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Rob, Thanks for getting me back into Halloween,
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Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. Here are our costumes for 2007. I always love your Halloween costumes and website. Keep it up. -David Bayer
Hi, Thanks and happy halloween! -- Follow the adventures - http://theadventuresofbudman.blogspot.com |
Hi Rob, I really enjoy your Halloween costumes. You've topped yourself with Schrute, I hope we see a video of the 'bobble'. Attached are 13 chronological pictures of my construction this year, a Piranha Plant from the Super Mario Bros. I made the Piranha Plant head using wire and paper mache. I began with a rigid wire frame, which was easy to bend into a large sphere. I found rigid wire at Home Depot near the chicken wire. Rigid wire is a bit thicker than a wire clothes hanger, so it holds its shape very well. Plus it's cheap, I think I got an easy to carry small roll of about 50 ft for around $8. The chicken wire was around $5 and I have enough for next year.
![]() I completed my paper mache before I read your easy to follow instructions. In the past, I've used spackling to smooth over small bumps. You have to sand it smooth, then spackle a bit more. After two coats, and two sandings, you can get a really smooth and perfect surface. This time I used Plaster of Paris because I had a large area to cover. It worked okay. I was rushed and only had time for one coat. And, sanding is boring. Next time I think I'll spread more paper mache layers like you suggest. I used a painted trashcan like the Anna Nicole pill bottle, though a smaller size that cost about $18. I discovered that if you're painting plastic, and want to mask off an area, even low-tack blue painter's tape will rip all paint away. I even used plastic primer and waited 24hrs between coats. Unfortunately the blue tape still destroyed my project. The solution, which worked great, was to moisten newspaper and just law it down on the area you need to mask. Make sure the newspaper stays moist so it sticks, but make sure the area you're going to paint is dry. It's easy to figure out. Newspaper has a nice straight edge, and it's cheap. After you're done spray painting, the newspaper peels off without removing any paint under it. I hand painted the small details like the teeth and the white dots. It looked great!
Thanks for the entertainment and construction advice Rob,
Hi Rob, attached is a pic of my Halloween costume, Luigi with question mark bonus box above my head. -Chris Sansone
Please continue reading page 4 of the Cockeyed.com Costume Contest. |
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October 31, 2007.