The Torn-Up Credit Card Application

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Finally, I used the pre-printed business reply envelope to mail off the credit card application to Chase.

No stamp required!

I had a few weeks before I would know if my terribly mangled application would be accepted or rejected, so I did some research on the web.

On the Chase Website about protecting your identity, I learned that I should tear up financial solicitations that I am not interested in.

This was bad news. Maybe my card would never come.

I also checked the Federal Trade Commission website on protecting your identity.

They suggested that I "tear or shred" credit applications and other forms before discarding them. Companies also suggest shredding documents with personal information on them.

In a few days, I'd know if tearing-up was really a good strategy. I mean, companies spend money to have their sensitive documents destroyed, like contracting a document shredder, but those are cautious companies with a lot to lose. I should be fine, right?

Please Continue Reading Page Four of My Torn-Up Credit Card Application.

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