How about playing a fireworks videogame?
Jimmy Kimmel Friday 06th of July
2007 2:45 am

dissect a kitten
Adam Sandler Friday 06th of July 2007 3:30 am

Pack of Mentos + case of Diet Coke = hours of safe but violent fun!
Adam Savage Friday 06th of July 2007 3:45 am

Buy the *biggest* TV you can
afford (use your credit card if ready funds are lacking) and find a good DVD or PC program
of fireworks effects. Throw in a decent sound system for that
extra *boom*.
Sean Connery Friday 06th of July 2007 3:59 am

Try hitting a rock with a muskrat jawbone.
Caveman Friday
06th of July 2007 4:59 am

Fill a bottle with dry ice
and something else, i forget, but it will explode. also a heroes engine.
Jenny Finch Friday
06th of July 2007 5:04 am

this isn't as safe as all
their lame suggestions, but so long as you don't get burning bits of steel in your eye, it's
perfectly safe, and looks great: Tie a cable or chain or fireproof
rope around some steel wool, light it on fire, and
spin it around. Sparks will go flying, and it looks great!
Orville Redenbacher Friday 06th of July
2007 5:29 am

Jay Leno Friday 06th of July 2007 6:19 am

Guns are a good
firework alternative
Arnold Shwarzenegger Friday 06th of July 2007 6:24

ice cream sandwiches!
Iphone Friday 06th of July 2007 6:53

Mix together household chemicals!
Watch them change colors and give off smoke!
Friday 06th of July 2007 7:00 am

Smoke lots
of weed
Tara Reid Friday 06th of July 2007 7:31 am

What we did
for the fourth was significantly safer than fireworks and just as much fun - fire spinning! specifically,
poi and staff fire spinning. an impressive light
show in the dark and you probably won't burn down the neighborhood.
Caveman Friday 06th
of July 2007 7:40 am

They could at least have Pop
balloons filled with air and confetti. Of course, if it was Mr. Cockerham these would be
filled with helium and the method for popping them would
certainly be eye threatening.
Jerry Seinfeld Friday 06th of July 2007 7:42

I like to snort heroine and then cover myself up with a wet sheet in the tub.
Andy Dick Friday 06th of July 2007 7:55 am

Have you ever tried
putting popcorn in the microwave for a little too long?
Me neither. But it would probably be totally sweet. Or not.
Orville Redenbacher Friday 06th
of July 2007 7:57 am

Set a dead tree on fire
Johnny Depp Friday
06th of July 2007 7:58 am

Let your kids eat a couple
micrograms of some fine LSD
Ann Heche Friday 06th of July 2007 8:01

You can pop balloons to simulate Black Cats.
Dick Friday 06th of July 2007 8:10 am

Have your neighborhood bully punch you in the stomach until you see stars.
All the shock and awe of the 4th but your eyes will be safe!
Cardinal Ivan Dias Friday 06th of
July 2007 8:21 am

Hans Blix Friday 06th of July 2007
8:21 am

crashing your car!
Charleton Heston Friday
06th of July 2007 8:22 am

Sobbing quietly in a darkened room all day works for me.
Hassain Al-Shahristani Friday 06th of July 2007 8:27 am

Watch wizard fireworks, but don't
let the hobbits touch them.
Gandalf the Grey Friday 06th of July 2007 8:33 am

I like to
celebrate by watching an orange fish swim through some green bubbles, or marbles or whatever those things are
around the fish on my screen all the
time. . .
Look at them! They are Beautiful, Beauuuuuu-teee-full I tells ya!
Iphone Friday 06th of July
2007 8:37 am

Fill a plastic bag with natural gas and light it. Makes a big flash but little else. Better use a small bag.
Carbide cannons! Order one from an ad in any 50-year-old comic book.
Those rockets that you half-fill with water and then pump up with air pressure.
Kites or helium balloons decorated with LEDs.
Adam Sandler Friday 06th of July 2007
8:37 am

My dad always set the burgers on fire. does that count?
Glass Friday 06th of July 2007 8:37 am

Eno's and water in a closed
bottle always takes the fizz out of me...
David Hasselhoff Friday 06th of July 2007 8:41

Watch fireworks on television.
Caveman Friday 06th of July
2007 8:47 am

Pour gasoline on the ground, stand back, and throw a match. It's fun, completely safe, and, if you do it
on your
neighbors property, leaves no traces of any sort of damage.
Dave Grohl Friday 06th
of July 2007 8:48 am

Just be smokin' hot and walk around where there are lots of flamable nerd-types.
Jessica Alba Friday 06th of July 2007 8:52 am

Put crunched up tin foil balls in
the microwave...and watch the colorful sparks. Just don't let the tin foil touch the
sides of the microwave, and it should be safe and fun.
Daniel Radcliffe Friday 06th of July 2007 9:03 am

Ivory Soap
in the microwave. It turns into a big, fluffy soap cloud that hardens when it cools. It's pretty neat.
Adrian Brody Friday 06th of July 2007 9:04 am

Watch a professional fireworks display from a safe distance. Duh.
Shia Labeouf Friday 06th of July 2007 9:12 am

Build a
habitat. Destroy habitat with fire.
Jimmy Carter Friday 06th of July 2007 9:22

Replica guns loaded with blanks.
Dry ice in soda bottles (course, you'd then have the danger of shrapnel).
Heston Friday 06th of July 2007 9:26 am

Git to the chowper and
stawt chooting at evrything!
Arnold Shwarzenegger Friday 06th of July 2007 9:27

Get super drunk and eat burgers off the floor.
David Hasselhoff Friday 06th of July 2007 9:29 am

Set your neighbor's hair on fire.
Friday 06th of July 2007
9:41 am

Let puppies chase kitties.
Air horns on bicycles.
Hans Blix Friday 06th of July 2007 9:47 am

Poke a sleeping
hobo with a stick.
Friday 06th of July 2007 9:49 am

Allow children to
view my glittering gold sarcophagus.
King Tut Friday 06th of July 2007 9:51

High pressure water jets
sprayed into the air with bright multi-colored lights shining through them?
Also I see dead people.
Haley Joel Osment Friday 06th of July 2007 9:59

Shoot your friend's ashes out of a giant glowing red peyote-shaped cannon.
Johnny Depp Friday 06th of July 2007 10:03 am

1) popcorn
2) compressed air cannon
3) profit
Prince Friday 06th of July 2007 10:07 am

use normal
fireworks with saftey goggles
Dytek Guy Friday 06th of July 2007 10:09

Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 10:13 am

semi-automatic 9mm
pistols. they're even better than fireworks, and kids love them.
Clint Eastwood Friday 06th of
July 2007 10:14 am

