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Here are the first batch of results for the challenge: Name the new, larger drink at Starbucks.
Thank you for your help, all you helpful helpers!
Fortissimo Nueve My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps. enorme (Italian for "jumbo") the greedy bastard Elephanto Primo mucho libre Bladder Buster Big Gulp massive member..... either that or just "really big" Sgabello Allentato. That is translated in Italian to "Loose Stool"... which is exactly what you would get after drinking 32 ounces of coffee at once. gargantuan Huguenot Just call it an 'American' because their large is always bigger than a large anywhere else in the world. inutile grande friggin' huge Gut Bucket Bombastic big "Gigante" is too obvious. I submit: "Fuggeddaboute" 3rd world exploitation.....e Vente... Deluxe Vente 2: Payback Vente Vente Bismarck Super Vente Super Vente...Deluxe Super Vente Deluxe Small Super Vente Deluxe Large The Emasculator The 32DD The Republican 26 Oz. of Lovin' 32 oz. of Revenge super-mega-large-oh-my-how-the-hell-am-i-going-to-drink-all-of-that? The Lilliputian simulator Gigas Fatty. The Well of endless sorrow The Japan Offender The Homer 26 - Temporary Boredom Relief 32 - Sustained Boredom Relief Vente, With an RSS feed! The Sneeze "My home this is" Darth Bucket extra big Unicron Tall shaq-size wallet emptier monsigner diarrhèc)e nebuchadnezzar er i meant "monsignor" El Hugo Starbuckaroo Banzai Ludicrous Size double-D b'gas (as in "gimme a b'gas coffe!") extra-larger (yours) Hindenburg Ridiculo Juggernaut Titan Lengthy Molto bige Mondo? Mungo? Bigo! Nescafe pick-me-ups Great rewards from Nescafe when you save bean tokens from special jars. the Exploding Bladder way too fucking big american caffine poisioning Tycho Brahe (look up how he died) Darth Vente mega Tankard ya a steamy hot 26 ounces of coffee sounds just awsome to spill in my lap Mungo voluminous colossal Supreme Ginorme (Jie-NOR-may) The insomne Big Gulp bob gigantico The American Grizzley Sterco. Latin for excrement. obviously, the "peccato". macho macho I can't believe I'm paying 8$ for 2 more ounces! The "Gross Consumption" gordo Massivo!! BUCKET "That's a Huge Bitch" 36DD Melted Glacier Size Now in 'Horse Testical' size! kowabunga Doopee tremolii massimi American size? tanker Zittern large terremoto piggy piggy piggy, fuck, piggy piggy Gargantuan pretenzioso gigante The WTF?! Size aneurysmal "tazza di merda". It means "cup of shit" in Italian. Or, if you want to be nice, how about "più grande tazza". It means "largest cup" in Italian. Mama Mia! OZZY RULES!!!!! Fatte vente seis colibri costoso (itallian for expensive) strata big glup XS. the 'grande vente' Colossos ----------- ross(at)bonkos.com gigudne The Oprah colosso Monstrositi Cheval Frickin-Mega-Huge-Kick you in the ass! *or Holy Crap, There gonna allow you to serve a drink that big!!! Bigger than; you know what. Bladder-filler Mucho idiota Gigante humungo The Juggernaut ventisimo "pule" Twitcher Cup Bucket vente-sixe Grandisimo -ambios giganto trente -ambios cuarente -ambios the bladder buster Lente -ambios Gigante The "two restroom breaks before my 9:00 shift" size. Captain Ahab -ambios Corporate Bloat! lard barn The Robert Wadlow There's all sorts of Italian phrases that could be applied to good effect, for example; grandi natiche (large buttocks) il mio inguine (my groin) the Uber quatre-vingt six bellissimo "Vente" is Italian for "twenty", so I'm hoping vente is intended to convey "a 24 oz cup with 4 oz of ice and 20 oz of beverage." Otherwise, the Interlingual Polizia will be visiting Seattle. "Monstri"? "Soffio Doppio"? (Italian for "double bladder") Since it's a cup size, how about "Double D"? extra large (screw starbuck's stupid naming system!) "tente" as in as big as a tent. elephante Gigantor Hummer. Evokes the size of the vehicle, and it's funny to imagine people ordering a hummer at a coffee shop. Elephantèc) Gordo ubercafe venti x-treem Corpus