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  7. Maker Faire, Bay Area 2013
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  13. 2009 Maker Faire
  14. 2008 Maker Faire
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Maker Faire 2013

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Maker Faire started in San Mateo eight years ago. I try to go every year. This weekend, the Maker's Faire was really hitting on all cylinders! Bravo!

I brought my kids on Saturday. One of the main parking lots was already full at 11 am, but we joined some other rogues and found a spot in this unattended dirt lot. The Maker crowd is exceptionally good at making parking spots!

The tickets were more expensive this year, $35 for adults, $20 for youth. That's three times as much as the California State Fair, a fourth of the price of Disneyland.

Inside the gates, early in the day. Most people were applying sunscreen.

Stilt walkers and fire sculpture in the west lot, welcoming the incoming crowds.

Along the north side of the fair. The elusive picnic tables were here.

Outside the Exploratorium's display. An air-blower coupled with a traffic cone kept a beach ball aloft, even at a sharp angle.

The Ciencia Publica Skateboarding display was really cool!

They had a display showing many aspects of skateboarding physics. Here a girl oscillated a ball to get a skateboard wheel to zip around inside.

Please Read Part Two of Maker Faire 2013 >

Maker Faire Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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