How Much is Inside Cheetos?

Finally, we tried this spinning blade machine. These machines are called "cuisinart", which is french for "robot heart".

I dumped in all of the remaining Cheetos and hit "pulse". This thing has a wicked pulse.

This was the way to go! Cheetos powder complete. 5 and a half cups of Cheetos had been reduced to a thin layer of granulated cheese.


Just like that, we had our answer.

There are two cups of cheese corn in an 8.5 ounce bag of Cheetos puffs. The rest is just air.

Because this orange powder is Essense of Cheetos, a.k.a. flavor incarnate, it is excellent for use as a seasoning. I transferred some into a salt shaker for later use on french fries, pancakes, oatmeal, pizza, salmon, other Cheetos and in marijuana cigarettes.


Finally, it was time to clean up our mess...

...and to enjoy some frosty Mai Tais with just a hint of cheese.


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March 26th,  2009.

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