2006 Cockeyed.com Halloween Costume Contest

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I have had a tough time keeping Cockeyed.com updated because all my free time has been spent working on my Halloween costume for this year.

Here are some more submissions by readers for the Cockeyed.com Halloween Costume Contest. 


THis is my pyramid head costume.  I had most of it done by the time i saw your mention of taking pictures of the process, so i don't have any of those for you.










we are super happy to submit this to the halloween costumes list.
my wife stayed up all night making my son's favorite ugly doll 
into a little costume, 2 year old sized.
she used some wool and foam and felt, and this stuff called stitch 
witchery, which was meant there was no sewing involved, except for 
the big stitches holding the eyes and nose on.
my son's name is juna.
hooray for families!

thanks a bunch!
-team rice



Hi Rob, my internet Idol, 

Here is the costume I wore this year!!

Two people out of 25 guessed what it was!! A
convenient way to size this proportion is to think
that it represents 480 million of people on earth. 

I am a 'half open kraft cheese slice left in the
regrigerator for too long'

I had two, very simple, constraints:
- 2 hours
- 10 bucks 

The result is still kinda cool :)

cheers, hope you got the big prize, 

Dom :)

here are a couple of mine from the past and present
stewie 2004,bender 2005 and bag o spinach 2006.
good luck with your night
Hi rob, greetings from Norway. Thought I'd send you a snapshot of my 
halloween costume this year. It's entirely hand made, and it only lacks 
the proper gloves (they didn't arrive in time). Sorry for the bad picture 
quality, it was taken with a crappy phone cam.

Love your page!

Hey Rob!  Hope you had fun last night too.  Wanted to enter my daughters costumes!  Younger daughter was an unoriginal Werewolf, BUT older daughter was a trendy "Weasel Stomping Day" person from Weird Al's new album and the Robot Chicken Video.  The necklace is a packet of mayonnaise.  If you know the song and video it's quite a clever yet easy costume.  "Put your Viking helmet on, spread that mayonnaise on the lawn, hip hip hooray it Weasel Stomping Day"!
Can't wait to see pics of your costume finished!
Fondly, Kaye in Kalamazoo

Hey Rob -

I used your papier mache 'recipe' and tips this year in creating a severed
arm with my son for his Dr. Frankenstein costume. We were planning on
making a whole sack of body parts, but it turns out that first graders are
small, and so a sack with one severed arm sticking out was really enough.
The sack was just a plastic trash bag over a backpack - also inspired by
your costume tips.

We also made a container of glowing potion with an acrylic tube (glued
shut on the bottom), with some wax paper rolled up inside it for opacity,
and a glow stick inside. He took first prize in the sci-fi category of the
kids parade!

Here's a photo of Oscar in costume (along with Theo, the friendly dinosaur)

Here's a close-up of the arm - a little worse for wear after 2 parades and
trick-or treating:
(my son came up with the "one missing finger" idea)

Other excellent things about this Halloween:

- my car got egged! by kids hiding in the graveyard! with 2 direct hits
to the windshield! i definitely feel like a grownup now.

- my wife and my mom both were given "anti-halloween" pamphlets (from
Jack Chick - http://www.chick.com/seasonal/halloween/tractuses.asp) while
walking in the halloween parade with the kids.

Rock on. Thanks for all your awesomely useful and amusing web-stuff.

- Chris

Here is a picture of my kids from yesterday. I made
the Spongebob costume for my 3-year-old with things
around the house (I only bought a Sharpie, Tape, and a
pair of big yellow socks). The reaction while
trick-or-treating was excellent!!! Surprisingly all
generations seem to know Spongebob, dozens of people
sang the theme song to us over the past couple days of
Halloween fun.

Happy Halloween,
Kellie (in CT)

Hi Rob, here's a pic of my icy grill costume and a cockeyed-style making-of page: http://tps12.50webs.com/icygrill/

Thanks for your inspiration and dedication to the papier mache arts.

Dear Cockeyedites,
Every year for Halloween, my dad make some big elaborate costume--it's sort 
of a tradition. This year, we agreed on letting him retire, seeing as how I 
(his youngest daughter) have decided to retire from Trick or Treating, and 
it's only fair. Thankfully, he went out with a bang--from the cannons on 
his costume, that is. This year, he created a pirate ship, which he even 
stained and clear-coated (yes, it's real wood), and then named after me. I 
hope you'll enjoy our pictures!
Thanks for you time,
Ashley Williams


















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November 2nd, 2006.  

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