Up here in Placer
County, where fireworks are totally illegal, we've resorted to dry ice bombs for the bang and road
flares for the flash. If you're unfamiliar with dry ice
bombs, look them up on youtube. They sound like a shotgun
Mohammad Al-
Baradei Friday 06th of July 2007 10:16 am

place tin foil and muriatic acid in a 2
liter bottle. Screw cap on tight and run away.
Avril Levine Friday 06th of July 2007 10:27

water-balloon fights, with colored
water (blue, red).
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 10:32 am

need to replace fireworks -- sunglasses always worked to protect my baby blues.
Elvis Friday 06th of July 2007 10:33 am

Ice cube sculpture
Martha Stewart Friday 06th of July 2007
10:41 am

Try cleaning up litter around the neighborhood, write a letter to a local politician, or bring fresh
pornography to a
fire station.
Hilary Clinton Friday 06th of July 2007 10:44

Throwing a block of sodium into a lake.
Mortensen Friday 06th of July 2007 10:47 am

Weapons of mass destruction.
Hans Blix Friday 06th of July
2007 11:01 am

A ferret, a police whistle
and a cup of milk
Arnold Shwarzenegger Friday 06th of July 2007 11:05

roll of caps and a hammer.
(do they still have caps, and cap guns?)
Friday 06th of July 2007 11:13

Campfire- purchase fancy salts that make the campfire turn colors (I bought some from the camping
aisle at Wal-Mart)-
kids think it is magic!
Martha Stewart Friday 06th of July 2007 11:19 am

Have the
kids look through a pile of 10,000 coins, searching for one with an image of fireworks on the back.
Audrey Tautou Friday 06th of July 2007 11:20 am

If I WERE to light fireworks off, that
is to say this is only a "Fictous" scenaro, a “hypothetical” post:
I would drive my white bronco down to the b!tches house, shove the fireworks down her ungrateful cheating throat light
fuse, and get away....only after
slicing her and her boyfriend Ron's throat from ear to ear. Die! Die! Die!!!
Um... thats to say *IF* I were to light off fireworks.
OJ Simpson Friday 06th of July 2007
11:20 am

I like dipping my hands and other body parts in glow-in-the-dark paint, then running around the backyard
Tara Reid Friday 06th of July 2007 11:23 am

I prefer hunting
pheasant in the field with close friends to fireworks.
Dick Cheney Friday 06th of July 2007
11:24 am

I recommend scotch.
Sean Connery Friday 06th of July 2007 11:29 am

Pretend it's 2006 again and the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment is still cool. Use different flavours of sodapop to
achieve multiple
colours, and light from beneath to produce a lit explosion of colour and sticky sweetness.
Melinda Gates Friday 06th of July 2007 11:44 am

Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, you
don't even -- you're glib. You don't even know what a Roman Candle is. If you start
talking about pyrotechnics, you have to evaluate and read the
research papers on how they came up with these
expolsives, Rob, okay? That's what I've done. . . . You don't know the history of fireworks. I do
Friday 06th of July 2007 11:45 am

Uh, how about a Blue Man Group-style drum-fest using neon paint?
Melinda Gates Friday
06th of July 2007 11:47 am

Nuke the planet from orbit, it's the only way to be sure
Oprah Friday 06th of July 2007 11:49 am

Build Spring Shoes for them with
mattress springs/
Love your site, btw!
Dave Grohl Friday 06th of July 2007 12:04 pm

Will Farrell Friday 06th of July 2007
12:09 pm

There's always the put-a-lightbulb-in-the-microwave trick, thought that's probably more dangerous than
the bar of soap
alternative mentioned above. Of course, a LIGHT SHARPENER would be better.
Neil Patrick Harris Friday 06th of July 2007 12:10 pm

If you're already blind, you can do
whatever the hell you want.
Jack Black Friday 06th of July 2007 12:16

Fireworks ain't no walk in the park, lady. You gotta have the boom, zip, zooey, woooooshit or it ain't the 4th of July.
other words...BRRRRRrrrrrip...man's natural gas is the only second alternative.
Black Friday 06th of July 2007 12:30 pm

Wrap children
in bubble-wrap and have them sit quietly in darkened room.
Friday 06th of July 2007 12:38

Hey, like, I'll go around the
neighborhood and like, flash all the little kids! Will that, like, help? Like, by the
way, I'm not wearing, like, underwear, like, right now! Wanna see?
Britney Spears Friday 06th of July 2007 12:53 pm

Set a
trap for the giant invading red pitcher of Kool-Aid. Dig a pit and line the bottom with sharpened bamboo shoots.
Sylvester Stallone Friday 06th of July 2007 12:54 pm

Mom...uh..my wife..says I can't
look at that kind of stuff...I'll go blind...
Ashton Kutcher Friday 06th of July 2007 12:55

Strap on a belt of dynamite sticks and nails wrapped in pigskin. As a bonus you will enter the realm of 70 virgins
Hassain Al-Shahristani Friday 06th of July 2007 12:58

Light your farts instead. The only "eye" you might injure is ol' brown-eye
Scarlett Johansson Friday 06th of July 2007 1:00 pm

Surprisingly, rolling
around naked in the snow is the *exact* same sensation as lighting bottle rockets out your a.
I prefer eating glass for money. Snorting coke and having unprotected sex with diseased hookers. It's the best!
Johnny Knoxville Friday 06th of July 2007 1:02 pm

My friends and I enjoy lots of cool
refreshing coke.
Nicole Ritchie Friday 06th of July 2007 1:04 pm

Re-enact key battles from the Revolutionary War using Super Soakers as rifles, and water balloon launchers as artillery.
I think "pre-Foo
Fighters Dave Grohl" should be one of the public figure selections.
Charleton Heston Friday
06th of July 2007 1:06 pm

Alien Tech. Perfectly safe.
David Duchovny Friday 06th of July 2007 1:07 pm

My breasts make good fireworks
Johansson Friday 06th of July 2007 1:14 pm

Have children spin in circle for 60-90 seconds. Promptly have them lay on the floor while you blink the lights in the
room on and off.
Britney Spears Friday 06th of July 2007 1:15 pm

Get drunk and hold
up a lighter?
King Tut Friday 06th of July 2007 1:18 pm

prefer making our own fireworks in the bedroom. Take for example last night: I had Phil dress in a english school
girls uniform while I rode makes the
night special.
Later we cuddled.
Dr Phils Wife Friday 06th of July 2007 1:19 pm

Once you realize that the fireworks are just replacing LOVE, the answer is obvious.
Rose Byrne Friday 06th of July 2007 1:26 pm

Close your eyes and then rub them
vigorously for exciting fireworks action.
Friday 06th of July 2007 1:28

