Dwight Shrute Bobblehead Costume

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The backpack can be seen here, propped on top of a garbage can.


Too much weight up front, and the head was clear over my own.

If halloween had been that night, it would have been OK. I could have dealt with a crooked head like this.


But, this year, there was plenty of time, so I tried some improvements, bringing the head down a little lower and trying to balance it better.

This is the view inside. You may be able to see all the holes I drilled in the crossbeam, trying to find the best balance point.


The head looked better at the new height, but I would need a periscope or something to see.

Also, what was that smell?


I had never build a little peep hole in a costume, but I've seen them on plenty of costumes, so I gave it a try. My first thought was to use fabric (Stacy suggested cheesecloth), but I stumbled across a strip of plastic net on a rain gutter cover.

I planned to camoflage this viewport by painting over it and by concealing the edges with strips of fresh paper mache.


Armed with a half-pint of brown latex paint, I mixed up a new, paler flesh and a more suitable brown hair color.

I perform a similar task on the weekends at Mystic Tan, painting over skin which is too dark or too purple.

I also painted the eyeglass frames silver. PVC looks really good when you spray paint it silver.

I would also like to take this moment to recommend against photographing yourself while you are spraypainting.

Also, don't spraypaint your own stuff inside the booths at Mystic Tan.

Shazam! The head looked great, and I was much happier with the hair and skin color.

I didn't like the viewport, but wasn't sure how I should fix it, or if I should bother.



Please continue reading page 6 of the Dwight Shrute Bobblehead Costume.

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October 17th, 2007.  

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