Mentallis First I thought of "monstro" for the monster size of coffee you'd receive. Then I thought "padrino" would be kinda funny. But then I decided "nonno" would be the best. You play off the same patriarch theme of "padrino," but you add the daily confusion of people constantly saying "no-no" in their order. "Welcome to Starbuck's, how may I help you?" "Hi, I'll have a latte nonno." "You want a latte nonno, or no, you don't want a latte?" "Nonno latte." "Ok, you don't want a latte. What CAN I get you?" And then Abbott and Costello style craziness ensues. I propose naming it the "busto della vescica" (or, bladder buster in italian). Perhaps it could be called a "busto" for short. (contributed by The Fishmonger: http://thefishmongersplace.blogspot.com/ The Super Kick in the butt caffine joltinator. I would like to see it called the mezzo pazzo in anticipation of the next larger size, the pazzo. BFC Brainicular Forskinus Super small giant size Liquid snot Elephantisis The ovarian cancer causer The F5 (For refresh) The Ulcerator Since starbucks has no real attachment to reason or accountability, I would vote for "palamino" Keith Chegwins back fat The Honkster Bottechelli's Nadsack ginormo Starbucks sucks. the atlantian size Megamerican Veppimongo hooj The Vendetta Vente Vici super mucho grande Taco Del Grande Excessive The Caffinator! Giante souper douper El Gordo! venter vente ZONTA Mega Mocha...with or without mocha Moltee Grandee benna calderone jacuzzi vasca Enema vrande uber gigante gigante Wall Bouncer sensa Name the new size 'zomr' in favor of the ever inspiring web culture to purposefully butcher the english language. Big Gordo merde Big Motherfucker Extra Tall Fermata The Bladderatti big A thirty sack the mondo the Über kilimanjaro the ginormous Gargunza Dinomaculate "26 oz. size" the "waste of money" wait, make it more italiano: Ginormoso mondo Death jobe (pronounced : ho-bay), mega, mega-licious, duro, desperte, sexe, "deffinitely not overcompensation" "GIVE ME MY F-IN COFFEE, you have now idea how crappy I feel right now so BACK OFF!" The Bucket. The Big, Fuckoff, Cup! fat dixie antisveltie Massive fat bukakee Bladder-buster the "take out a second mortgage"-e Pilate or Caesar titanic biggero hyper Kirstie Alley super craptastic ridonculously big biggie sized "frode" (Italian for "swindle" or "ripoff") Large Lots of bad coffee! Fuckin' Huge to big, way tooo big Big Gulp The new size of drink must be called the "fregare". BIGGEST CUP EVVVERRR! muoy vente That'll do it! Large Big cocaine substitute Buckey! costoso The Levitra Crucible Mussolini Full Monte (pronounced montay) guargantualicious holycrapletspretendtobeitalianamente. hopefully, the new size will be large enough to fit it. stomach esplosion! the poop bucket juggernaut bitch! The Deficit :) The Americano Il Gordo Un Milagro a Carafe a Giraffe :) Il Toscano the "rip-off" MEATBALL Face-blaster 9000. grosse Le Destroyer des mondes PortaPotte venti sei crazy huge jeboram douchebag megacaff Vista grande-vente twitchy for (Integer i = 1 to 10) { print "BIG DRINK!"; } fuckin huge super glup -.....--. or dash dot dot dot dot dot dash dash dot (It says "Big") cockeyed Glutton ventaga How about the whogivesaventeshite nuclear war d491538da818a2ba11a3195ba035cfd3 [MD5] f4e20b0cb8430fd3ce7d21886de2b91f18ed0d0d [SHA1] 4b33db676b1eb7c5764312117f9d2b25303627a40b8b596c959ae70eb2b75f60 [SHA-256] cef9bfeb85bcdd3a2c3628da85eea1929fd4668cf853df71220d0f39188d4ed130ff6b50581683c6a40b24d4f7ff9aca [CHA-384] a31d96b6611e54110ca1da388fe7dab8d25927cb14a8bf256451c06bdb5a5d73c24994f4fa2f1065fdcbae7e2fd895d065458d1916c6f9318e1de5726aafe43d [SHA-512] 01000010 01101001 01100111 [Binary] 42 69 67 [Hex] Qmln [Base64] 66 105 103 [DecChar] Copia superman Buste The American Dream BIG GULP the shorty forty the fad (for a limited time only) the "Über" The Aegean! The Caspian! The Baltic! Eric in Lynnwood catholic insonne (Babblefish it) The Bloat The Fatass Suburbanite !Le Absoluto! bigasse