Hit head with rock.
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 1:31

Take a glow
stick, tie a long string to one end.
Whirl it around and throw it high into the air (at night) and you can watch it fly up, and back down. Repeat.
Friday 06th of July 2007 1:38 pm

I know a good one called the
"Flasher." I like this one so much in fact, that I use it even when it isn't the fourth of
Spears Friday 06th of July 2007 1:39 pm

Play baseball with fruit. Nothing like
exploding fruit to celebrate our countries independence. Bonus points for a
Watermelon home run.
Brad Pitt Friday 06th of July 2007 1:39 pm

Weed and Christmas lights.
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 1:40 pm

Some people have called
me fun like a firework. I am shiny, and big, and amazing. But these people are just trying to
make me feel better because really I am washed up and out
of original material.
Will Farrell Friday 06th of July 2007 1:42 pm

Also, multistage water bottle rockets are pretty slick.
Will Farrell Friday 06th of July
2007 1:44 pm

Chew wint-O-green lifesavers with your mouth open. The sparks will be nifty.
Or, scuff your stocking feet on carpeting and discharge the static electricity on the door nob for an 'electric' good
Topher Grace Friday 06th of July 2007 1:46 pm

Go see a fireworks show
instead of putting one on yourselves.
Neil Patrick Harris Friday 06th of July 2007 1:53

Duct tape a small container of gasoline to the top of a remote control car, then drop a match in. Drive the car through
patriotic obstacle course.
Ed Norton Friday 06th of July 2007 2:16

replace fireworks with pinatas ;)
Obama Friday 06th of July 2007 2:18 pm

Live chickens.
Barbara Walters Friday 06th of July 2007 2:21 pm

Do you
wanna see my implant scars?
Tara Reid Friday 06th of July 2007 2:23

Try shoplifting!
Kelly Clarkson Friday 06th of July 2007 2:31 pm

Buy reflective paint at Emigh Hardware and cover your man-bag. Add black light and lasers. Enjoy!
Kelly Clarkson Friday 06th of July 2007 2:46 pm

Put Pop Rocks in your mouth
and leave it open
Leonardo DiCaprio Friday 06th of July 2007 2:50

Fireworks are generally safe if used according to instruction. For those who can't read the bold print
saying to not
hold in hand, or not to aim at people, put the warnings in braille (tactile feedback), and in English, "if you don't
follow these warnings, you
should start learning braille to read the instructions for the blind".
Clint Eastwood Friday
06th of July 2007 3:03 pm

You know what would help prevent
CULTURAL blindness? If more people would listen to my radio show. That would open their
eyes, yessiri. With their eyes open, maybe they would start
to understand that all the celebrations in the world aren't
going to address the critical problems which address this great nation! Instead of fireworks,
they should be light
democrats on fire! Sure!
Bill O'Reilly Friday 06th of July 2007 3:08

Roam country roads collecting roadkill. Dress up as our founding fathers.
Friday 06th of July 2007 3:08 pm

Nothing burns better than the
tinderbox of dissent brewing in the liberal left "ME"dia. Just watch out for sparks! And
Democrats! Cause someone's going to lose their arm, and when
they do, I'll be there to beat a dead horse with it. A
dead horse that died believing the liberal media lies!
Bill O'Reilly Friday 06th of July 2007 3:08 pm

A pack of
matches is enough fun for me!
Friday 06th of July 2007 3:13 pm

If you're
doing stuff during the day, nothing delights children more than blasting water into the air so that it rains
down on everybody. Playing with water is a
screaming riot!
Elvis Friday 06th of July 2007 3:15 pm

Iphone Friday 06th of July 2007 3:27 pm

Gasoline in a coke can
Friday 06th of July 2007 3:29 pm

Everyone loves glitter pasties.
Madonna Friday 06th of July 2007 3:34

Use a big jar of pepper to induce sneezing fits. Unless you are Mormon. Then it is probably forbidden.
Jack in the Box Friday 06th of July 2007 3:36 pm

More fire!
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 3:39 pm

A good
old fashioned potato gun. In case of potato famine, try an aluminum foil & "The Works" brand cleaner bomb.
Jimmy Carter Friday 06th of July 2007 3:43 pm

Just have a competition to
see who can hold a match for the longest time. Winner gets ice cream!
Aguilera Friday 06th of July 2007 4:09 pm

Go see a mortor display (the big ones that
shoot up in the air) No fire near kids and you don't have to do anything but
wrangle the little ones
Friday 06th of July 2007 4:18 pm

You can always light me on
fire and watch me run down the street!
Haley Joel Osment Friday 06th of July 2007 4:18

Lighting a match and throwing it in the air. The safest kind of fun there is!
Labeouf Friday 06th of July 2007 4:43 pm

I always liked jumping up and down
on Oprah's couch for some fun.
Friday 06th of July 2007 4:44 pm

Check out the July 4th Inventory BLOW OUT at your local Ford/Mercury Auto Dealership!
Shallah Ramadan Friday 06th of July 2007 4:46 pm

Molotov cocktails. You said terrific, not safe.
Friday 06th of July 2007 5:07 pm

(And you can teach your kids how to police your neighborhood against fire-loving dis-loyalists.)
Joy Behar Friday 06th of July 2007 5:09 pm

Listen to
Ira Glass Friday 06th of July 2007 5:15 pm

Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Friday 06th of
July 2007 5:18 pm

Get tattoos, shave your head
and show the world your nether regions! Duh!
Britney Spears Friday 06th of July 2007 5:22

Run around with a lit birthday candle tucked into your butt. Or a novelty flashlight.
Johnny Knoxville Friday 06th of July 2007 5:31 pm

Have a patriotic party-on-the-patiO with red, white, and blue light sabers, and serve foods from agalaxy
far, far away.
Since they're from "off world," these foods can be as bizarre, gross, or exotic and delicious as you like. Kind of like
halloween in july.
Natalie Portman Friday 06th of July 2007 5:37 pm

Ok! Neon paint. A black light. um Laser pens? An inflatable bouncy jump thingy! water ballons and a garden hose!
cream canisters! Yeah! Chicks and guns and firetrucks! wait
Tom Hanks Friday
06th of July 2007 6:05 pm

Just light a goddam
cigarette, have a martini, and vote that son-of-a-bitch out of office.
Garofalo Friday 06th of July 2007 6:10 pm

You can wave me around like a Glowing
Iphone Friday 06th of July 2007 6:24 pm

can draw fireworks, with non-toxic crayons on round edge paper.
Colin Farrell Friday 06th
of July 2007 6:26 pm

Sparklers are pretty cool and are mostly safe by themselves, but if you put a bunch of them together and
wrap them up
with tape then that is dangerous!
Jack in the Box Friday 06th of July 2007 6:29

