How Hard is it to Get Viagra in California?

This article was previously a more complex experiment, but one half of the article has been removed by request.

Step 3. The Urologist at Kaiser

The next morning I awoke refreshed, ready to do whatever I could to reach a doctor and get the Viagra. I called the Urology Department and told them what had happened. Straightaway I got an appointment with a doctor, no class required! A bit later I got an apology from the gal in charge of the classes, and was told that the class would now take place tomorrow night.

She also let me know what I could expect to happen after the class, and that if the pills didn't work, I could try injections, which she assured me, worked very well.

I hope I never have to try injections.

A few hours after that I got a call from another hospital administrator, letting me know that the rescheduled class would be in one week, in a different room. So, to answer your question, yes, it is possible to have a 28-person clusterfuck without a single boner.

I skipped the class and just went to the doctor's appointment.

The appointment was in the morning. I was nervous about what kind of questions the doctor would ask. I had mentioned to a nurse friend that I was thinking of using the old "Anxiety" symptom from my urban legend, but she warned me against it.

"They'll just prescribe you an anti-anxiety medication."

I surely didn't want that. I needed a better story.

When I arrived, I was handed some paperwork. I handed it in and paid $45 for the visit.

In the waiting room, I sat down with a People magazine. As a precaution against waiting room boners, I had painstakingly removed all of the sexy advertisements from the magazine pages. It looked like I was reading a slice of swiss cheese.

You guys don't get waiting room boners?

I was called back by a nurse, who checked my blood pressure. When she announced that my pulse was a little high, I freaked out and ripped the blood pressure sleeve off of my arm.

"You're a cop!"

No, no I didn't. I played it cool.

I only waited for the doctor for another minute. The doctor actually entered the room with me for the examination! Just like in ye olde times! The doctor didn't screw around. He asked me why I was there, and when I told him I was trying to obtain better erections, he fired back "What do you mean "better" erections"?

This wasn't going well, so I waved my hand and started from the beginning: "I had started having problems getting an erection..."

"Can you quantify the problem? How often do you have an unacceptable erection?"

"Uh.. well.." I stammered.

He wanted an on-base percentage.

"Like do you have a problem 2 out of 10 times, or 7 out of 10 times..."

Jesus! Was this guy was trying to bust my balls so they would match my busted penis? Actually, I knew what to say. "Well, I tried three times, and it didn't happen. Then I waited a loooong time before I tried again...."

That's exactly what he needed to hear. "Oooh Kay" he replied.

But I didn't stop.

"My wife went to Europe for three months this summer, and when she got back... uh, it didn't work".

Now he was my psychologist.

"So she came back?" He queried.

"Yes, that's right. She came back after three months and now I'm having trouble with sex."

"Oh, so she didn't leave you , she just went to Europe and came back?"

"Yes, she just went for work. She came back, but it hasn't worked the same."

He asked if I "got into any bad habits" while my wife was out of town.

"No...” I paused. “Ooh! I bought a 3D TV... Do you think that could have anything to do with it?"

He considered that for a moment. "It is possible, what are you watching in 3D?"

"Uh, Avatar… and animated movies."

He countered "Animal Planet?"

I said no.

"Maybe you are more interested in 3D than E.D.

Nice one doc! We both cracked up at that.

He motioned for me to undo my belt. "I'll take a look."

I actually thought I might get away with a prescription without dropping my pants. No such luck.

He checked my testicles, penis and a couple spots on my pubic bone. "Cough".

I guess nothing was amiss because he motioned for me to zip it back up.

After that 40-second exam, he let me know that he was going to have me try Levitra. Yes! Success!

He cautioned me that I should start with half of a pill, and that I could increase that dose when I had a better idea of what to expect. He instructed me to take it about an hour before having sex, and that I shouldn't take Levitra with wine or grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice can apparently produce the uncontrollable boner situation.

I asked the doctor if that could really happen. He seemed as skeptical as I was. "I don't know" was his answer.

He stripped off his gloves and told me that the pharmacy was kind of busy on Monday mornings, and that it would probably take a while to fill it if I wanted the pills today.

Oh yeah! I wanted them today!

We left the examination room and I was a smiling like an idiot. It worked. A fifteen minute doctor's visit had yielded the desired prescription. Achievement unlocked.

I pressed the B1 button in the elevator for the basement pharmacy. It wouldn't go down.

Step 4: The Pharmacy

The pharmacy visit went a little less well. My insurance plan had a 50% payment schedule for erectile deficiency drugs, and they preferred to surprise me with the price: $122.30 for a bottle of 20. Damn! That's more than the hooker!

Getting this bottle of Levitra had cost a total of $167.30. This was more than I had expected, but it wasn't enough to darken my mood. I was victorious!

Getting Viagra (ok, actually Levitra) had been a long journey.


To get Viagra, the unexpected cockblock was that I had to attend a Kaiser hospital impotence class. The class was free, but it definitely separates who is serious about getting Viagra and those who just want to give it a shot. Getting Viagra also meant spending $45 to see a Urologist, and I had to drop my pants and pay another $122 for 20 pills of Levitra.

My adventure had been a success! I'd jumped the hurdles and payed out cash at every step, but my quest was done. I had secured two of the most desirable medications available in California, and I had a pretty good idea of what to do with my weekend.