Godzilla! Riesiges Getränk- german meaning, big drink groot- dutch meaning, big бг/4Тьшг/4й- russian meaning, big gigantesco- portuguese, gigantic iVente Il Ridiculoso Massivo OMGWTFCOFFEE !!!!! The Euro-Vente Stinky Pastor Size The Bucket Grande Gulp muy muy macho Your mom. bladder buster "edge" (the final "e" is pronounced "ay" as in "grande" and "vente") Huge-Ass 'Spenzive Monster gigante gigante Ultra (BUY IT) Supreme (BUY IT) Fantastic the "Whoa" summa maxime Obnoxious Big Ass Garibaldi too fucking much coffee enorme Über! gigante Quarter pounder with beans. excessive n very vente giganto indecente Aaaaaargh it shall be named "grande tazza super spettacolare" nano Bolshoi nano fucking huge Yuppie MUCHO Starpukes - ambios GIGANTE HOW ABOUT THE BIG FUCKER ! gosh Only In America. or for short, American. enorme mondo bigger grande hot coffee squirt Godzilla grandissimo Mozalini googol A french trough hugamungo gigantor Big Gulpi el capitan!!! el capitan!!! Friggin' Huge! Gigante Sixbucks too much the "uber" el capitan!!! the biggie el gigante George Bush Hates Blak People biggest Extra Large super vente taller vente enorme extra-vente alot de pipi I'd-like-to-spend-my-whole-day-peeing-please. Heart Palpitation große too big SuperSize Spente Latte "the consumer whore" Widow Maker -- Dave E. Not Short quaranta freakin' huge the "whinie" as in, the demeanor of Starbucks employees when you attempt to order a "small," "medium," or "large" (some won't serve you until you use the starbucabulary) Giant's Thimble yeti the Garganto, the snooty fifth, the asshole, wake up homo, and new small Really Really Big Twitchy Sr. ventenormous, very vente, king vente, "Gigantesco" -Sammi E., Minneapolis MN The Epic Rosy O' Donnell morte... death by caffeine. Ginormous long The Most Holy Volume fat american size The Caffeine Fiend Tremendously Huge Big <blink>shrimpy</blink> Wumbo Caffeine-psychosis-inducer big gallon "The Fat American" Maxe mondo Vente Vente Guisarme Vente la mer the "Rosie O'Donnel" Ultra coffee trough supersize honker overwhelminge "Extra large" "Gigantesco" "Gigante" "Ritardato" "Astrodome" Maximo Enorme. It is Spanish, it means huge and it seems to fit right in with "grande" and "vente". But what do I know? "Costco" the Uber Das Coffee cost-le Really freakin' big coffee el huge-o Brave Woman Uber! Rosie O' Donnell Uber! The Oprah Winfr-e The Oprah 2001: A Starbucks Odessey A Coffee-work Orange The Adrenal-terminator money pit muchos The Stalin unnecessare WARNING - Caffiene-Induced-Seizure-size Vaccuum sucking mount. The "insane" (put an umlaut over the "a"... The "larde" The "jumbe" penis lardassissmo Tonat ass-aggrandizer sudden death trenta (30 in italien) Extreme gumbo gigante brobdingnagian buckette leviathan The Pee-Inducer. Vasto (italian for vast) the el capitan guy is a jackass. ULTRA MEGA MAXXX 9000 Large dorke gulpe coste al dente buffet brute loote boote robusto or robusta friggin' huge -super macho grande -extreme vente -vente sei I'd like to continue the Italian ounce description with "ventisei", but it'd be hard to distinguish in a noisy environment. Therefore I take a page from the chemists ("hyper" vs. "hypo" resolved using "per" for the former) and chop off the first syllable to get "tisei". r0x0r j00r s0x0rz ultimate coffee of pwnination This is more coffee than should actually be sold in one cup. whoa big morte Gluttoni enorme wtf Bolto or uhh Ginormalititus Mega Money Waster Extra Large, Since We Decided That We are Already Snobbish Enough By Not Calling The Other Sizes Small, Medium, and Large mega-grande gigantoventi <a href="http://www.daddyzero.com">daddyzero.com</a> Kirstie Alley The Merde veinte-siete well it's Starbucks so how about "Really Big Cup o' Crap" small Anna Nicole Smith way2muche the kauphi The full bladder Cthulu Size holicrappe The Tub...girl Enormi twitchy mongo Anything but "el capitan!!!". Ballot stuffing sucks. mas vente The Second Mortgage merda santa! Obeso - Italian for "obese" Obeseo - Italian