Roundup Herbicide Before and After Photographs

Recently, in an attempt to clear all of the weeds out of a patch of rocks, I enlisted the aid of Roundup chemical herbicide.

Everyone uses this stuff.

This huge bottle was $14. I think it held one gallon.


I don't know how long these pull-and-shoot pressure guns have been in widespread use, but I love them. They are much, much better than pump-spray bottles.

I was thinking about writing an article about these awesome these new spray guns, so I took a few pictures while I sprayed the weeds.

Once the weeds and grass started dying, I thought it might be fun to snap some "after" photos to go along with the first set.

BEFORE (May 17)

AFTER (Three weeks later on June 7)

Roundup Herbicide is pretty nice because it only kills small plants that it actually touches. Weeks later, I could see exactly which plants I hadn't sprayed.


AFTER (three weeks later)


AFTER (three weeks later)


The bright sunlight probably obscured some plants in this photo.

AFTER (three weeks later)




I hope you enjoyed this collection of Roundup weed killer before and after photos. Roundup works really well, the only problem is that now I need a spray-on dead weed remover.



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June 17, 2009  

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