How Much is Inside The University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt?

Three teams participating in the University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt have asked to host their Scavenger-hunt-related guest episodes of How Much is Inside.

On the second floor of Harper on a quiet Friday afternoon, Dean Boyer's foyer is pretty empty. It does feature a nice painting, a couple of relatively comfy looking chairs, and a wide array of reading materials. How much is inside for someone wasting time?
Boyer's foyer has a pretty decent selection of academic journals and current publications for visitors to browse through. These provide both entertainment and a reminder of just how well-rounded our great University is, and titles include everything from Architektur.Aktuell to pamphlets for the Council on Advanced Studies

The breakdown of said publications is as follows:

4 Pamphets
The Fifth Annual GSB Management Conference, U of C Alumni Trip: The Ancient Lost Cities of Libya and Tunisia , Chicago Alumni Resource Guide, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel
3 Newsletters
Oriental Institute News & Notes, European Studies Newletter, The Council on Advanced Studies,
3 Newspapers
The Chicago Tribune, The Nonprofit Times, and The Chronicle of Higher Education
12 Magazines

Euphony, The University of Chicago Magazine, Foreign Policy, Chicago Biological Investigator, Liberal Education, Tableau, Peer Review, Chicago GSB, Diversity Digest, The Greentree Gazette, Medicine on the Midway and The Midway Quarterly
3 German Magazines

Humboldt Kosmos, Kulturjournal, Architektur.Aktuell

This is a veritable plethora of sources for the doctoral student studying the media of academia.

And finally, in Boyer's foyer, we have Boyer.