for "Obese." the "fucking big one" El Gigante coffee bell grande your mama the wyoming huuuuuuuuge the christpuncher the abe vigoda the wacky wallwalker the jackie brown the herpes express spacemonster special Super Vente dooglebarker flemjallopy kantarcarus bointnoy drigiladimus JESUS T**TY F***ING CHRIST size -Eichenator the einstein the edison the henry ford the sputnik the black people Boobies Fuck Michigan irrelevantory fortissitude lamentary elgarklimbo country music Lynch all the niggers the "good-luck-finishing-it-without-pissing-yourself" the exxon juan valdez the sufjan stevens no one knows how gay i am. Super mega out-of-Control size the captain!!! Super Big Gulp "large", but pronounced to rhyme with "grande" vente seeks? the beaner "vasto" (italian for huge/enormous) "janbo" (japanese for jumbo) ~Sent by Laurie in Whittier,Ca. Humongo The Defibrulatte ginormous The 2nd Mortage Size vaginormous super-starbucks-is-fucking-expensive-and-only-pretentious-assholes-buy-coffee-from-them-size 12 minutes to waffner !Super Big Gulp! maximo great-a big-a cuppa o' crap-a giante Everest Vesusius Mondo Waytoomucho Here's my name: Toofreakinmuchlousycoffeeinahugecupte. enorme your done The Coffeeham xxxl (triple extra large) èc)norme - (Italian/French) ~ snyder.nate@gmail.com Puente groß (German, pernounced Grosse) Vagina uber-grande Merde! ridicularge Titan Grande "Tall" Vente Jr. (aka Shorty) Gargantuan Guzzle The independant coffee-shop rapist Addictèc) It not-so-subtly describes how they hang on to their customer base despite seriously inflated prices. Bladder burster obese Bravissimo! nice earrings, stacy ginormouse titanic Super Star! megrande, as in mega-grande! huge! fat-asse supreme? yeti. Rawrrrrrrr. retarded Corporate I think it should be called the "girthy". Four man bobsled. Teen Challenge. Ne pas petit. Gut Busta. Toyota Supra. Dance mix (extended play). Junk in the trunk. Mother's Worry. Beverage Bucket. Head of the glass. Flintstone's car tipper. "You keep the pail". Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy. Bloated Elvis. Mother of all cafeine, latte with a hint of cinnamon the "primo" bucketto (slightly smaller than a bucket) Ginormous Queen Ann's Revenge El Crescendo Maximo the whole pot 'o' coffee Molto Vente maximo SPORK! quarté (that last character is an "e" with an accent) bombisimo uber for fatties Fattastic! The Goat bladder buster Enormi. Sixbucks. ginourmous caffè infinitamente enorme maximo supremo grasso pants the big bastard The "Torino". Sounds big (like a bull, perhaps?), and also pays homage to the recent Olympics. The Star Jones bladder buster Giganto 'The D-Cuppa' The "Yeah, we know 8 bucks is a lot to pay for coffee, But come on... look how much your getting!" Juan Valdez's hemmorhoid The ass blaster big gulp Super colon blow unnessesare "enorme" Hot coffee for hot wives size. The Vat. The Vente-quattro-o-trenta-due. The Swig. The Honker. Fat caffeinaximus! "avido"...something like "glutton in italian" "avido"...something like "glutton" in italian...lol "molto"..."much" in italian "troppo"..."too much" in italian "Andre" (The Giant) Trenta Big. obesity enabler Montroso. the starbucks big sip The "suavemente", of course. mega american the grandest cup of all indulgente supersize fortissimo viente y sies Well, "venti" is named for the twenty ounces, so I think a 26-ounce size should be called a "sei," since it would probably cost six dollars. Since they already hyperbolized the smaller sizes with the absurdly untruthful "tall" for the small size and "grande" for the medium size, perhaps the biggest size would have to be "di cazzo enorme." Americano gigante the "munde" followed by the .... Tuesde Wednesde Thursde or Fride gigundoid ginormous starbucks corporate size asino enorme the "liter" The Bladder Buster Mondo tiny "Bucket" Craptaculous Egregio "cabron" or, "guapo" Mondo Cofe Super Big Gulp pee every 10 minutes cup The "groot" gigando Small - just to make the process that much more