2006 Cockeyed.com Halloween Costume Contest

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I have had a tough time keeping Cockeyed.com updated because all my free time has been spent working on my Halloween costume for this year.

Here are some more submissions by readers for the Cockeyed.com Halloween Costume Contest. 

Hey Rob!
I was pretty excited when I saw you were doing a costume contest. My best friend Julie and I rounded up 54 people and went as a deck of cards (plus a joker and the box, naturally). We hand-drew and -colored the front of all the cards on poster paper, and we ran out of time so we photocopied the backs. Dozens of Sharpies, 2 rolls of duct tape and a LOT of coloring time later, we had an awesome time showing off our costumes down Whyte Avenue here in Edmonton, Alberta. We were honked at many times. Can't wait to see how your costume turned out!


Hi Rob!
Happy Halloween!

I stumbled upon your page one day, and now I am addicted. You definitely save me from my office boredom on a daily basis.

This year I created Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew (from the Muppets) costumes for my boyfriend and I. They turned out really good, and as we made our first public appearance, we were applauded and showered with flash pots and free booze (always nice, I'd say). The total sum of both costumes was under $60 (also nice).

Thanks for the website, keep it up. It's awesome!

Beers and Cheers, Heather J.

Rob, did you mention you were making a robot costume for June? I 
can't find the reference now. Here is a robot costume I made for my 



Hey Rob,

The sudoku costume I bought from you this summer was a huge success! 
Thanks again for it. I wanted to let you know that I made a short web 
page to describe peoples' reactions to it. Hopefully you'll enjoy 
reading it.


Please feel free to add this link to your website!

If you still have the pictures you took of us when I picked up the 
costume (back in July), I'd appreciate it if you could send them to me.


P.S. I hope your move went smoothly.


Dear Rob,
I apologize for the cruddy, incomplete picture of my
costume, but it was taken with a camera phone. I will
send a better picture from halloween when I can get my
film developed.

Basically, the body part of the costume was made of 4
yrds of yellow "fuzzy fleece" which I got at a fabric
store. My mom sewed it into a knee-length costume,
including wings. 

The head was constructed of the largest balloon I
could find at Party America - I believe it was
something like 40 inches around, or something like
that. For the head, I started off with papier mache,
which did not hold firm enough to stand up to the
finger poking I knew I'd get on Halloween. My
boyfriend and I then got rolls of "Rigid Wrap" plaster
cloth, which is what I assume is used to make body
casts. Using about 8 of the 4''x 180'' rolls made the
chicken head hard enough to wear and not destroy. The
beak is made out of triangles of cardboard, and for
the giant eyes we used paper bowls, then put "googly"
eyes on them. A hole cut out between the beak pieces
gives me just enough room to see around me.
The feet on my costume were purchased from Debbie
Lynn's Closet in Sunnyvale, CA, and everybody loved
the entire costume together. There must have been at
least 20 pictures taken of me as my friends and I
wandered from bar to bar in San Jose. A few people
thought it would be funny to slap the back of my big
chicken head, and amazingly, the plaster held up very
well. Vote for me for Chicken Halloween Queen!

This year I decided to go as a christmas present. While it wasn't super creative, it won me an ipod and first place at a costume competition. It also got a lot of laughs! The costume was really fun to dance with- I could shake the bells and move the box to the beat of the music! Hope you and your family had a great halloween as well! -allie



 I'll have my photos up on here in a few days!

Happy Halloween!


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November 2nd, 2006.  

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