An ebay auction from's Extremely Classy Historical Gallery of eBay Curiosities Part 2
Slice of the Phone Book |
This new, compact size is easy to fit into your pocket or bag. 1440 pages. At work, I use a Challenge paper cutter, the 5 horsepower Titan 265. This somewhat intimidating machine cuts through a thousand sheets of paper like it is milk. |
It is easy to be freaked out about getting your hand cut off by the Challenge Cutter, but the clever two-buttons-that-have-to-be-pushed-simultaneously triggering mechanism makes it really hard to hurt yourself unless you are a real dolt. |
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Rex Roller | Flat Screen | Pixel Ad | Jar of Toothpaste | Timer | Box Head | Kilowatt Bulb | Phone Book | Power Harness | Business Cards | Cingular | Kyocera Phones | Stack of Pancakes | Banana
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