Maker Faire 2008

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The 14-man Busycle Cycle-powered bus.


The Maker Faire seems to have begun to attract a slightly more culturally diverse crowd.

Mechanical Hamster Balls on one of the exhibition lawns


The lego Jeep was a hit with the kids.

In this photo you can see a little boy sneaking inside.


The hood of the lego Jeep.


Here is a fort made out of cardboard boxes and plastic to-go salad clamshells.


Our view of the giant mousetrap game. It featured an actual cast iron bathtub and bowling balls for the balls.


Arrive at least 15 minutes late for the mousetrap show. The actual event is preceeded with more filler than the Superbowl.

Please continue reading page 7 of the 2008 Maker Faire.

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May 10th, 2008.  

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