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Holy freaking cow.
Look at this auction, then the ending price $531, then the number of people who viewed the auction 102,000?!?!? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1467&item=2978151041 - Chris [ Collection of 129 Fast Food Condiments] |
Compared to you I am only more thankful
to Al Gore ("inventor" of the Internet) for providing the
medium with which your extraordinary talents are so perfectly expressed
through. From science to pranks to the exceptionally riveting tale
surrounding your speeding ticket adventure, I am drawn to visit your site at
least every once and a while to be both amused and amazed. The
footer declares the fantastic cockeyed.com as the sixth-best website in the
world, but your modesty should not keep you from admitting the truth: that
it's the forth maybe even third best website in the world, hovering somewhere
around 47th in the universe.
I look forward to the future of cockeyed.com, its
enterprising young creator and gaggle of assorted attractive friends.
Thank you,
Hey there again,
I was just looking for jobs again, and found a website. www.freedom88.com, that's exactly like you said, but it was different in appearance. This once actually offers you the audio tape for free online, and references herbalife, if you continue through with the process. Just in case if you wanted to know more websites that are doing it. Ariakan |
I LOVE your web site. You've inspired me to make paper mache sculptures. My first completed sculpture will be a big giant hand giving the finger. I got the idea for that from my work. Thank god your site is around to cheer me up when I'm feeling down at the office. Regards, Christine |
Hey Rob, as a lover of auctioning off crazy things on e-bay...
you might be interested in this e-bay story posted in the boston globe this week. http://www.boston.com/news/odd/articles/2004/01/14/state_no_longer_available_for_sale_on_ebay/ Love your site. Ran into it by accident one day. |
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is the
worlds most perfect food. You get protein from the peanut butter,
carbs from the bread, and sugars from the jelly. Cockeyed is a lot like
Huzzah, feedback week! Just wanted to drop another line of appreciation.
Your site is the bestest and has brought tons of coolness to the worldwide
web. I've said it before, but it's worth saying again... I want to grow up
to be just like you! Yay!
PS - Wouldn't you agree that this alien I've attached is rather
Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!?!?! January 17th is my birthday! Much love and BTW...YOU'RE AWESOME Feel the love!!! Keep smiling!!! Katie |
Dear Cockeyed,
Muchos gratias for the report on Herbalife.
I came upon the Global Systems Online website by chance, and, I admit it,
I bit.
I wasn't willing to put $ out just yet, however, and, the website gave me
the option, that, if I had a problem, I could talk to a "coach"
first. I thought I'd get all the honest-to-goodness specs from the
coach and would then be able to make an informed decision about investing.
My coach pooh-poohed this however, telling me that it would "make
more sense" if I purchased the "Decision Package" rather
than spending "2 1/2 hours" on the phone w/ her ( I live in
the Orlando area, she in the Dallas area), answering all my questions.
This sort of made sense to me, but I think she made a tactical error.
When I asked what exactly does this business sell, anyway, she conceded
that it was Herbalife products. I told her I'd discus it w/ my
"better half", and I'd call her back either way (Mr. Nice Guy).
Next day something prodded me to poke around the Internet to see if I
could learn anything else, since she really hadn't told me anymore than
the website - except that it involved Herbalife.
When I searched Herbalife on Google, I discovered, as of yesterday, that
there were 1,690,000 Herbalife-related websites (Holy Shit!) I
checked the Herbalife website itself, and learned that there
are 21 distributorships that service my zip code alone!
Most fortunately, your website happened to be listed on the first page of
the Google listing (the fourth one, to be exact).
After I got done reading your report, I sent my coach an email telling her
in so many words to forget it.
There are 2 things I'm still just wunderin'about, and I was curious
whether you might have come across them in your investigation:
- How exactly does a distributor make $ by selling another
distributorship? Do distributors get a % of everything that's purchased by
a recruit of theirs (from the Decision Pckg. all the way to the 800#), or
a flat fee etc.? (It should be noted that my coach more or less dismissed
the angle of selling Herbalife products, which she referred to as the
"retail" aspect, and was pushing the "marketing"
aspect which I think refers to selling distributorships).
-Are the success stories bogus? They may be true, based on what you
discussed about the first people to show up in a market, and the
principle that, in a market, sales will initially increase - then
decrease. However, the bullshit is so dense in this program that I'm
tempted to think success stories are fabricated. But this is just
paranoia in the absence of good evidence.
