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Nine days later, my wife called me at work. A letter had arrived with the words "Payment Enclosed/Incluye Pago" on the front. Wha? Payment? |
Inside was a short explanation of the payment schedule, detailing how every single thing that is precious or valuable is actually worthless. It was a laundry list of reasons that they couldn't give you any money for your stuff:
But there, after all that buildup, at the bottom of the letter, was my payment! A real check for $1.01! Incredible! They really do pay cash for gold, and not just real gold... any gold at all! Next time you see the ad, give them a call and get the gold kit. Isn't there something gold you can send them? |
Discovering Ziplock Closures with the Eyeclops: Super Magnifying Camera | How much is inside Goldschlager? | The torn-up credit card application
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April 8 , 2008.