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Disaster Casualties Visualization Tool: Mountain Meadows massacre: 1857

120 Dead Men and Women

The Mountain Meadows massacre was a series of attacks on an emigrant wagon train by Mormons in southern Utah, 1857.

This was a person. He  got a terrible haircut a few days ago and shaved  his  head to escape from it. This was a person. He  was training to run a marathon. This was a person. He always had a clean car. He wore Spandex. This was a person. She had just paid a crapload of money to get    teeth fixed. This was a person. She had crazy hair colors. She was a scout leader.  This was a person. She has four overdue books.  This was a person. He had a podcast. This was a person. He always brought reusable bags into the store. He ate the food at convenience stores. This was a person. She abused cars. She couldn't stand having the air-conditioner blow on   herself . This was a person. She always brought reusable bags into the store. She had crazy hair colors. This was a person. He threw a lot of parties. This was a person. She loved nachos. This was a person. He had braces on  his  teeth. This was a person. He  only ever had sex with one person. This was a person. He always brought lunch. This was a person. She made  her  own beer and was kind of stingy with it. She could fall asleep anywhere. This was a person. She once robbed a bank. This was a person. She snored. She always had a clean car. This was a person. He talked during movies. This was a person. He had crazy hair colors. This was a person. He loved oreos. This was a person. He ate the food at convenience stores. This was a person. He  was sleeping with  his  ex. He  went to church. This was a person. He never ate breakfast. He loved nachos. This was a person. He kept to himself mostly This was a person. He sang. This was a person. He could play trumpet. He was polite to telemarketers. This was a person. She had tropical fish. This was a person. He was gluten intolerant. This was a person. She picked up litter.  This was a person. She always brought lunch. This was a person. She has a suit at the cleaners. This was a person. He chewed nicotine gum. This was a person. He was an expert barbecuer. This was a person. He had long fingernails. This was a person. She  went to church. She just had  her car stereo repaired. This was a person. He made  his  own beer and was kind of stingy with it. This was a person. She loved wine. This was a person. He  was a pharmacist. He just had  his car stereo repaired. This was a person. He had a gun. This was a person. She played World of Warcraft This was a person. She always had a clean car. This was a person. He had a twin. This was a person. She always had gum. This was a person. She  finished reading all of the works of Homer. This was a person. She  finished reading all of the works of Homer. This was a person. He  was a poet. This was a person. He had an awesome home theatre. This was a person. He  was learning to speak French. This was a person. She could juggle. This was a person. He played piano. This was a person. She could play cricket. This was a person. She  was learning to speak French. She  was playing nine games of Words with Friends on  her  phone. This was a person. She was an expert barbecuer. This was a person. He loved Elvis. This was a person. He smoked pot at music festivals. This was a person. She was homophobic. She ate a lot of fish. This was a person. He was an awful driver. This was a person. He made  his  own beer and was kind of stingy with it. This was a person. She wore Spandex. She loved fine dining. This was a person. She loved cigarettes. She was a hoarder. This was a person. He threw a lot of parties. He was gluten intolerant. This was a person. She had long fingernails. This was a person. He  could always get tickets. This was a person. She wore a lot of hats.  This was a person. She loved Elvis. This was a person. She  was a poet. She made  her  own beer and was kind of stingy with it. This was a person. She loved Elvis. This was a person. She took careful notes after every meal. This was a person. She  was a plumber. She loved James Bond movies. This was a person. She couldn't grow a mustache. This was a person. She smoked pot at music festivals. This was a person. She spent a lot of time with old people. This was a person. He was an expert barbecuer. This was a person. She never raised  hervoice. This was a person. She chewed nicotine gum. This was a person. He  could always get tickets. This was a person. He ate a lot of hot dogs. This was a person. She took careful notes after every meal. She was a secret Buddahist. This was a person. He threw a lot of parties. This was a person. She always had gum. This was a person. She occasionally shop lifted. She rode motorcycles. This was a person. He had just paid a crapload of money to get    teeth fixed. He couldn't swim. This was a person. He talked during movies. This was a person. He loved chocolate. This was a person. She constantly wore sunglasses. This was a person. She had bonsai trees. She was polite to telemarketers. This was a person. He had a twin. This was a person. She wore bow ties. This was a person. He was a Mac evangelist. This was a person. She  was awaiting judgement for a DUI last month. She  was a DJ. This was a person. She had a baby boy. This was a person. She  was playing nine games of Words with Friends on  her  phone. She was an awful driver. This was a person. He had a bunch of tattoos. This was a person. She was cockeyed. This was a person. He was gluten intolerant. This was a person. She threw a lot of parties. She was allergic to peanuts. This was a person. He loved nachos. This was a person. He could juggle. This was a person. She was thrifty. This was a person. He loved wine. This was a person. He taught guitar. This was a person. He  did open mike. This was a person. He took careful notes after every meal. He taught guitar. This was a person. He was afraid of the water. This was a person. She never carried cash. This was a person. She  was a drunk. This was a person. He was living with his sister. He  was afraid of flying. This was a person. She could fall asleep anywhere. She ate a lot of fish. This was a person. He was an expert barbecuer. This was a person. She ate a lot of fish. This was a person. He  went to church. This was a person. He loved to fish. This was a person. She had a sexy phone voice. This was a person. He could play banjo. This was a person. She was rough and tumble. She had just paid a crapload of money to get    teeth fixed. This was a person. She excelled at woodworking. This was a person. She wrote for the newspaper. This was a person. He played World of Warcraft This was a person. She was afraid of the water. She was a cat person.

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Mouse-over body descriptions are randomly generated, intended to inject humanity into the raw number of dead. It cannot accurately represent the actual people who died in the tragedy.

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