Walmart vs Target: 2013 Price Comparison
page 1 | page 2 | page 3 33" television
I wrote down 33-inch, but the industry standard was actually 32", so I went with that instead.
Target had a 32" LED tv which looked like it was on sale, marked down to $229.99. Writing down that price, it looked unbeatable.

However, once I got to Walmart, I was surprised to find a similar television selling for just $228.

5 lbs. weights, Mens
Do you know what the difference is between Men's barbell weights and Women's barbell weights? The color.
Target had 5 lbs. weights in the color green for $6.79. Walmart had them for $6.47.

Can wash soap
Target had a 64 ounce jug of Armor All car wash on "temporary price cut" for $3.60. Walmart beat that price with a smaller jug, 20 oz. for $1.97.

Target's price was less per ounce, 5¢ instead of 10¢, but you would need to invest $3.60 and buy a whole year's worth of car soap for the lowest price option at Target.

Walmart also had a 64 ounce jug of Meguiars car wash for $3.97.

Flash Drive (Thumb drive) 8 Gig
Target had an 8 gig memory stick for $13.99. Walmart's memory stick wall was a little sparse, but their 8 gig drives were $9.97.

Kids Shoes (Size 10)
When I found a pair of size 10 kids shoes on clearance for just $8.48, I was sure Target would win this comparison. For the third time in this comparison, I was wrong. Walmart had kids size 10 shoes for $5!.

Monopoly Game
Due to a popular news story that Monopoly would be retiring one of their game icons, I wasn't surprised to find that Target was completely sold out of Monopoly games. The shelf price was $11.99. Walmart had them in stock, selling for just $8.97! Walmart win!

Walmart Wins
Flour - $1.37/$0.94 (Save 43¢ at Walmart)
Tomato sauce - 39¢/33¢ (save 6¢ at Walmart)
Baseball hat: $9.99/$5.00 (save $4.99 at Walmart)
32" television: $229.99/$228 (save $1.99 at Walmart)
5 lbs weights: $6.79/$6.47 (save 32¢ at Walmart)
Sponges 2/99¢, 2/98¢ (save 1¢ at Walmart)
8 gig flash drive $13.99, $9.97 (save $4.02 at Walmart)
12 rolls paper towels Target: $12.99, 10.82 (save $2.17 at Walmart)
Tide $11.99, $11.97 (save 2¢ at Walmart)
Kids shoes: $8.48, $5.00 (save $3.48 at Walmart)
Hairbrush: $2.50, $1.00 (save $1.50 at Walmart)
Monopoly Game: $11.99, $8.97 (save $3.02 at Walmart)
Target Wins
Frozen corn: 92¢/98¢ (save 6¢ at Target)
Honey Nut Cheerios $2.69/$2.84 (save 15¢ at Target)
Toy gun: $4.99/$5.00 (save 1¢ at Target)
20 watt fluorescent: $7.49/8.88 (save $1.39 at Target)
Thrown out
Frozen chicken breast filets strips - Not available at Walmart
Suntan lotion - price difference attributable to quantity discount
Car wash - price difference attributable to quantity discount
Pepper - price difference attributable to quantity discount
Target Total: $327.54
Walmart Total: $307.15
In 2013, Walmart has lower prices than Target. For the last 5 years my opinion of Target has been that their prices were extremely close to Walmarts', but that opinion looks outdated, if not completely eclipsed with new information. Walmart beat Target's price on almost every "cheapest" version of these items, and even items on sale or clearance at Target could be beat at Walmart.
Buying these items at Walmart rather than at Target would save $20.39 (6%).
Target is an attractive, pleasant place to shop, but if saving money is the most important factor, Walmart is probably the best option.
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