Game-O-Graph for Sacramento vs. Dallas - Game Three

April 24, 2004 - Saturday

After posting the first game-o-graph, I had some feedback regarding an automatic version of the graph.

Ryan Brown was able to pull play-by-play data from the espn website, load it into Excel, and have Excel plot a game-o-graph. Dan Finkelstein wrote an executable program that creates the graph, also using data from

Matt Bridges also gave automation a try, with his neat automatic game-o-graphing applet. Paste a URL of ESPN's play-by-play into his gamechart form field, such as:

Denver vs. Minnesota (Saturday, April 24,2004)
Dallas vs. Sacramento (Saturday, April 24,2004)
New Orleans vs. Miami (Saturday, April 24,2004)
Detroit vs. Milwaukee (Saturday, April 24,2004)
Indiana  vs. Boston (Sunday, April 25, 2004)

 Below is a dressed up re-print of his game chart from Saturday's Kings / Mavs Off-the-chart crush-fest. To see the rest, copy an espn URL into Matt's field at

The Mavericks led the entire game. If you want to see the graph from the Dallas Maverick's perspective, flop the graph upside-down.

For help deciphering the graph, see Game-o-Graph introduction. Game 1 Game 2

A blank graph to fill out yourself here. Send me a message if you want the illustrator file or a .pdf

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April 25, 2004  

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