August 7, 2006 - Smoking cuts years off of your life, but they aren't the years at the end


Smoking cuts years off of your life, but they aren't the years at the end.

I've heard more than one smoker profess that he's not really interested in living those final, bed-ridden years anyway, but I think it is better explained this way: Smoking is dehabilitating, immediately. A 23 year-old smoker might have the skin of a non-smoking 24 year-old. A 39 year-old smoker might have the cardio-health of a 43 year-old, and the corpse of a 81-year old smoker, might have the deadness of a typical 89-year old. You are cutting years off of your life, right in the middle, potentially really good ones. This applies to other dehabilitating activities too.

Sorry so preachy. I have to do these public service messages as a consequence of my organ piracy conviction.


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August 7th, 2006 

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