Omaha is not in California

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After lunch, we wound our way through town, and got onto the freeway towards the Strategic Air Command (SAC) museum in nearby Ashland, Nebraska.

I prodded Stacy into taking some photos along the way.

Here is a corner of the Swanson Factory in Omaha, presumably on sale after their purchase by Treat America Food Services.

A look at the Qwest Center Arena/Convention Center in Omaha.


The stairs leading to the Riverwalk. We thought about venturing down the stairs, but it was just too cold to open the doors. Plus, we had a date with some jet planes already, and wanted to get moving. 


One more photograph, the Baum Iron Company building.

This sign looks really awesome, but it is hard to tell if this building is actually selling hydraulics and bearings, or if it has just been maintained because the sign looks so cool.


A short drive south brought us to the Strategic Air Museum, surrounded by huge rockets. Here too, the open parking lot reminded us that we were missing a very important football game.


It was cold and windy. Just a few flakes of snow drifted through the air as we ran into the building.


Right inside the doors, we were greeted by a huge SR-71 Blackbird, hanging in the air.

This aircraft was definitely the crown jewel of the museum. It was spectacular.


Downstairs, we wandered around checking out the other aircraft.


This was our second warehouse visit in two days.

That is a B-17 in the foreground right.


This gray TomCat was a forefather of the AGM-06 Suri Cruise Missile.


June at the joystick.


Behind one of the wings of the huge B-36 Peacemaker. Several display cases are visible in the foreground.


Please continue reading page 7 of Omaha is not in California

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December 29th, 2006.

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