That\'s weird, but if you are signed in at home, she can just read your old chats in google mail. They are all archived.
Nanite Thursday 28th of January 2010 12:31 am
 Johnny 5 Alive
You should sign out when you\'re done. Bad internet habits.
You can sign gmail out remotely if you\'re signed in elsewhere. There\'s a link at the bottom showing how many other ip
addresses your account is logged in at.
Johnny 5 Thursday 28th of January 2010 1:51 am
The same thing happens with Facebook chat.
Crow T. Robot Thursday 28th of January 2010 2:40 am
Ouch!! This is dangerous!! Even if you\'re not busy with \'secret chats\' - the spouse might \'always\' interpret it
negatively.. Shoot
What a fright!?
T-X Thursday 28th of January 2010 3:03 am
if you are ever logged in to google chat and gmail at the same time a window opens in both, so this isn\'t too
Robby the Robot Thursday 28th of January 2010 4:04 am
In my experience with this, you don\'t see the whole chat broadcast. Just the first message (or so). Once you start
chatting somewhere else, it should stop. The chat log is still there though.
Iron Giant Thursday 28th of January 2010 5:27 am
Towards the bottom of the page there is a line that says:
Last account activity: 11 hours ago at IP (your ip) . Details
Optimus Prime Thursday 28th of January 2010 5:32 am
I think it striped out the rest because it thought I was putting in a script tag when I was trying to put an arrow in.
Details is a link If you click the link it will pop open a window that has a button to sign out of all other sessions
but the one you are on. Just don\\\'t tell your wife about this so she does not sign you out.
Optimus Prime Thursday 28th of January 2010 5:34 am
it\'s a feature, not a bug. it\'s one of the real conveniences of hosting a service like this \'in the cloud\', but it
can be a serious problem if even one of the computers is insecure.
MSN has started doing the same thing as of recent revisions, as it\'s probably the only sensible way to manage
simultaneous login. I love using google talk like this, it lets me swap from work to mobile to home seamlessly and
instantly, without losing the thread of conversation.
C3PO Thursday 28th of January 2010 6:19 am
You should secure your computers. Even if you aren\'t worried about anything your spouse might see. Set up separate
accounts, or at least set it up so that your computer locks when the screensaver activates. We had our house cleaners
come yesterday, and last night when I unlocked my login, I noticed that one of them must have been charging her iPod on
my computer. iTunes was open with a message about how the attached iPod was synced with a different computer.
Teddy Ruxpin Thursday 28th of January 2010 8:46 am

I like grape soda!
VICI Thursday 28th of January 2010 9:07 am
I bet nobody else has this avatar. :)
But yes, in my experience, Gmail stops broadcasting the chat to the window if you answer elsewhere; I\'m signed in via
Adium, and whenever I answer from there, Gmail stops showing me what the other person is typing.
AIM, however... just keeps showing the other person\'s responses no matter where you are, if you\'re logged in multiple
Thursday 28th of January 2010 9:46 am
 James Cameron
This is how we found John Conner!
T-1000 Thursday 28th of January 2010 10:59 am
Same thing happens with Skype Chat.
K9 Thursday 28th of January 2010 12:33 pm
I find that If I have I google and Gmail open in spearate windows then a chat bow will pop up on each...
Optimus Prime Thursday 28th of January 2010 2:35 pm

there\'s gotta be a classier way of saying, \"oops, the window is still open\" other than \"I seeeee you\"
Wall-E Thursday 28th of January 2010 3:04 pm
Same thing happens in AIM. I was chatting with my mother-in-law one time about my flight to India. She was using my
nephew\'s AIM account because he left it open at her house. Next thing I know, I\'m getting all these bad comments
about how the airplane must have been overwhelming with the smell of curry and other strange comments. The newphew
logged in at home and he was chatting with me too. The weird thing was that I saw both of their chats but they only saw
their own and mine.
Maximillian Thursday 28th of January 2010 5:22 pm
Facebook chat acts almost the same.
Maximillian Thursday 28th of January 2010 9:13 pm
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Aibo Friday 29th of January 2010 5:07 pm
 Dalek Gamma
Dalek Friday 29th of January 2010 8:15 pm
Someone else has mentioned that MSN does this as well, but it notifies you that you\'re signed in at more than one
location and that the conversation is visible on both computers. You can probably turn that notification on but I keep
it around as a reminder.
R2D2 Sunday 31st of January 2010 6:47 am
I think both \"me\" chats were really Rob. In fact, I think this whole, married with children thing is just an elaborate
Cockeyed.com prank (\"the Unsolicited Commercial Love Story\", anyone?). Admit it, there is no Stacy. The photos we\'ve
seen are just some clip art model.
Cylon Sunday 31st of January 2010 12:49 pm
Mr. Roboto Sunday 31st of January 2010 8:17 pm
 danny boy
I actually use this quite a bit, as I can be signed in on my laptop and the desktop I use for video at the same time.
Just make sure you log out when you\'re done.
Tom Servo Monday 01st of February 2010 8:59 pm
Skype does that too.
Nanite Tuesday 02nd of February 2010 9:53 am
 Wall-E silly
Wall-E Thursday 04th of February 2010 8:33 pm
That\'s unfortunately the way Jabber usually works and they built Google Talk on top of that. It was supposed to be a
wonderful feature in a brand new world of people knowing what was going on behind the curtains.
Anyway MSN official clients does it too, now. But can inform you that it is happening, at least.
Starscream Friday 05th of February 2010 2:16 pm
Iron Giant Friday 05th of February 2010 3:03 pm
That\'s weird, because when I use my Gmail account from my sister\'s house, I have to sign in to Gmail when I never
logged out at home. I don\'t have my computer on, though. When I get home, I have to log in again to see my Gmail.
I don\'t keep myself logged into chat, though. I don\'t use chat all that much so maybe that makes it different?
Dalek Saturday 06th of February 2010 7:23 am
At the bottom of your gmail page it will tell you at what other ip addresses your account is signed in and you can sign
out of them remotely.
C3PO Saturday 06th of February 2010 9:39 am

I believe I have found the source of the Google anomaly. You did not click the link to sign out of your session at
Data Thursday 11th of February 2010 8:10 am

that is really creepy
Aibo Wednesday 17th of February 2010 11:44 am
HXIuE4 qdiozgbptwim, [url=http://fumkcgbgvsic.com/]fumkcgbgvsic[/url],
[link=http://anpfwzkbjtxj.com/]anpfwzkbjtxj[/link], http://nptrwzyjcfhj.com/
Lore Thursday 25th of February 2010 6:51 pm
I found this out when I was at my boyfriend\'s house one day while he was at work. I kept hearing the google chat
sound, but I knew it wasn\'t coming from my laptop. I finally figured out it was coming from his desktop in his office.
C3PO Friday 26th of February 2010 9:45 pm
The incoming chat request is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!
Roomba Saturday 27th of February 2010 10:19 am