The HOW TO Guides

The internet is a dandy place for HOW TO guides. Guides that tell you how to make or repair things have been published in books and magazines forever, and they are a staple of weekday television programming. But the internet is probably a better medium for these guides. "How to" books are limited by the high cost of printing color and photographs. Auto repair books are notorious for having one or no photos of complex operations. "How-to" television shows are great for fostering ideas, but difficult to actually work from. Just copying the ingredients in a recipe from a television show is a challenge.

Below are the HOW TO guides I've written for I've tried to include an absurdly high number of reference photos. I hope you enjoy them!

Using the Hell out of your Digital Camera.

10 camera tips not really related to photography.

A lot of the other "Incredible Stuff I made" stories are written a lot like a HOW TO guide too, not that you would ever want to build a pack of matchstick cats, but you might learn something from reading it.

Refilling an Ink Cartridge is a science club episode, but it has some good tips.

Easy, Illustrated Instructions on How to erase someone out of your photo.

Easy, Illustrated Instructions on How to Fight a Speeding Ticket in court