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There are also 17 ways to portray an "A", two ways to portray a G, three ways to show an R.
V | I | A | G | R | A |
V, v, \/ | I i 1 l | ï ì : Ì Î Í Ï | A a @ /\ á à â ã ä å æ À Á Â Ã Ä Å | G g | R r ® | A a @ /\ á à â ã ä å æ À Á Â Ã Ä Å |
3 variations | 12 variations | 17 variations | 2 variations | 3 variations | 17 variations |
Using this variety of characters, in different combinations, there are 62,424 (3 x 12 x 17 x 2 x 3 x 17) ways to portray the name Viagra.
Here is where it gets crazy.
The word Viagra can be recognized even with a few extra characters interspersed among the letters of the word:
Some actual examples I've been emailed are in the orange table below:
Viagorea | ViagDrHa | V l a g r a | VyAGRA | via---gra | viagrga |
via-gra | 'V 1 @ G' Ra | Viagzra | viagdra | via_gra | ViaZUgra |
Viargvra | ViagrYa | Vii-agra | ViagWra | vi(@)gr@ | Viagvra |
V-I-A-G-R-A | Vi-ag.ra | vigra | Vkiagra | via.gra | v-ii-a=g-ra |
V l A G R A | VIA7GRA | V/i/a/g/r/a | VIxAGRA | Viaggra | vi@gr|@| |
ViaTagra | ViaVErga | Viagr(a | Viagr^a | Viágrá | Viagara |
Viag@ra | Viag&ra | vi@g*r@ | V-i.a-g*r-a | V1@grA | ViaaPrga |
Vi$agra | ViaJ1gra | Viag$ra | via---gra | Vi.ag.ra | Viaoygra |
Vi/agra | Viag%ra | Viarga | V|i|a|g|r|a | Viag)ra | vi@|g|r@ |
Viag&ra | vi**agra | vi@gr*@ | vi-@gr@ | V iagr a | V&iagra |
There are seven spaces between the letters, and if there are two options for
each space (an asterix or no asterix) there are 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
different varieties (128). For example, with the asterix, Viagra could be spelled 127
different ways.
With 1 asterix: *viagra, v*iagra, vi*agra, via*gra, viag*ra, viagr*a, viagra* With 2: *v*iagra, *vi*agra, *via*gra, *viag*ra, *viagr*a, *viagra*, v*i*agra, v*ia*gra, v*iag*ra, v*iagr*a, v*iagra*, vi*a*gra, vi*ag*ra, vi*agr*a, vi*agra*, via*g*ra, via*gr*a, via*gra*, viag*r*a, viag*ra*, viagr*a* With 3: *v*i*agra, *v*ia*gra, *v*iag*ra, *v*iagr*a, *v*iagra*, v*i*a*gra, v*i*ag*ra, v*i*agr*a, v*i*agra*, vi*a*g*ra, vi*a*gr*a, vi*a*gra*, via*g*r*a, via*g*ra*, viag*r*a*, *vi*a*gra, *vi*ag*ra, *vi*agr*a, *vi*agra*, v*ia*g*ra, v*ia*gr*a, v*ia*gra*, vi*ag*r*a, vi*ag*ra*, via*gr*a*, *via*g*ra, *via*gr*a, *via*gra*, v*iag*r*a, v*iag*ra*, vi*agr*a*, *viag*r*a, *viag*ra*, v*iagr*a*, *viagr*a* With 4: *v*i*a*gra, *v*i*ag*ra, *v*i*agr*a, *v*i*agra*, *v*ia*g*ra, *v*ia*gr*a, *v*ia*gra*, *v*iag*r*a, *v*iag*ra* *v*iagr*a* *vi*a*g*ra, *vi*a*gr*a, *vi*a*gra*, *vi*ag*r*a, *vi*ag*ra*, *vi*agr*a*, *via*g*r*a, *via*g*ra*, *via*gr*a* *viag*r*a*, v*i*a*g*ra, v*i*a*gr*a, v*i*a*gra*, v*i*ag*r*a, v*i*ag*ra*, v*i*agr*a*, v*ia*g*r*a, v*ia*g*ra*, v*ia*gr*a*, v*iag*r*a*, vi*a*g*r*a, vi*a*g*ra*, vi*a*gr*a*, via*g*r*a*, With 5: *v*i*a*g*ra, *v*i*a*gr*a, *v*i*a*gra*, *v*i*ag*r*a, *v*i*ag*ra*, *v*i*agr*a*, *v*ia*g*r*a, *v*ia*g*ra*, *v*ia*gr*a*, *v*iag*r*a*, *vi*a*g*r*a, *vi*a*g*ra*, *vi*a*gr*a*, *vi*ag*r*a*, *via*g*r*a*, v*i*a*g*r*a, v*i*a*g*ra*, v*i*a*gr*a*, v*i*ag*r*a*, v*ia*g*r*a*, vi*a*g*r*a* With 6: *v*i*a*g*r*a, *v*i*a*g*ra*, *v*i*a*gr*a*, *v*i*ag*r*a*, *v*ia*g*r*a*, *vi*a*g*r*a*, v*i*a*g*r*a*, With 7: *v*i*a*g*r*a* |
The irregular characters are least obtrusive when they aren't proper letters of the alphabet. Well utilized are the hyphen, the vertical bar, the space band, the comma, the slashes, and the asterix (- | , / \ * ). However, many other characters are used, and any of these 192 could be used.
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ € ™ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ® ¯ ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ ÿ ÿ À À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ |
If any of these 192 characters can be used, in any combination, between the letters V I A G R and A, there are an astronomical number of combinations. Not every combination leaves "viagra" as a discernable, legible word. Putting a character in front of the V isn't recommended.
The varieties of extra characters in between the letters is equal to 192 x 192 x 192 x 192 x 192 x 192 x 192, or 9,618,527,719,784,448.
Combined with the One Letter Substitution technique, there are even more variations. The math is easy if you have a calculator. Just multiply the number of variations for each letter position:
Six hundred quintillion variations! I'd like to see Cialis try to beat that!
There are some characters that were left out of the One Letter Substitution technique:
Greg Knauss wrote and showed me how the G can be portrayed with a 6, Ryan Hill alerted me to the I-ness of an exclamation mark. SR pointed out that a 9 occasionally stands in for a g.
These three additions change the first equation to (3*13*17*4*3*17) variations, and boost the second equation to ( 192 x 3 x 192 x 13 x 192 x 17 x 192 x 4 x 192 x 3 x 192 x 17 x 192) = 1,300,925,111,156,286,160,896.
Thanks Greg, Ryan and SR, you helped push the total into the SEXTILLIONS!
How to Paint a RoomApril 7, 2004. Terms and Conditions Copyright 2004 Cockeyed.com