Balloons filled to the point of bursting with food coloring-tinged water.
Orlando Bloom Friday 06th of July 2007 6:33 pm

sprinkle some fruit loops
into a old coffee can half-full of water. Stir with a long wooden spoon and watch the colors
fly around!
Sanjaya Friday 06th of July 2007 6:41 pm

Air Powered
Cannon to shoot all sorts of "safe" projectiles
Friday 06th of July 2007 6:43

Mix up some baking soda and vinegar in a film container and quickly put on the lid. A small pop ensues -
and can be
recreated for as long as you have a ready supply of vinegar and baking soda.
Angela Kinsey Friday 06th of July 2007 6:44 pm

How about a hard drive crash? That'll get
their attention.
Iphone Friday 06th of July 2007 6:44 pm

Cover a mountain lion with peanut butter and watch the red ants sting it to death.
Sylvester Stallone Friday 06th of July 2007 6:46 pm

liquor advertisements out of magazines and glue them to your Escalade.
Gandalf the
White Friday 06th of July 2007 6:54 pm

If the problem is explosions and
metallic sparks flying around, why not simply set fire to something non-explosive, such
as a tree or fence?
Tara Reid Friday 06th of July 2007 7:15 pm

Beans and a lighter. Get a good sound
-system and fireproof microphone for the extra "braaap"
Sanjaya Friday 06th of July 2007
7:26 pm

eat more glue
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 7:42

Flaming farts!
Britney Spears Friday 06th of July 2007 8:03

body paint!
Christina Aguilera Friday 06th of July 2007 8:11 pm

Elvis Friday 06th of July 2007 8:35 pm

Bono Friday 06th of July 2007 8:52 pm

1)put on blindfold
2)carry on as usual
*Will not protect others of blindness*
Friday 06th of July 2007 8:53

strap them to the couch, let them have no fun, and show them the fireworks on TV.
Sylvester Stallone Friday 06th of July 2007 8:54 pm

how about an IQ test to be
able to qualify to buy fireworks in the first place. Or like a training course on how not to
be mentally handicapped while handling said fireworks. AKA
don't look down the barrel to see if it's a dud, don't
point the bottle rocket at anyone, and if the thing begins to misfire, get everyone to run like you-know
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 9:08 pm

As an
alternative to blindness-inducing 4th of July fireworks, I suggest striking fear into the hearts of evildoers by
rigging a parking lot and causing a select
arrangement of cars to explode so that when viewed from a helicopter the
burning hulks of metal form the shape of a giant "Punisher" skull logo made
out of fire. That would be so awesome.
Friday 06th of July 2007 9:13

Teach children to wear eye protection, like lab safety goggles. Children who are too young to understand lab or
pyrotechnic safety are too young for fireworks. Invest in a decent set and make sure everyone viewing the fireworks
wears them. You can compare this
to wearing 3D glasses at the 3D movie, or even make it a game, like "evil scientist"
or "goggle-eyed robots take over the Earth."
King Tut Friday 06th of July 2007 9:25 pm

Madar koskesh! I show the evil Satan of the decadent West fireworks replacement! It's is called suicide bomb, I send
to you soon.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Friday 06th of July 2007 9:58

instead of playing with dangeresque
works of fire. Start a new exciting family tradition wiht your kids by going to bed
early on July 4th, and then waking up to do chores the next day. Its fun for
the whole etcetera
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Friday 06th of July 2007 10:03

1. Run around with scissors. Fun for
the whole family!
2. Have the kids make tothpick glasses with glue and toothpicks! (Duh...)
3. Hit Shotgun Shells with hammers till they blow up!
4. Throw bullets in the bonfire you started in your backyard with yard waste and gasoline!
5. Bottle Rocket fights! Bottle rockets aren't fireworks, they're aeronautical expierements!
Caveman Friday 06th of July 2007 10:20 pm

Gandalf says to simply throw lit
sparklers as high into the air as you possibly can. Make sure you're on pavement so you
don't set your neighbourhood on fire.
Gandalf the Grey Friday 06th of July 2007 10:30 pm

How about setting a boring
optometrists hair on fire?
Sadly, it's an impossible ask. Dangerous = fun. Safe = not fun. It's one of the fundamental rules of the universe.
Ed Norton Friday 06th of July 2007 10:35 pm

poop fires on porches
Toby McGuire Friday 06th of July 2007 11:22 pm

Tire Fire
Orville Redenbacher Saturday 07th
of July 2007 12:37 am

Nothin' says "patriotism" like a few dozen molotovs.
Bill O'Reilly Saturday 07th of July 2007 12:52 am

One word: SRIRACHA. No youngster ever forgets their first encounter with the rooster.
Ann Heche Saturday 07th of July 2007 1:39 am

Portman Saturday 07th of July 2007 2:12 am

Studying knives very
closely in startling environments.
Orville Redenbacher Saturday 07th of July 2007 2:37

I know this is kind of lame, since I
am the guy of Mythbusters. But Christmas crackers, and party poppers make a lot of
bang, and aren't so dangerous.
Adam Savage Saturday 07th of July 2007 6:17 am

First you take an old ice-cream
container, and you fill it with nitro-glycerin and some nails. Then... oh wait, is this
Muqtada al-Sadr Saturday 07th of July 2007 6:20 am

Rather than simply lighting your farts, develop a system to capture a year's worth. Then use the bottled
gas to offset a
portion of your fossil fuel use. There's nothing that says independence like freedom from foreign oil.
Sting Saturday 07th of July 2007 7:29 am

This reminds me of the time
Captain Kangaroo came up with a 'safe' alternative to carving pumpkins - sticking vegetables
in them instead. A pumpkin with half a bell pepper for
ears and magic marker eyes does NOT say 'Halloween' it says
'lamer, sadder version of Mr. Potato Head.'
Barack Obama Saturday 07th of July 2007 7:44 am

spend some time in tikrit.
Ibrahim Al-Jaafari Saturday 07th of July 2007 7:47 am

There is none,
the whole point of fireworks is the EXPLOSIONS.
However, I guess you can watch a clip of a bomb on youtube or something.
Chalabi Saturday 07th of July 2007 8:13 am

watching fireworks on tv. Safe
and boring. Or even better, a movie where it shows people who have gained terrible
injuries from using fireworks on July 4th. Then little kiddies will
think twice before lighting a firework.
Daniel Radcliffe Saturday 07th of July 2007 8:34

50 Best Firework Displays DVD
Saturday 07th of July 2007
9:03 am

Throw snow cones at each other while surrounded by strobe lights. You would need at least 20
Adam Savage Saturday 07th of July 2007 10:03 am

Get 10 or more people to play the riff from sweetleaf for 74 minutes.
Ma Ying-jeou Saturday
07th of July 2007 10:07 am

