Jacksonville. We are both in our early 30's. I believe that if you work for Kirby you have to be single and with absolutely no life. It wouldn't work if you are married, dating, or have kids. I actually heard that a man started working for them and on his first day he said that is was crap and they didn't even take him home they just made him get out of the car and left him on the side of the road in Georgia.
I just read the story about a man getting ripped off by Kirby when it came to paying for the vacuum he sold. Isn't that funny that I suspected that they were going to tell my 18 year-old son that none or most of his sales didn't go though either. We had a feeling they did and the bosses took his money. The damn bastards!!!! Screw a young kid just starting out in business, I would have sued the pants off the bums but was afraid they would retaliate cause they had every one of my family members names the day my son started working for them. I know for a fact they screwed him out of at least $5,000.00 and I'm not exaggerating one bit!!! I was furious that he wouldn't leave the company, he thought he was doing well and would do well, because they brain wash these young people just out of high school and where they are just 18 they can legally sign the papers and then we can't do anything because they are of age. So his mother, me, couldn't step in until my son realized he was being taken also and got the hell out. I have nothing good to say about that company or those people running it. They are sly and deceitful and money hungry!! Name Withheld
Hi Rob,
I just left a new franchise of Kirby in Wallingford CT. Let me tell you my experience as a sales rep. I was so-called hired for the job. I had a full time job already, but hated it and wanted out. In the ad in the paper for Kirby it said paid training, $1000.00 sign on bonus, $475.00 week salary. When I called for the job they don't even let you know what the company is or anything about the job. They just schedule your interview. So I figured I would hear them out. I Figured I would give it a try after the interview. The appointments were set up for you, you just go to the apt. I had no problem with the job itself, it was the misleading ways of the office and my so-called boss that I am so upset about. They did a background check and that was it. They never got a copy of my license or any other info. I was told I would get to fill out a 1099 form. Never got that either. Never punched in or out. It was supposed to be salary for 15 appointments per week. I asked if I can fit in 3 appointments in a day by 5pm.OH YES! I was told. Turned out as the week went on and I continually had to call someone to pick the kids up from daycare, the day was over around 8pm. Home by 8:45 or so. I quit my other perm. full time job to do this because I trusted what they told me. So now I found myself in a situation that I wouldn't get the $475.00 salary because I couldn't stay at work from 9:30 am to 8:45pm. The apt times are at11am 3pm and 6pm. They knew this, but nobody said anything. So how could they tell me my day would be over by 5 or 6pm? At this point I was forced to work by sales only no salary, which is 160.00 per sale. The group that was hired including myself, was told that we would get paid 100.00 for the weekend just to show the machines to some family members. So I sold one to my mother in law. I went to pick up my check and opened it and got a 50.00 paycheck. I guess if the person you sold to has not so great credit then you only get 50.00. Thanks for letting me know!! Friday I am on my way to pick up my paycheck expecting about 100.00 or so. So I am on the phone with THE BOSS and he says, check? what check? I already gave you 50.00. I said ok but what about the $100.00 for the weekend. He said Oh that's only if you had 6 appointments over the weekend. I said, You've got to be kidding me. I put in everyday for the last 2 weeks and got NOTHING. My daughter needs diapers and I need gas not to mention bills are due. I think they completely blindside you to get you in the company. They mislead us on so many things, that's why you see less and less people everyday from the group you were hired with. Because some of them realize all this is a bunch of crap. They never gave me any tax forms or anything. I can't even prove I ever worked for them. I was supposed to get a 1099 form to fill out. I returned the machine to the office and got a phone call a few days later that they are going to call the police and they want their machine back. Are they insane? So these last 2 weeks were from hell with that company. When it sounds too good to be true, IT IS! DON'T WORK FOR KIRBY! Its more of a loss than any gain. Melissa from CT |
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November 3rd, 2006.