Halloween is around the corner, and this year it is on a Saturday. For the last 6 years I've been taking my costumes to the Zone Ball in Sacramento, a huge event which pulls in thousands of people from all over Northern California. You are invited. In a crazy-big costume, it is an awesome experience. People mob up to get their picture taken with me, and I enjoy 4 hours of micro-celebrity status. The climax of the night is the costume contest at midnight. I'm always in the running, and the whole thing is judged by audience applause. Top prize is $2,500, second place gets $1,000 and $500 for third. Here is my record: 2004: Doctor Octopus Costume - didn't place
I've won one time, in 2005 with the Fandango paper bag costume. In no other year have I placed in the top three. |
So what was different in 2005? A superior costume? Weak competition? Maybe, but I don't think so. I think the real determining factor is this: Friends in the audience. I usually go by myself, but in 2005 I had one friend in the audience, Ken Erstad, cheering his brains out and rallying the audience to the Fandango cause. You see, most of the people in the audience don't have a stake in the contest. They are there to enjoy themselves, foremost, and they sure aren't going to wake up regretting their choices. The people on stage, they are all on the cusp of winning $2,500! This year I'm inviting some more friends. Everyone. If you are in Sacramento or near Sacramento this halloween, over 21, and have a desire to experience the biggest and best costume party in Northern Calfornia, I invite you to attend the Exotic Zone Ball, Halloween night, Saturday, October 31st.
Tickets are $34 in advance, a little more at the gate. The advantage of going to a big not-free event like this is that thousands of people will see your Doctor Horrible costume, and you will get to see theirs. The radio station 100.5 in Sacramento, promotes it like it is super sexy exotic event, but technically nudity is forbidden. Sorry Doctor Manhattan. http://www.radiozone.com/2009-Exotic-Zone-Ball/5304054 I promise it will be a night you will remember, and with your help, I'll be able to ascend once again into the winner's circle. Send me an email if you are going or thinking of going. We can coordinate a place to meet up inside the ball, or I can give you details about how to make the most of the night. Thank you!
Spinning Tornado Costume |
Scott's AT-ST Costume |
Balloon Hut |
Feather Pinwheel |
QR Code Costume |
Paparazzi Costume #2 |
Solid Ice Beer Caddy |
Greg's Whiplash Costume |
Lloyd Dobler Boombox Costume |
Best Costumes on the Internet |
The Money you Could be Saving with Geico Costume |
Urban Gardening |
Kindling - wooden Kindle |
Box of See's Candy Costume |
Dwight Shrute Bobblehead Costume |
The Light Sharpener - satellite dish solar cooker |
The American Idol Judges Halloween Costume |
Sudoku Costume |
The Infinite Candelabra |
Baby June, hospital childbirth |
Hero's Engine |
Devo Hats |
Fandango Costume
Dr. Octopus Costume |
Jenga Costume |
Banana Skin Coat |
Fisherman |
Hypnodisk |
California costume |
paper mache satan |
spring shoes |
metallic wings |
fire without matches |
paper mache hummingbird |
paparazzi costume |
matchstick cats |
fish costume |
ketchup packet bear |
Africa costume |
push to cross sign |
paper mache globe |
paper mache alien |
pet coffin |
paper mache Elvis
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Citizen |
Photographic Height Weight Chart |
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October 22, 2009.