I get letters from herbalife distributors urging me to do something more productive with my time than expose their company history and sales techniques.  This makes me mad, but it has also made me consider all the things a person could do to make the world a better place. Some causes are more important than others, and there sure are a lot of them.

I've put them in order of what I consider to be most important to least important:

Special thanks to Jon Holen for his help tracking down websites for all of these causes.

1. Preventing the nuclear destruction of humanity  (http://www.stopthebombs.org/links/)
2. Fighting torture (http://www.stoptorture.org)
3. Fighting starvation among children (http://www.heifer.org/end_hunger/)
4. Fighting starvation among adults (http://www.thehungersite.com/)
5. Preventing murder of children (http://www.infanticide.org/
6. Fighting cancer (skin, breast, colon, lung, oral, testicular) (http://www.cancer.org
7. Fighting diabetes (http://www.diabetes.org
8. Fighting blindness (http://combatblindness.org
9. Fighting heart disease (http://www.amhrt.org
10. Fighting AIDS (http://unaids.org
11. Preventing epidemics (http://www.cdc.gov
12. Fighting suicide (http://www.afsp.org
13. Fighting violent crime (http://www.sportinsociety.org/mvp.html
14. Fighting rape/sexual abuse (http://www.safersociety.org/index.html
15. Preventing birth defects (http://www.teratology.org/
16. Fighting female genital mutilation (http://www.who.int/frh-whd/FGM/)
17. Fighting male genital mutilation (http://www.noharmm.org/muted6.htm)
18. Preventing child abuse/cruelty (http://child-abuse.com)
19. Preventing child injury from accidents (http://www.bish.tv/iscaip/
20. Providing for landmine removal (http://www.halotrust.org/)
21. Preventing stock-market manipulation (http://www.sec.gov)
22. Fighting drunk driving (http://www.centurycouncil.org/
23. Fighting racism (http://www.internationalanswer.org/
24. Fighting organized crime (http://www.undcp.org/odccp/organized_crime.html)
25. Fighting polio (http://www.polioeradication.org/
26. Fighting sickle-cell anemia (http://www.ascaa.org/
27. Fighting tuberculosis (http://www.who.int/gtb/
28. Fighting osteoporosis (http://www.fore.org
29. Fighting stroke (http://www.strokeassociation.org/
30. Fighting non-forest fires (http://www.iaff.org/
31. Fighting trauma (http://home.ezonline.net/~atspa/
32. Preventing non-violent crime (http://www.surreycrime.bc.ca/
33. Fighting pollution (http://www.cleanairprogress.org/
34. Promoting equal rights for women (http://now.org/
35. Fighting Lou Gehrig's disease (www.cwfo.org
36. Fighting Parkinson's disease (http://www.parkinson.org/
37. Preventing fatal accidents (http://safetylit.org/
38. Converting everyone to your religion / belief system (http://www.8ung.at/pledgealliance/howto.htm
39. Preventing smoking (http://www.quitnet.com
40. Preventing injury (http://depts.washington.edu/hiprc/
41. Fighting alcoholism (http://www.aa.org/
42. Fighting eating disorders (http://www.eatingdisordersprogram.com/link2.cfm)
43. Fighting hemochromatosis (http://www.americanhs.org/
44. Fighting animal vivisection (http://www.nzavs.org.nz/
45. Fighting animal cruelty (http://www.ddfl.org/index.htm) and zillions of others 
46. Keeping kids in school (http://www.networkforgood.org/topics/education/inschool/
47. Fighting tooth decay/promoting oral hygiene (http://www.ada.org
48. Protecting really cute endangered species (http://www.tesf.org
49. Protecting the human rights of prisoners 
50. Protecting not-so-cute endangered species (http://www.worldwildlife.org/oceans/oceans.cfm
51. Fighting forest fires (http://www.smokeybear.com/
52. Preventing homelessness (http://www.welfareinfo.org/preventinghomelessnessresource.htm
53. Fighting wildlife damage (http://wildlifedamage.unl.edu/
54. Making life more tolerable for underprivileged youth (http://bgca.com/
55. Fighting insurance fraud (http://www.insurancefraud.org/
56. Preventing tobacco induced diseases (http://members.aol.com/ptidsociety/home/
57. Fighting herbalife (http://www.vandruff.com/mlm.html)
58. Fighting head lice (http://www.headliceinfo.com
59. Fighting poaching (http://www.clede.com/Articles/Police/poaching.htm
60. Providing equal access to people with disabilities (http://www.rnib.org.uk/campaign/drc.htm
61. Fighting prostitution (http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/idnp/
62. Promoting adult literacy (http://www.reading.org/
63. Fostering better relationships between parents and children (http://www.ispcc.ie
64. "Freeing" Tibet (http://www.savetibet.org; http://www.freetibet.org)
65. Swaying kids from drug-dependent lifestyles (http://ehrweb.aaas.org/~sbf/5g.htm)
66. Prevention of solvent and volatile substance abuse (http://www.re-solv.org
67. Providing eyeglasses to people with poor vision (http://www.lenscrafters.com/gos.html
68. Fighting telemarketing (http://www.dianamey.com/
69. Prevention and mitigation of natural hazards (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/hazard/resource/soc/prof_haz.html
70. Fighting handicap parking space abuse (http://www.ci.portage.in.us/police/handicap_parking.htm)
71. Fighting unsolicited email (http://www.moneychimp.com/features/spam.htm
72. Fighting farmed Atlantic Salmon in the Pacific (http://www.raincoastresearch.org/salmon-farming.htm
73. Promoting electric cars (http://www.nrel.gov
74. Preventing wild animal attacks (http://www.dailystarnews.com/magazine/2002/09/03/health.htm
75. Preventing dog bites (http://www.hsus.org/ace/11858
76. Preventing cargo theft (http://www.asisonline.org/
77. Preventing accidental sharps injuries (http://www.isips.org/
78. Fighting drug-related recreation (http://www.drugsalvage.org/) _interesting that this is a scientology site_)
79. Fighting leaf-blowers(http://www.nonoise.org/quietnet/cqs/leafblow.htm#conseq)
80. Preventing machinery failure (http://www.mfpt.org
81. Making life more tolerable for chemically sensitive people (http://www.communitiesbychoice.org/)
82. Protecting kids from exposure to bad language (http://www.cep.org/index.html)

I hope that reading this long list doesn't discourage anyone...it is supposed to be inspiring. If you think of any others that belong on this list, or if you know of a television show that is even less valuable than Blind Date, please drop me a note.

Joke causes:

Society for the Prevention of Stuffed Animal Abuse
The Australian Society for the prevention of cruelty to Jewel
Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Cyber Creatures
Society for the Prevention of Idiocy 
The Society for the Prevention of Plate Tectonics
Prevention of Cruelty to Robots
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Pumpkins
Society for the Prevention of Society
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Lotor 
Society for the Prevention of Abuse toward Zeppo Marx
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Pantomime Horse
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Teddy Bears
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To People  (ok, not exactly a joke)
Society for the Prevention of Gates Getting Everything
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vegetables


Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness Lectures
Society for the Prevention of Crime Records

And finally:

Fight for your right to party (http://www.gettingit.com/article/570)

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Last updated
December 8th, 2002
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