Anyway, YOU DA MAN, Cockeyed. I think the time, effort, and
trouble you have gone thru to publish your info is truly praiseworthy
public-spiritedness; and, fortunately, deflects born yesterday types like
me from a potentially very costly and depressing experience - especially
since I've been unemployed, and was only pulling out all the stops in
order to try and get an income.
It's probably trite to say - but keep up the great, great work.
You've made me a fan, and I'll be logging in again in the future as I get
time in between efforts to land another job.
Paul Collins
Winter Park, FL
Hi Rob.
have the best stuff on ebay I have ever seen.
Dear Rob, I just wanted to thank you for providing information on the Herbalife company. Recently I became aware that a very close friend of mine was in "the business", as she calls it. From time to time I would hear strange stories about free computers and specials trips that she and her fiance would get through this company. I got very suspicious. The other day she invited me to their new apartment for dinner. I didn't really think anything of it until I walked in and realized that this had pretty much taken over their lives. I never thought that she was gullible enough to fall for something like this. With a bachelors in biology I thought she already understood the concept of proper nutrition. Unfortunately, now the kitchen is full of big, white bottles of "supplements". My 4 and a half hour stay turned into a plug for the company. With the exception of when the dinner was interrupted so that she could make 3 "business" calls-45 minutes gone. Forget making money working at home, this is more like- be brainwashed at home. At some point in the conversation my very good friend even said to me, "I'm just telling you all of this so when 'Bob' and I have tons of money and you don't, you can't say that I didn't try to get you in." This is NOT the friend I used to know. And I know it might sound dramatic but this Herbalife crap is probably going to end a friendship. I just hope down the line they don't lose as much as some of the people whose stories are on your website. I hope this doesn't freak you out, it just seemed like from what I read on your site that you had a good grasp on what's going on here. I also hope that my story can shed some light to others too. If you have any advice please let me know. Thanks a bunch, Kelly M. |
Dear Mr. Cockerham
You have been awarded the first annual award by the Society of Batzell for "Excellence in the Field of Popularizing Ameteur Science." This is actually just something I made up a few days ago but seeing as it is reader feedback week I thought I should email you now. I'll make a real Certificate and send it to you in the mail, with signatures and stuff. My friend and I (also amatuer scientists) will make it look really cool. I think the Science Adventures have gone too long without having really sweet awards. Congratulations! - Nick Batzell (founder) |
A few months ago, I wrote to tell you how your
web page inspired a prank. I wrote to you about my plan to create a
mascot for a local restaurant called Grady's. My plan involved
several images of Whitman Mayo; he played Grady on Sanford and Son,
Sanford Arms and his own short lived spin-off called Grady. I
was going to place all the images throughout the restaurant in places the
employees may not notice for a while. I was going to put one on the
front of the hostess' pulpit, the exterior doors, and on the exterior of
the building as well. As of today, Jan 16th 2003, I have gotten
as far as copying several images of Whitman Mayo and scoping out the
landscape. I don't know if I will ever carry out this prank,
but should I someday do it, you will be credited as my inspiration.
There once was a young man named Rob
Who did an incredible job Writing a site Scientific delight! He's become an internet heart-throb! ~gail |
Firstly, you rule, but you know that. I say that because it's great when people ACTUALLY DO some (or all, i dunno) of the weirdo stuff that pops into their head. Thank you for that. Secondly, there are a few folks who found a use for their 419'er emails. They live over at http://www.ebolamonkeyman.com . It's really bewildering. fanboy, Kris
Yo Rob,
I just wanna say that Im a big fan. I have a question though??? Why must you discriminate against fat people? I wanna order a hoodie or a t-shirt, but I can't. How the hell is a 250lb, 6'1" dude supposed to fit into a Hanes Large? It is physically impossible. Have you ever seen a fat person wear spandex? I think it is against the law in most states and some small countries. He he just kidding. I would really like order something for your site in the future though. If its not too much troube, I would like a batch of XXL's made up for me and all of your other weight challenged fans out there. Thnaks bro! Have a good one. ~ED SAVAGE~ |
You started this!
