1. Return of the Compliment Exchange
  2. Instant Modelling Gig
  3. The Compliment Exchange
  4. Instigating a Standing Ovation at the Furious Seven Premiere
  5. The Rocky Challenge
  6. My Foray into Suspicious Acts of Charity
  7. Black Actors
  8. 1,000 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Problems
  9. I went to see Dark Knight Rises with my brother last night
  10. Stuff my Smartphone Replaced
  11. Pitbulls Defending House
  12. Matt Mira Breakup
  13. Cloned Toppings
  14. The Doctor on the Airplane
  15. Electric Car Swap!
  16. Telegram from the future
  17. Trading to See Wicked
  18. When Your Company Loses a Contract
  19. On the Job Hunt
  20. Our Daughter Gave $2 to the Homeless
  21. That Blurred Out Image
  22. A Song Stopped the Aa A Short Story Using All the Valid Two-Letter Words in Words With Friends
  23. Interview
  24. What Inane thing did your Husband Buy?
  25. A Silent Version
  26. Reupholstery Photos From Cloth to Leather in the Honda Pilot
  27. What is the Actual Clearance?
  28. Where did you find your keys?
  29. Mailbag: How Much is a Trip to Europe?
  30. Buying the Invisible Car
  31. Roundup Herbicide Photographs
  32. Mischief Maker's Manual : A Review
  33. My Illustrated World of Warcraft Diary
  34. Tom ran the Boston Marathon!
  35. I stepped on a nail
  36. The Internet Excuse Database
  37. Mustang crash on Watt Avenue
  38. What scared you as a child?
  39. Replacing mercury amalgam dental fillings
  40. Introducing the real baby Ferris
  41. Hooray! The New Baby has Arrived!
  42. Rats! I crashed my car!
  43. A boy! Baby due November 21st!

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I went to see Dark Knight Rises with my brother last night. What a surreal, visceral experience. It was something I'll never experience again.

Opening night, 18 hours after a mass murder. We were in an identical theatre, 1,100 miles away. We were there to watch the same movie. The same previews, with a similar crowd of people. Everyone had the same thing on their minds. People died like this. Just like this. Today.

We arrived a half-hour early and got good seats. We were perhaps the 30th and 31st people there.

There was no line outside. I didn't even expect that the theatre would sell out.

People shuffled in. Mike and I avoided speaking about the tragedy. I mentioned to Mike that the trailer for "Gangster Squad" had been pulled from the front of Batman by Warner Brothers, but when the Previews started, there it was, including the scene where gangsters shoot through the screen of a movie theatre into the screaming audience. I guess someone hadn't gotten the message.

There were previews for violent action movies. Gangster Squad. The Watch. Django Unchained. The Bourne Legacy. Each seemed to feature explosions, or machine guns spraying into crowds. Even the comedy "The Watch" features a scene where the heros stuff 10 superfluous bullets into an alien corpse.

Are these big-screen bloodbaths affecting the people who watch them? Would I have even noticed this last week?

After the previews, The movie started.

I knew that the killer in Aurora had started his assualt 15 minutes into the movie. I think everyone in our theatre knew it. I wasn't going to check the time though. My only timepiece is my iphone, and I'm too polite to activate the screen in the middle of a movie. Additionally, I didn't want any other patrons to think that I was paying too much attention to the time.

At about 10 minutes in, a huge usher walked down the aisle with a red-coned flashlight wand. He walked to the Exit door next to the screen. Everyone's eyes were on this guy. What the hell?

He was checking that the exit was still latched. I'm not saying that it was a terrible idea to check the door, but there must have been a way to do that without paralysing the audience.

Satisfied, the usher walked back up to the top of the stairs and left the room.

The movie continued.

The Dark Knight Rises is a violent film. People get shot and hung and stabbed. Tons of people die. At one point a villianous woman drives a tank through a crowd, telling her gunner to "kill them all".

There were some unrealistic scenarios in this movie, but never before was an movie experience so affecting, engaging, real.

This movie is tied up with death. Real death, and real murder.

It is horrifying.

  Stuff my Smartphone Replaced Pitbulls Defending House Matt Mira Breakup Cloned Toppings The Doctor on the Airplane Electric Car Swap! Telegram from the future | Trading for a Ticket to See Wicked | When Your Company Loses the Contract | On the Job Hunt | Our Daughter Gave Two Dollars to the Homeless | That Blurred Out Image | A Song Stopped the Aa - A Short Story Using All the Valid Two-Letter Words in Words With Friends. | Interview. | What Inane thing did your Husband Buy? | A Silent Version | Reupholstery Photos Before and After - From Cloth to Leather in the Honda Pilot. | What is the Actual Clearance? | Where did you find your keys?. | Mailbag: How Much is a Trip to Europe? | Buying the Invisible Car | Roundup Herbicide Before and After Photographs | Sir John Hargrave's Mischief Maker's Manual : A Review. | My Illustrated World of Warcraft Diary. | Tom's story about running the Boston Marathon! | I stepped on a nail. | The Internet Excuse Database. | Mustang crash on Watt Avenue. | What scared you as a child? | Replacing mercury amalgam dental fillings with Composites. | Introducing the real baby Ferris | Hooray! The New Baby has Arrived! | Rats! I crashed my car! | A boy! Baby due November 21st!. | |
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