Simply engage the kids in
traditional games, like seeing who can leave a lit cigarette on their forearm the longest, or that
stabby knife between
the fingers thing.
Clint Eastwood Saturday 07th of July 2007 10:18 am

sound waves from boom
cars can give a visceral experience
Nuri Kamal al Maliki Saturday 07th of July 2007 11:53

watch the afterdark screen saver with all the lights off.
Tara Reid Saturday 07th of July 2007 12:28 pm

Get a 2-liter bottle of soda, shake
vigorously, and uncap.
Smarty Jones Saturday 07th of July 2007 1:02

Taking a moment to reflect on how blessed we are to be free...that is all of the joy and excitement a kid
should have.
Melinda Gates Saturday 07th of July 2007 1:07 pm

Open up shotgun shells and pour out the powder. Put the powder in a tightly wrapped bag with a toilet paper rubbed with
gunpowder fuse.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Saturday 07th of July 2007 1:08

Water balloons with food coloring? Kids could wear old clothes and throw them at each other. Not really a
for fireworks, per se, but another way to have fun on a hot day.
Abdel-Aziz Al-
Hakim Saturday 07th of July 2007 1:09 pm

creative explosions make an MRE Bomb:
Remove the heating element from an MRE (avalible at your local Army Surplus store).
Put a small amount of water in a resealable plastic bottle (or glass if you hate your neighbors).
Insert heating element into bottle and close top.
The steam will expand and burst the bottle.
Neil Patrick Harris Saturday 07th of July 2007
1:33 pm

Martha Stewart Saturday 07th of July
2007 1:41 pm

Fireworks are awesome. There is no
substitute. Sorry, Dr. Block. And what of the danger of flying balloon fragments?
Banging pots and pans? I smell a smashed finger. And we all know that
crepe paper kills form people per year than any
other rolled decorative product. I suggest roman candles, aimed at your neighbor's roof, to celebrate the
birth of our
Saturday 07th of July 2007 3:27 pm

your kids put a stick of butter in a bowl and melt it in the microwave. Make sure they wear a helmet! Great fun!
Oprah Saturday 07th of July 2007 3:33 pm

Head to the darkest room in your
house with a lamp and a bare 100 watt lightbulb. Turn off all the other lights in the
room and stare directly at the bulb for 3 minutes 30 seconds. Try not
to blink, and don't be afraid to get up close!
Finally, shut off the bulb and plunge the room into darkness. Enjoy the brilliant yellow and orange after
images! Then
go get wasted.
Colin Farrell Saturday 07th of July 2007 3:42

My suggestion would using firecrackers
rather than fireworks.
Know what i'm sayin'?
Dytek Guy Saturday 07th of July 2007 3:43 pm

Tie dye a shirt. Use bright colors. Wow, great fun.
Will Farrell Saturday 07th of
July 2007 3:46 pm

I threw a turkey in the street.
Amanda Bynes Saturday 07th of July 2007 4:19 pm

I've never done it or seen it done, so I can't say for sure, but I imagine that if you ran a fluorescent liquid through
sprinkler over a properly waterproofed black light it would look pretty cool.
Guy Saturday 07th of July 2007 7:22 pm

Patriotic flambe -- after the alochol burns off you can eat dessert, and then drink the remaining alcohol to numb the
feeling that you've just
celebrated July 4th with flambe instead of fireworks.
Charleton Heston Saturday 07th of July
2007 8:47 pm

Fill a tennis ball with match heads and throw it against a brick wall.
Johnny Depp Saturday 07th of July 2007 9:16 pm

Catch a falling
star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy, I mean, independence day.
50 Cent Saturday
07th of July 2007 10:35 pm

pipe bomb
Gandalf the Grey Saturday 07th of July 2007 10:36 pm

Spray oven cleaner on balls
of aluminum foil
Morgan Freeman Saturday 07th of July 2007 11:03

throw broken mirror splinters into the air. Yay!
Glass Saturday 07th of July 2007 11:04 pm

(I love goldscott!)
Scarlett Johansson Saturday 07th of July 2007 11:40

Get your sister's hot friend(s)
to show her(their) breasts. Then, try to jump a golf cart over a wading pool full of
Knoxville Saturday 07th of July 2007 11:52 pm

According to "How much is
inside? Popcorn", watching corn kernels explode is a good substitute!
Freeman Sunday 08th of July 2007 12:55 am

Plain old gun powder. Available in
sporting goods stores -- not the hiker/biker type, the fishing rod and guns type --
for about $12-20 per pound. Black powder is more fun than
smokeless because it is smokey. Also, propane in balloons
(rolled paper makes a nice wick -- not loud but colorful). Even better, pour 1 oz of black
powder into a balloon
before filling with propane.
Sunday 08th of July 2007 1:25

Replace nothing, just add Elton John sunglasses.
Jimmy Carter Sunday 08th of July 2007 10:09 am

Shadow puppets!
Sean Connery Sunday 08th of July 2007 11:00 am

Put on one of those old records of the sounds of fireworks and let imaaaaaaagination take over...
Cillian Murphy Sunday 08th of July 2007 12:56 pm

Nothing beats the sheer thrill that comes from reading about government policy and practices.
Haley Joel Osment Sunday 08th of July 2007 1:40 pm

Make their own gunpowder and see
how it works!
Cardinal Alexandre do Nascimento Sunday 08th of July 2007 3:58

Blacklights, strobelights, fog machines, darkness, glowsticks, any other handheld source of colorful
light, and loud
The rave is the ultamite way to improve your fourth of july, anime convention, or any time when you are high and or
sleep deprived.
Sylvester Stallone Sunday 08th of July 2007 4:00 pm

Charlie Bravo Quebec Zulu
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Sunday 08th of July 2007 5:30

Bang your head repeatedly into any handy hard flat surface. After a few good whacks, you should see all kinds of
interesting stuff.
King Tut Sunday 08th of July 2007 5:43 pm

Hm... kinda sucky, but if you actually have access to a microwave OUTSIDE, you can microwave a hard-boiled egg for ???
amount of time...
take it out... GET AWAY... If you get away it'll be harmless, kinda ironic seeing as the time it
happened to me it exploded in my eyes. They HURT for
HOURS. So get about a yard away, that'll be enough.
Sunday 08th of July 2007 5:59

make your own fireworks with fertilizer, or dry ice
Blix Sunday 08th of July 2007 6:00 pm