I want to know, How many peas can you shove up your nose? This is just like when you calculated how many 76 antenna balls fit inside a Chevy Trailblazer. You can offer a reward for whoever guesses how many peas you can shove up you nose! You must admit, this would be a great topic for your "how much is inside" pages. Seriously, how big is your nasal cavity? Certainly you can estimate this. What are the diameters of your nostrils? You can talk to nurses, doctors, look at xrays, get an MRI, etc. Do you include the sinus cavity, or just the nose? At what point does the nose stop and the sinuses begin? How much volume does a pea take up. Would these be hard or soft peas? Would they mush up inside? Once you determine these you could easily determine how many peas could be nasally inserted mathematically. Of course, everyone would prefer to see the manual method. The public demands it! This is the American way! Think of the publicity! You will get a billion web hits! You will be rich and famous! The world wants to know "how much is inside" your nasal cavity! The cat is out of the bag now. Your public demands that you shove peas up your nose. You must do this! The world is depending on you! You must shove peas up your nose! Be a patriot and shove peas up your nose for the good old USA!Plano, TX John Bittner |
I just had to e-mail you and tell you that you have some
hilarious auctions! You crack me up and all the guys on the forum I'm on ...
Thanks for the laugh. :) Good ideas! -------------------- |
There's alot more to this company than multi-level marketing and signs! Do you know what HELPING OTHERS is????? Probably not...you just know how to live your life wrapped up in what everyone else is doing that may PERSONALLY annoy you....Hey, have you complained about the SMUT on billboards, Graffiti on trains, bridges, highway walls, etc, or the ads for alcohol, pornography.....need I go on!!!! DO SOMETHING TO HELP PEOPLE...MAAAAAAYBE You'll feel a REAL sense of purpose in LIFE! | |
Well Rob...
Greetings from
Grand Valley State University, pop. about 21,000, situated in the lovely
cornfields of Allendale, Michigan.
I personally, love
your site. I was looking at pranks, and I happened across the Java City
Lid prank. Well, I was like, dang, Java City, that's the name of the place
on campus (note: our campus is pretty closed, not in a city at all...)
that sells me my occasional mint hot chocolate. I didn't think this
was the same place but sure as hell, the logo's are the same and the cups
are the same. Java City is gross. That might just be the ones on campus
though. Anyways, I guess the point of all this is that GVSU/Java City
is trying to get sued by somebody (stupid) who spills coffee on them
self cause we don't have any signs about lids. And it's weird that we
have Java Cities and I'm sitting in my dorm room in MI and reading
about them out in Cali, I thought Java city was a cruel
operation run from the heart of GVSU headquarters down the road about
a half a mile. Java City has one redeeming quality however...it takes
the "debit dollars" off my meal plan, which is free thanks to
the federal government and Pell Grants. w00t. The appearance of Java City this
year on campus however, ran out the much loved Afterwards Cafe just off
campus. Die Java City, DIE!
Great prank by the
way..if I had a laminator I'd try it myself, cause people around here
would be offended and I would laugh. West Michigan is conservative, I'm
from Ann Arbor, where the University of Michigan is, and it's
pretty liberal, and I get kicks out of making people mad out here.
Alright, keep up
the good work
Thank you for the post card. I really appreciate it.
Cockeyed.com -- that's how I'd go if I didn't
see regular updates to your site. Inquiring minds wanna know
how much is in a roll of toilet paper! Make it happen.. and thanks for the
inspiration your site gives me each and every visit. You and sneeze.com
totally "blaze" a trail on the Internet!
Ranger Bob
Dear Rob, I have been visiting your site ever since I saw a part on TechTV about the whole grocery card clone thing. I wanna thank you for bringing so many laughs to me, and I am yet to find a site that is more entertaining than yours. I also want to thank you because even though a lot of sites give into making money by putting big, huge, annoying ads on their sites, you are still staying strong and not giving in. Even though i've been grounded lately, every opportunity I get I go to cockeyed.com to see what you have new for us. Thank you, Dane, 17 |
![]() But they probably like you! Happy Feedback Week! Connie
I have been a reader of cockeyed ever since I
stumbled upon it 5 or 6 months ago. I know not whether it is the
creativeness of your work or it's absurdity that keeps me hooked.
Whatever it is, keep up the good work. Thank you.
great site, rob. it owns. but moving on to more important matters:
i love nina. i would do anything for her. she is the best thing to
ever happen to me, and nothing could ever change the way i feel, no
matter what. no matter what either one of us says or what happens, i'll
still love her. i just can't help it. she's so wonderful, i'm not worthy
of having her as a girlfriend, but i realize how lucky i am and i damn
sure do appreciate it. i love you nina. always have, always will.
thanks for the bandwidth, rob. thanks for the life, nina.
Did u care for the mp3 or no?
Also, send me some sun, it was 1F today. 1!! The funny part is that it was 4 in Alaska, Sigh. Move to Alaska to get warm, that's a hoot. Signed, His most royal freesin his hineyness, Jason. p.s. Hows your finger? Im in EMS :) Remember, the story starts, "There were these three guys hassling this lady..." |
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February 23, 2004.