Why Herbalife Doesn't Work - Work from Home Overload page 3
Introduction | Work from Home page 1 2 3 | Small Business | Trying Anything to Sell page 1 2 | Universal Distributor Saturation | Active Ingredient? | Summary
All of these signs were promoting the products of one corporation, but they were being constructed and posted by regular people in my community, trying to make a buck.I knew deep inside that the people I was really after were the people that run the Herbalife Corporation itself. They had, through their actions or inaction, created a chain of events that created a rag-tag marketing steamroller. This "Work from Home" steamroller continuously plasters my town with cheap promotional signs.
My solution in the past had been to tear down the signs, but I began to realize that wasn't a solution at all. I needed to do something else.

I didn't know how to proceed.
My mind was a like a blender for two days, whirring with guerrilla tactics and diplomatic approaches. Could I stop an entire corporation? Would they file a lawsuit against me? Did they make big donations to local politicians? Does anyone else care about this enough to join me? What if I just made new signs that said "herbalife" with an arrow pointing to the other signs, could I get other people involved?
There are laws against these signs in West Sacramento (link) and in the City of Sacramento (link), but the Herbalife Corporation can't exactly be held responsible for what their "independent distributors" do, can they? They seem to be shielded by a layer of independence and artful camouflage.

I could feel myself losing steam. I didn't know how to focus my energy, and it was all getting wasted tracking down Herbalife websites. The incredible maze of the whole operation astounded me. The Herbalife name was so hidden, it was ridiculous!
At some point, I remembered that old commercial from 1971 with the crying Indian. I looked him up on Google and found, not only his photo, but a quick-time copy of the commercial! This was just the kind of motivation I needed.
The first step is to link Herbalife with these signs in the minds of as many people as possible. My best connection to people is my website, so if you could please send this web address to a friend, I would appreciate it.... particularly if that friend runs CNN.com.
Of course, most big-time community leaders that might be able to steer Herbalife into a change don't spend much time surfing the web, so I am also working on a letter-writing campaign to raise awareness.
I organized the 65 or so sign photos I had taken so far and arranged them onto a single sheet. I added some text, "on telephone poles, mailboxes and newsstands, they litter the landscape. Can you believe they are all from one company?". I asked my sister to help me compose a letter to mayor Fargo and the next day I sent off my first envelope of anti-marketing material.

I would also like to discourage new potential Herbalife customers from getting involved with this company.
From what I have learned so far, it is very, very difficult to profit as an Herbalife distributor.

Please Read Part 2 of Why Herbalife Doesn't Work - Small Business >
Introduction | Work from Home page 1 2 3 | Small Business | Trying Anything to Sell page 1 2 | Universal Distributor Saturation | Active Ingredient? | Summary
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