Give them Starfish and Coffee
Prince Sunday 08th of July 2007 6:55 pm

Explode things
Morgan Freeman Sunday 08th of July 2007 7:18 pm

A fifth of cheap booze
keeps my kids happy on the Fourth!
Britney Spears Sunday 08th of July 2007 9:00

ok, get a jar of that peanut butter
with the jelly already mixed in with it and dump it out on the sidewalk.
just gotta eat it fast before the dog comes and licks it all up with his big ole sobbery tonque. but step in it first
and get all colorful toes and stuff.
Adam Sandler Sunday 08th of July 2007 10:20 pm

hundreds of small glass or mirror pieces into the air, and shine novelty or colored flashlights upon them as they
Caveman Sunday 08th of July 2007 10:24 pm

dogs on fire
Ira Glass Sunday 08th of July
2007 11:01 pm

go to the local car recycling center and get a bunch of surplus airbags and a battery to set them off with.
Not a lot
of fire danger, and you still get to see things leave the ground with a bang... (Strong enough to send a 30 gal
garbage can 10 feet in the air.
Only works once since the bottom came out at the same time. Seen them go 40 foot
airborn before.)
Sunday 08th of July 2007 11:06 pm

4th of July lawn
dart tournament!
Monday 09th of July 2007 2:15 am

destroying the american way of
Dr Phils Wife Monday 09th of July 2007 2:32 am

Two Words: Bubble
Cardinal Roger Etchegaray Monday 09th of July 2007 6:05

Dig yourself a hole and never come out for fear of being suffocated by the nitrogen in the air.
Neil Patrick Harris Monday 09th of July 2007 6:10 am

Sitting quietly in a darkened room.
Eating small quantities of healthy snacks.
Reading religious tracts.
Watching reruns of "The Golden Girls."
Madonna Monday 09th of July 2007 11:04

A watergun with a build in lightsource to mimic fibre-optics.
Arnold Shwarzenegger Monday 09th of July 2007 11:33 am

Playing croquet while listening
to some Molly Hatchet.
Natalie Portman Monday 09th of July 2007 1:37

A good back rub!
Charleton Heston Monday
09th of July 2007 1:42 pm

You could watch a
young couple kiss for the first time. I hear that's a lot like fireworks.
Cardinal Antonio Maria
Rouco Varela Monday 09th of July 2007 1:43 pm

Gasoline mixed with gunpowder
makes an excellent alternative. It's all or nothing, either you are unscathed or so dead
your eyeballs are the least of your concerns.
Bee Bee guns also work well.
Mark Grudzielanek Monday 09th of July 2007 1:43

Autofellatio, my good friends.
Freeman Monday 09th of July 2007 1:45 pm

Watch my movies, the plot twists
are becomming more contrived, thus.....safer......
M Night Shymalayan Monday 09th of July
2007 1:57 pm

I got my 4 year old some military helicopter landing glow sticks, they only last 30 seconds but are incredibly bright
Monday 09th of July 2007 2:09 pm

Smash watermelons with giant
wooden mallet.
Ira Glass Monday 09th of July 2007 2:17 pm

a giant satellite dish covered in mirrors to ignite the neighbors dog.
Iphone Monday 09th of
July 2007 2:17 pm

Stick fingers into a car
cigarette lighter - enjoy a painful burn without any blinding sparks.
Johansson Monday 09th of July 2007 3:25 pm

Only light fireworks around monks,
african american track stars, and octagerian.
Will Farrell Monday 09th of July 2007 3:45

what about a laser light show?
Matt Damon Monday 09th
of July 2007 4:14 pm

Flambe a Hobbit
Gandalf the White Monday 09th of July 2007 4:45 pm

absurdity! Independence Day would not be the holiday it is without the threat of fire, bodily injury and/or death! Here
in THIS town, for the 4th
of july we INVITE Hell's Angels and Boozefighters to get hammered on our main drag- AND WE
Johnny Knoxville Monday 09th of July 2007 4:49 pm

Reckless destruction.
Purchase crappy furniture from garage sales and destroy with baseball bats and sledgehammers- or
better yet- cars. Rob knows how that works! Oh.
and booze. Whiskey, preferrably- the ALL AMERICAN SPIRIT!
Jessica Alba Monday 09th of
July 2007 4:56 pm

Mustache rides!
Caveman Monday 09th of
July 2007 5:25 pm

squeeze lemon rinds so that outer cells burst into the flame of the candle. The citric acid ignites briefly
and causes
"mini fireworks"
Jimmy Carter Monday 09th of July 2007 7:45

Throw toasters into metal tubs of saltwater!
Muqtada al-
Sadr Monday 09th of July 2007 9:37 pm

I find that shaving my head gives
me a thrill just like setting off fireworks!
Britney Spears Tuesday 10th of July 2007 12:11

smash soda bottles with sledgehammers
King Tut Tuesday
10th of July 2007 7:41 am

point them down, not up
Christian Bale Tuesday 10th of July 2007 12:50 pm

Burning underwear can be a great alternative to fireworks! But don't go overboard with it! The press will have a field
day if they know you're
goin' commando.
Britney Spears Tuesday 10th of July 2007 4:04

Crunch on some Wint-O-Green lifesavers. Not only does it give you a spectacular light show, it will leave your breath
minty fresh!
Jerry Seinfeld Tuesday 10th of July 2007 4:07 pm

A rifle loaded with live ammunition. Let your kids run around dodging bullets the way our forefathers did.
Clint Eastwood Tuesday 10th of July 2007 6:48 pm

sparkler bombs
Elvis Tuesday 10th of July 2007 7:01 pm

rock paper scissors for
punches in the gut.
Joy Behar Tuesday 10th of July 2007 8:34 pm

favourite is always the non-sparking sparkler .. wave that red-hot s'more stick around .. what kind of cool patterns
can YOU make with the glowing
Tuesday 10th of July 2007 9:16 pm

Well, I
went looking for some fireworks replacements, but just couldn't find any...
Blix Tuesday 10th of July 2007 10:56 pm

Sit around the television and watch old episodes of The Electric Company.
Freeman Tuesday 10th of July 2007 11:49 pm

Fill soda bottles with glitter and food dye then hook them up to an air compressor until they explode.
Bonus points for
cracking open glowsticks and dumping the poisonous contents into the bottles.
Note: If you don't have an air compressor, pack the bottles with dry ice and dunk them in boiling water. Just be sure
to duct tape the weak upper part of
the bottle to raise the detonation pressure.
Charleton Heston Wednesday 11th of July 2007
2:53 am

Give the kids some welding equipment and a few pieces of metal. Watch those sparks fly!
Janeane Garofalo Wednesday 11th of July 2007 3:51 am

Take a tennis
ball. Cut a slice in it an inch or so long.
Take a bunch of wooden strike-anywhere matches. Cut the match heads off, and put them into the tennis ball until the
ball is full of match heads.
Wrap the tennis ball with duct tape.
Take it into the middle of the street and throw it HARD on the ground.
The ball will hit, bounce up a couple of feet, and go FOOM!
Wednesday 11th of July 2007 7:29 am

nothing beats
Sean Connery Wednesday 11th of July 2007 9:16 am

kids , heres what I used to do, take a Lucky Strike or a Marlboro maybe, light it up and and go into a dark closet. Wave
around really fast. It's magical.
Nancy Pelosi Wednesday 11th of July 2007 11:08 am

