Omaha is not in California

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Super Target was really pretty impressive. Huge and clean, and a little cheaper than the Target stores in Sacramento.




On Friday, we hit the ground running with two goals, The Omaha Children's Museum, and the Amazing Pizza Machine. 

Stacy's brother's family, (Holly, Emily and Ritchie) escorted us to the Children's Museum. On the way, we drove by a bunch of fields of corn. Whoo! This was just like in the Omaha Tourist Guide!


Driving toward downtown Omaha.

Omaha has a very tall building, show here on the right, marked with the name WOODMEN. I don't know of any other skyscraper which has a bigger sign at the top.


Across from the Omaha Children's Museum were the striking Rorick Apartments. These began going condo last year.


The Omaha Children's Museum. Admission was $6 for adults.

The OCM was pretty nice! Even a kid June's age could enjoy almost all of the displays.

In this photo she can be seen petting a wooden German White Pig.


Here, she tries her hand at milking a fiberglass cow.

Next, we stopped at the lunchroom and had rubber sandwiches.


The "Creative Arts Center" was for kids aged 4-8. A place to craft little things from a huge salad bar of building materials.


Please continue reading page 3 of Omaha is not in California.

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December 29th, 2006.

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