confusing. barril Jay Gatsby Vesuvian mondo "gordo" tall vente, then after that they can make grande vente and if that's still not big enough vente vente. immenso Monkopolis Ann Arbor, Michigan mucho gusto la gulpe grande big Friggin' Ginormous grande the "american" puni Black Mamba glutton extra-large Fucking Huge Caffeine Crippler Ass-widening dose of sugar and milk, with double caramel unnecessary trenta vivaldi nonsense stupido vivaldi vivaldi frigginhuge The Colossus large you'llneverdrinkallofthis Vente is French for "sale." The only thing better than a sale is a dollar store, so how about "mémoire du dollar." since venti = 20 in Italian, how about "trenta" (30) Americans-are-dumb Sized! that'l be $12 bucks penisola - which is Italian for peninsula [in keeping with the Italian names theme] defined as " a portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected with a larger body by an isthmus". It keeps the idea of fluid and implies the way people keep one connected to themselves at all times. Also, it begins with "penis". twopiss spende The Elevente. Big enough to give a pachyderm jitters. Europeans_Are_Pretentious_Dweebs_Who_Probably_Want_This_Size_Called_American_But_Can_Lump_It a meccha-vente gravente gigantamundo How about the Robert Waldow? the "Über drink" Kidney Busta Uberalles. Mangia Largo the excrement bomb Oops I Crapped My Pants Liver Failure the "giganto", the "bladder-buster", the "you're not going to sleep for a couple days", the "kitchen sink", the "bucket" (or to go with the italian theme, the "secchio", which means bucket) ^_^ toobigtobeheathy-e The "bucket", pronounced "bouquet" (shamelessly stolen from a BBC comedy series about a pretentious lady. Mondo Uber vente viccier Big Ass 13 dollars caffiene bucket Bono Craptacular Pule crap weasel flower pot Djibouti Fucktastic kegger the heckabig Gallon. ventisix Gordo quart-o enorgigantalus SUMO... EL BIGGIE... "RAN OUT OF STUPID ITALIAN NAMES" size fucking ridiculoous Still not worth how much you have to pay to get it... mondo The Kidney Flush! The Spike! The Java Canteen! The Deep End! No Sleep For You! The Giant's Thimble! Instant POOP Viaggio madre de dios enorme Medium big gulp a liter of cola skyscraper Riese Humongous wimsicle cup family-cup American-Style Sugar-Bomb Bomb barbell x-treme Hardcore Meshugga Vesuvius, like the volcano with so much hot lava in it that it pukes and killed Pompeii enorme Lardass Gigante Good God - Why are you drinking this?! ubercafe Bou the "epic" supremo caliente rah rah! Giga Brew NinJA!! giraffe Obnoxious Dialysis uber-venti Ahab Largesse ass master Coffee is bad for you... I want radio buttons. bibo Holy frickin' huge gigantor ginormous el gigante el capitan Bibo. From the Latin; to drink. the twohande how about... Big ass ol'? As in, I'd like a Big ass ol' mocha frappucino? venti sei extra large. damnit use regular size names. "swago" and "omicho" ha ha who am i kidding. George Pompulotas Uberrinopiouslatite Hu-Mungo Holy Crap It's Huge!! American Size Gigantissimo Ventissimo Bladder Buster Excessivo macho colonic gigantic monstrous ridiculously big jumbo supra Star Jones I am so upset they Voted off DAVID RADFORD on American Idol... ya'll should have voted for him! Bullet Oh my god, I've had tooo much caffeine! The Collossus humungo Really at this point I think all you can do is work on some version of big or extreme, so I give you..."Extremo" Fuck corporate whores. Grow your own food. If you can't, buy from local, independent businesses, who supply organic, fair-trade products. Why does it cost 29c for a bunch of bananas, when an apple grown 100mi away costs a dollar?!? Obnoxious badonkadonk wallet sucker uber Stomache Doo Doo Brown We're raping small buisnesses! Pukeasaurus Rex The Caffeine Enema Porky Crunk Juice Sabado Gigante The venti isn't big enough already? Centauri tiny wewantyourmoney size enormi xtra 50 gallon drum The Fashion Issue |
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March 5th, 2006