Take a digital
camera, (which provides instant gratification and quick viewing for the kids), and try some light
Wednesday 11th of July 2007 11:11

Wednesday 11th of July 2007 11:27

Hit each other on the head with giant mallets, just like they do in Tom and Jerry cartoons
Jerry Seinfeld Wednesday 11th of July 2007 12:46 pm

As a kid, the only thing that ever
came close to the thrill of fireworks with no possibility of eye damage was putting a
junebug in the earpiece of the phone so we could see the reaction
of the next person to use it. My sister didn't think
it was nearly as funny as my brother and I did!
Wednesday 11th of July 2007 2:50 pm

I think we could like, just have
kids stay inside their rooms and maybe use some non-sharpened crayons to maybe draw
pictures if sparks and stuff.
Oh, and make sure there is an adult present, because if they get locked into their rooms like all alone and stuff they
might start playing with themselves
and everyone knows that makes you like go blind.
Amanda Bynes Wednesday 11th of July
2007 4:09 pm

Have the children fill balloons up with
1/2 hydrogen and 1/2 oxygen, give them lighters and let the fun begin!!!
Blix Wednesday 11th of July 2007 8:40 pm

Dudes you TOTALLY OVERLOOKED another fantastic microwave light show. THIS IS THE ONE TO ROCK
YOUR SOCKS, no joke. A CD,
run of the mill compact disc, my friends. In the microwave for about 7 seconds, COLORFUL LIGHTSHOW with no
Pink Floyd soundtrack. Got a few? Well, kids, you have a freaking firework spectacular. Think I'm joking, THINK
AGAIN! Even the Mythbusters
left this genius off the microwave show.
Barbara Walters Thursday 12th of July 2007 2:06

with scissors
King Tut Thursday 12th of July 2007 4:51 am

Eating celery sticks and drinking water
Nicole Ritchie Thursday 12th of July
2007 4:52 am

Use Cd on string and lazer pointer.
Caveman Thursday 12th of July 2007 5:57 am

We like to set up a small evergreen tree
in the corner of the family room. We decorate it with colored lights, glass
globes, ultra-thin cut sheets of tin foil, strings of pop corn on a thread, etc. We
wrap gifts for each other in
decorative paper with bowes. Early in the morning we come down and watch the kids open their gifts.
Thursday 12th of July 2007 6:54 am

How about Diet Coke and
wintergreen mints? If wintergreen mints glow in your mouth, maybe they'll make the Coke
fountain glow too!
Michael Moore Thursday 12th of July 2007 8:21 am

Take about 20 of those plastic grocery bags and braid/twist them all together. With a couple of pulled-out wire hangers,
hang them from a
tree (or better yet a metal post) over a big bucket of water. Light the bottom and when the plastic
catches fire and melts, it drops into the water with a very
satisfying zipp!
Don Cheadle Thursday 12th of July 2007 3:18 pm

Affix a string to 2 (two) mammals, clap loudly. Observe the resulting tug-of-war.
Cent Thursday 12th of July 2007 4:13 pm

Sparkler Bomb. Google it
Gandalf the Grey Thursday 12th of July 2007 5:22 pm

Cher Friday 13th of July 2007 12:55 am

Might I
suggest Bottle Rockets and Safety Goggles.
Telly Savales Friday 13th of July 2007 2:12

thats all fireworks are really good for, dissassembling then making into something more dangerous...we made this out
one piccolo pete and a bottle:
Caveman Friday 13th of July 2007 10:05

Make Magazine just posted a tutorial on "Make a Jam Jar Jet!" A mini jet engine, in the privacy of one's
home? Sounds
sufficiently dangerous for even the smallest of kidlings. I see crafty people!
Haley Joel Osment Friday 13th of July 2007 12:40 pm

radioactive cobalt
Abdel-Aziz Al-Hakim Friday 13th of July 2007 1:06 pm

Hydrogen generator: aluminum foil, muriatic acid. Trash bags. Toilet paper fuse, about 100 feet. Fill bag, seal ends,
toilet paper, release bag and light end of paper. Wager on height before combustion! Naw, cancel all that. Too
much fire hazard.
Jack Black Friday 13th of July 2007 4:36 pm

There are several plans to build a
launcher that will launch a two liter bottle high into the sky with water and
compressed air. Use the middle section of a second bottle to create a sleeve
on the top (bottom) of the bottle, into
which you place a water balloon. It makes a very satisfying splot when it falls from 400 ft.
Friday 13th of July 2007 10:07 pm

Light Human Gas Emissions
Bill Murray Saturday 14th of July 2007 12:57 am

someone in effigy.
Hans Blix Saturday 14th of July 2007 3:10 am

Who came up with fireworks? "I know, we'll get 1000s of people, herd 'em outside so they're all crammed together in the
dark, give them
alcohol, then bring in all these explosives and blow them up right over their heads, while they stand
there with their mouths open. They'll get covered
with soot, and smoke. We can do it to them each time they get a day
off work, and they'll thank us for it." I think it was P. T. Barnum.
Jerry Seinfeld Saturday 14th of July 2007 2:42 pm

A jug of Boone's Farm and a box of
Ann Heche Saturday 14th of July 2007 2:54 pm

Get some magnesium and set it on fire.
Dave Grohl Monday 16th of July 2007
9:13 pm

Shine the Bat-Signal.
Christian Bale Monday
16th of July 2007 10:51 pm

Drink moonshine until you
become temporarily blinded, and then you don't have to worry about fireworks blinding you.
Johnny Knoxville Monday 16th of July 2007 10:52 pm

Acorns in the microwave. They shoot
steam, spin, and whistle.
Dytek Guy Tuesday 17th of July 2007 11:35

Lets get naked
Evil Paris Hilton Wednesday
18th of July 2007 8:43 pm

Running over a long line of bubble
wrap (small centimeter sized bubbles) with a mountain bike on pavement is pretty
cool, it sounds like you're dropping more than three boxes worth of
snap pops, you get exercise, and can run over the
bubble wrap several times before all the bubbles are popped.
Caveman Thursday 19th of July 2007 12:15 am

Artillery, tank ranges, demolitions,
monster truck rally pyrotechnics, see the space shuttle or a Nasa rocket launch
live (not on tv), hear an oratory by Thomas Paine or better yet, Thomas
Vincent's Fire and Brimstone. Be a
ssynaesthesiac,Launch model rockets in the dark, microwave grapes, poptarts with the foil still on, and tin foil.
Jack in the Box Thursday 19th of July 2007 12:32 am

