Maker Faire 2008

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2008 was the third year for the Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA. The event was huge! It seemed like twice as many people showed up this year as had shown up the previous year, and the automobile traffic & admissions machine wasn't quite ready for this level of success.

Waiting to buy tickets at the front gate.

We were suprised to hear that we wouldn't be allowed to bring our food inside. I've heard this rule in force at movie theatres, but never expected it to apply to an entire fairgrounds.

I guess it isn't the sandwich maker faire.


Getting through the gates was an ordeal, but once we were in, there was a ton of stuff to see and do, so we relaxed almost immediately.

This gentleman was piloting

his hang glider-mobile.

By 11am, these avenues were packed with visitors


Stacy picks a favorite cupcake kart.

Wow! These things looked like fun, especially because there were a dozen of them, carting around like iced shriners.


Inside a cupcake, with driver entering.


The fair had a good mix of inside & outside displays. Our first trip inside brought us to this magic ball rolling in a sandbox.


This display of Maltese Falcon sculptures had a display card, but with no mention of who the sculptor is.

It has been a long time (if ever) since I found myself sculpting or casting something five times, just to satisfy my own quest for perfection.


Maltese Falcon Progression

Here is the progression of my development of my own Maltese Falcon. On the far left is the first piece of crap i bought on Ebay seven years ago. Second is my sculpt in Super Sculpty. It looks rough because it got trashed being pulled from the first silicone mold. Third is the first casting from that mold, with all the crimes and bubbles clearly visible. I was very unhappy with this casting. Fourth is my cleaned up version of casting number three. About 30 coats of a laquer primer and lots of sandpaper and love was applied to this. Fifth and final (so far) is my patinaed and polished bronze bird. It weighs in at 27 lbs. or so, and is still far from perfect, though I love it.

Please continue reading page 2 of the 2008 Maker Faire.

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May 10th, 2008.  

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