2006 Cockeyed.com Halloween Costume Contest

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I have had a tough time keeping Cockeyed.com updated because all my free time has been spent working on my Halloween costume for this year.

Here are some more submissions by readers for the Cockeyed.com Halloween Costume Contest. 

Hey Rob,

Seeing folk put effort into costumes inspired me to make this. I think it's 
probably the thing I'm most proud of in my whole life, which is sad and says 
a lot about the world we live in.

Point being, thought you might enjoy seeing the fruits of the Cockeyed 
inspiraion. I was going to do full photo diary of the process, but ran out 
of time and working cameras. The head is made from 2 swim-caps painted 
pink, with foam eyes and a rubber glove (including cotton padding inside my 
mouth to get the voice right). The claws are gloves with foam eggs cut to 

It made it a little difficult to get to my pockets and handle objects (thus 
the straw) but having a great costume means not having to worry about your 
wallet, as folk will volunteer drinks to hear amazing tales of costume 

Have a good Halloween!


Perth, Western Australia


I figured you would appreciate this! A friend and I built a giant robot that actually plays music. Your over the top costumes were an inspiration for us! We used a couple of boxes lined with thin plywood, a car amp, an ipod, a motorcycle battery, two car speakers, and about a mile of wire to make it work. 

I've attached a couple of pictures. I am the beat bot technician, and I carry around the kit with duct tape, the battery charger, and a fire extinguisher. Hopefully my lab coat will arrive tonight in time for our contest! If you want to see more pictures check them out on my website: http://devansky.com/images/beatbot5000

Hope all is well, and keep up the hard work on the site! 


hey rob,
this halloween one of my friends was going to be out of town until the night of our halloween party, so she agreed to let me make her a halloween costume. The only stipulation was that she had to wear whatever i made. So of course i made her into a giant box of quaker oats. it is made of four pieces of colored matboard, bolted together (that stuff sure doesn't like to stay bent), and i printed out the graphics. enjoy! 



The theme of the party was Night of the Living Dead.  We went as Patsy Cline and Buddy Holly, with a twist.  We forgot to take pictures of the construction, but the planes started as large sheets of cardboard, not boxes, so there was quite a bit of work involved.





The head was my first attempt at this years costume. However, once
completed I came to the realization that I could neither see nor drink
with it on.

At that point I decided to be a dead republican. I had cards I handed
out that said ZOMBIE for Congress "I will NEVER eat your brains"

So my second costume attempt came off as a big hit (lots of Dems).
Later on into the drunk evening I brought out the big green head and
the remaining party attendees really freaked out.

I may have to do something similar next year. Wait until everyone is
good and sauced and then break out something large and weird. Drunk
freak outs are very entertaining.

And yes I too stole your idea. That head was inspired by your
expanding foam fish head.

Here is my costume from a few years ago. My sister and I wondered what would be the funniest thing to see a cowboy riding as it was the height of Woody costumes from Toy Story and every little kid on our block was a cowboy riding a horse. I think the pictures show that we chose the logical choice... an ostrich. 

Laura Cain


Hey Rob,

I've enjoyed your site for a long time and I've been a
fan of your can-do attitude also. So here's my entry.
It's my "Dark Viking" costume idea. The only thing
that NOT homemade is the bull horns which I bought off
of eBay. The belt and the wristbands. The rest is made
from 3 different types of black garbage cans. Using a
Dremel tool to cut and shape, bound together with
leather straps, screws and grommets. The bat wings
were a last minute idea having left over garbage can
material after I cut out the chest plate. I doubt I
would have been able to properly mount them on my back
if I hadn't seen your posting about bending PVC pipe.
Using the heatgun I was able to bend the tabs at the
base of the wings at a 90 degree angle for easy
mounting. So thanks for that. BTW, next time you bend
some pipe, fill it with sand first. It keeps the pipe
from kinking and makes a smoother bend. The shoulder
pads are made from the 'spinner tops' from said
garbage cans. Cut up and put back together using steel

The rest of the outfit was sewn like a Viking would
with leather straps ( I can't sew) and the arms were
made out of an old leather jacket I bought at
Goodwill, cut up and covered with grommets. It took a
while but totally worth it.

Anyway, keep up the great website.

The Reverend David "Cornelius" Johnson
Potentate of the 33rd Degree













































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November 2nd, 2006.  

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