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I called John to see what he was up to, and made plans to catch up with him and have dinner at Huts Burgers on West 6th Street. Lunch was huge and excellent. I hadn't seen John in person since his prank at Super bowl XVI, so we had a lot to talk about. A few other people were there, including Thomas, a Google maps designer, who everyone wanted to talk to. |
After dinner, John and Moses invited me to go with them to the MacGruber movie premiere at 8:30. Hell yeah! It was 10 blocks to the theater. They drove and I rode the bike. It was no contest. Bike for the win! Unfortunately, the movie had been pushed back to a 9:30 start, and since the line was already growing, that change threatened to steal an hour away from us all. John had a better idea. He still had an unauthorized Twitter bird costume in his trunk, so he invited us to jump out of line and go have some pranking fun posing as the twitter bird. |
The costume was apparently very hot, so I took John's advice and went without pants. |
The costume looked great! The name tag, which John refered to as the "Rob Cockerham Kinkos special" was just a cut-out paper sign in the shape of the twitter logo, safety pinned to the front of the costume. |
It looked great! And in an atmosphere where everyone is promoting everything, it sold itself.
The unmoving Macgruber line became our captive audience. We took full advantage, making our way along the line, offering to pose for photos or high-five anyone one who was interested. "Where is the fail-whale?" was a common refrain.
At the entrance, a red carpet awaited the arrivals of Will Forte, Val Kilmer, Kristen Wiig and Ryan Phillippe. We took a chance and took a run towards the theatre entrance, hoping that the Twitter outfit would buy us entrance anywhere. We shortcutted the line, John leading me inside the theatre doors. No. It didn't work. A watchful theatre manager stopped John and someone grabbed my arm. The gig was up. We were escorted back outside with a warning. |
We checked the back entrance. Locked. There was no way the twitter bird was going to crash this party. Luckily we had a plan B: Take off the costume. Transformed back into regular folk, we got into line and got fine seats into the premiere. Security was on point, trying their damnedest to make sure that no one was videotaping the premiere of MacGruber. They could not, however, stop my unlicenced balcony flip-book production. The movie was flat-out hilarious. I was laughing and clapping like an idiot, and I wasn't alone. The movie isn't really a spoof, like Airplane, its more like a hilarious buddy movie where one guy is a complete idiot. Also, its completely R rated. Capital R. Bold R. You should see it. After the movie, the top-billed cast gathered on stage and answered questions. That was awesome. No wonder people love movie premieres so much. What a great experience. |
One shortfall of having a bike for transportation is if it happens to rain, you are screwed. Unless A) your brother in law works for Whole Earth Provision Company, in which case you'll also get to borrow his featherweight waterproof bike commuter jacket. And B) your brother in law schools you on the fine art of hoisting your bike onto the bus bike rack. I was set, and the plan worked great.
I arrived back to the convention center by 10 am, ready to meet my fellow panel members in the SXSW green room. |
Disneyland Menus |
Charge your Phone in Disneyland |
Charge your Phone in California Adventure |
Disneyland in the Rain |
Yosemite |
Disneyland Park Hopper |
Cheap Family Trip to Disneyland |
Jurassic Quest |
Sacramento Reptile Show |
Maker Faire, Bay Area 2013 |
Disneyland 2013 |
Disneyland |
MP3 Experiment |
2010 ROFLcon |
2010 SXSW |
2009 Maker Faire |
2008 Maker Faire |
Wine & Chocolate |
2007 Maker Faire |
Maker Faire |
Superbowl XLI |
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Burning Man |
Bulgaria & Turkey |
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March 26, 2010.