Get Your Shit Together Walmart
Intro & Watt Avenue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Florin 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Elk Grove 2 3 | Kicked out

Missing spill center.

Coffee in the pens.

Candy wrapper and pinwheel on the floor.

Clearance pile.

Dog treats behind the liquid soap.

Leftover Easter candy on the ground.

Yet another pile of stuff.

This must be the pans, dry erase board, beads, binder and ice cream maker section.

After this photo, my camera battery died. I had navigated about half of the first floor of the store, where I snapped 110 photos.
I understand that big stores can be very busy, and that sometimes the stores can get overwhelmed with a heavy wave of customers, but things are completely out of control at Walmart stores. Sure, these stores exist to make you and your fellow stockholders money, but these stores are now a vital resource to the community, and shouldn't be neglected because you are working on your next conquest.
Here are minimum efforts I expect from all stores in town:
- Pick up trash.
- Clean grimy areas and surfaces.
- Collect and return mislaid products to their shelves ("go backs").
It is primarily the actions of patrons in the stores who create and spread disorder. They also tend to leave their money. Any group of people will disrupt an orderly setting and it is inevitably a group of people who set things in order again. As the only curators of your Walmart stores, Walmart's leaders need to do a better job keeping their stores clean, pleasant and tidy. In exchange for the public’s patronage, please accept that their lawful actions within Walmart stores are the customary inconveniences of operating a public retail location.
I am certain there is a cleaning process for your stores. If the cleaning process is being followed, it needs to be improved, probably by increasing the frequency of cleaning actions six-fold. Hiring more people is probably the short term solution. Luckily, cleaning and go-backs are low-skill jobs, so you will not be endangering your earth-tilting fortunes by committing to these improvements.
To review the fortunes of the chief Walmart stockholders, Christy Walton and family US$28.2 billion, Jim Walton $26.7 billion, Alice Walton $26.3 billion, S. Robson Walton $26.1 billion, Ann Walton Kroenke $4.5 billion, Nancy Walton Laurie $3.9 billion.
Please Read Part Two - Walmart on Florin Road >
Intro & Watt Avenue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Florin 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Elk Grove 2 3 | Kicked out
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