Hold a
sodium party! Drop copious amounts of pure sodium metal into a lake from a distance and watch the impressive
explosions. The only products are H2
gas and NaOH, just add some HCl to neutralize the base and you're golden!
Ira Glass Thursday
19th of July 2007 12:36 am

Keep on clicking the lighter on
without the gas, you can watch the sparks for weeks on end!
Sylvester Stallone Thursday
19th of July 2007 12:38 am

Tesla coil.
Hillary Duff Thursday 19th of July 2007 9:57 am

-shiskabob skewer juggling
-laser tag
-bb gun battles
-garden rake toss
Jack in the Box Thursday 19th of July 2007 3:30 pm

Bill Murray Thursday 19th of July 2007 3:40 pm

Kaleidoscopes and a backfiring bus.
Bono Thursday 19th of July 2007 4:21

Watch TWO shades of paint dry at once. If you're feeling really adventurous, make them different colors.
Safe, and you
can make your kids work on the shed for you free of charge (excluding the paint of course).
Melinda Gates Thursday 19th of July 2007 4:24 pm

The glow sticks thing works especially well
in mass quantities! I went down to the dollar store this year and bought a
bunch of glow sticks in multiple colors- enough for each child to have ten or
so. They made them into necklaces, belts,
shoelaces, light sabers, you name it! The whole area was a neon wonderland!
Thursday 19th of July 2007 10:33 pm

10,000 Match heads in a can
Sanjaya Saturday 21st of July 2007 7:36 pm

feed the ducks!
Morgan Freeman Sunday 22nd of July 2007 3:15

have a contest to see which of your children can eat a jar of mayonnaise the quickest. disown the
Sunday 22nd of July 2007 9:52 pm

about matches and breastmilk. They were once banned from airline flights.
Radcliffe Monday 23rd of July 2007 12:06 am

Tilt your
head backwards, and sprinkle some glitter in there. Constant fireworks!!
Murray Tuesday 24th of July 2007 12:27 pm

Run around in an open field with
large pointy metal spiked poles during a thunderstorm for safe "natural" fireworks.
Kimmel Tuesday 24th of July 2007 12:27 pm

I hear that if someone kicks you in
the jimmy hard enough you see stars.
Mark Grudzielanek Tuesday 24th of July 2007 3:13

When you wear cool shades like mine, you don't need fireworks.
Bono Tuesday 24th of July 2007 5:56 pm

Cut off the heads of 500 wooden matches. Crush up a model rocket engine and add. wrap it all in a few layers of
aluminum foil leaving a small hole at the top. stick a fuse in it, light it and watch it glow.
Guy Wednesday 25th of July 2007 5:31 pm

Playing with rocket-powered, rusty knives-
while blindfolded; in traffic.
Elvis Wednesday 25th of July 2007 10:12

Exposing phosphorous and magnesium to oxygen
Starr Thursday 26th of July 2007 6:49 pm

Confetti/CO2 'bombs'
Thursday 26th of July 2007 10:48 pm

Put the glowie liquid stuff from a glow stick
into a water-pistol and squirt it into the air.
Friday 27th of July 2007 2:50

I saw the bottle rocket idea and I thought that it would be a good Idea to put the glowie liquid from a glow stick
inserad of water. It may jet out in the first wee bit of the bottle flight.
Tom Hanks Friday 27th
of July 2007 2:58 am

Model Rocketry (www.nar.org)
provides some of the excitement of fireworks, with crafty sciency goodness.
Duchovny Friday 27th of July 2007 11:10 am

Evil Paris Hilton Friday 27th of July 2007 5:30 pm

That's hot....No seriously thats
Evil Paris Hilton Sunday 29th of July 2007 6:21 pm

Take some extra fine steel wool, tie it to a long fire resistant string, and set the wool on fire. Swing it around,
it'll look great!
Caveman Monday 30th of July 2007 12:25 am

WaterWorks! Like fireworks, but with custom water fountains spraying in the air. We used to make our
own with random
sprinkler and PVC parts. One hose, losts of spray, and 12 helpings of FUN!
Cent Thursday 02nd of August 2007 1:28 pm

Did you know if you mixed equal parts
of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate you can make napalm?
Pitt Thursday 02nd of August 2007 6:04 pm

Exploding Soap! http://www.neatorama.com/2007/08/02/exploding-soap/
James Marsden Thursday 02nd of August 2007 6:11 pm

water balloons
Mohammad Al-Baradei Thursday 02nd of August 2007 8:50

Purchase a $5 Old Navy Flag T-shirt.
Muqtada al-Sadr Wednesday 08th of August 2007 4:41 pm

Watch the Yankees play a game against the Royals!
Grudzielanek Wednesday 08th of August 2007 4:45 pm

King Tut Friday 10th of August 2007 12:00 am

Make a campfire and throw in
things like coffee creamer, sugar, table salt etc. for colored flames and/or sparks.
Adam Savage Friday 10th of August 2007 4:21 pm

A laser light
show using astronmy grade lasers, that way if the laser hits the eye, it wont blind the kid, and who
dosent love laser light shows?
www.wickedlasers.com would have some optical sinanigins, ebay would have the lasers, and
have some rotating mirorrs or something, genral light
show shinanigins.
Friday 10th of August 2007 10:04 pm

Eat a
ton of beef burritos laced with your laxative of choice.
Elvis Saturday 11th of August 2007
1:41 am

Spew alchohol from your mouth
and light it on fire to create a spectacular fire show!!
Johnny Knoxville Monday 13th of August
2007 1:16 am

Keychain with flashlight and rape whistle
Blix Tuesday 14th of August 2007 10:09 pm

Shoot at propane tanks instead. Much
safer than some sparklers.
Bono Wednesday 15th of August 2007 5:12

Fireworks are entirely safe. This is a massive government plot to make us THINK they're responsible for up to 35 cases
of spontanious blindness in American citizens. How does this this account for all those treated having experienced
"Lost Time"? .....there's something
else going on here.
David Duchovny Friday 17th of August 2007 11:02

Overhead welding. Eye and face protection is for sissies and nancies!
Orville Redenbacher Friday 17th of August 2007 11:54 pm

large quantities
of jello flashlights and compressed air
Elvis Sunday 19th of August 2007 3:03

I brought a leaf blower to a July 4th party having gotten the idea from the early days of the internet. The kids
emptied the house of every roll they could
find to the dismay of the host and guests. Everybody enjoyed the display.
Sunday 19th of
August 2007 9:50 pm

I just have my bodyguard
punch a few flashlights up into the sky, and through all my cigarette smoke they look like
Britney Spears Monday 20th of August 2007 7:49 am