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intro and map, attractions, agilisaurus, albertosaurus, allosaurus, ankylosaurus, apatosaurus, baryonyx, ceratosaurus, cleolephysis, deinonychus, dilophosaurus, dromaeosaurus, edmontosaurus, herrerasaurus, kosmoceratops, olorotitan, ouranosaurus, pachycephalosaur, parasaurolophus, spinosaurus, stegosaurus, theocondontosaurus, triceratops, troodon, tyrannosaurus, velociraptor,

IThe spinosaurus was large, bony dinosaur, with a crest on his head and back.


I loved this display. The dead fish told a story in the scene, although it is just sitting on a bare concrete floor.

intro and map, attractions, agilisaurus, albertosaurus, allosaurus, ankylosaurus, apatosaurus, baryonyx, ceratosaurus, cleolephysis, deinonychus, dilophosaurus, dromaeosaurus, edmontosaurus, herrerasaurus, kosmoceratops, olorotitan, ouranosaurus, pachycephalosaur, parasaurolophus, spinosaurus, stegosaurus, theocondontosaurus, triceratops, troodon, tyrannosaurus, velociraptor,

Disneyland Menus | Charge your Phone in Disneyland | Charge your Phone in California Adventure | Disneyland in the Rain | Yosemite | Disneyland Park Hopper | Cheap Family Trip to Disneyland | Jurassic Quest | Sacramento Reptile Show | Maker Faire, Bay Area 2013 | Disneyland 2013 | Disneyland | MP3 Experiment | 2010 ROFLcon | 2010 SXSW | 2009 Maker Faire | 2008 Maker Faire | Wine & Chocolate | 2007 Maker Faire | Maker Faire | Superbowl XLI | Minneapolis | Burning Man | Bulgaria & Turkey | New York & Washington | New Orleans | Foo Fighters | Sacramento | Costa Rica | Europe |
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