Fandango Costume

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I spotted more tough competition a little later. This ski-boat costume was so huge it had to be on wheels, and he even had a gal rollerskating in a bikini behind him!  I knew immediately this duo could easily win the costume contest. 


The contest was all up to the crowd. Whoever got the most volume out of the audience would win, and you can just never tell what is going to happen when a drunken crowd is judging.

So, I was wandering around, getting my picture taken a lot, imploring the crowd to buy their tickets online, waiting for 11:30 for the costume contest to start.

There also may have been some beer drinking involved.

In line for the toilets.

Finally, it was time for the contest to begin!

Ken straightened my cape and I jumped in line at the side of the stage.

please continue reading page 10 of the fandango costume.

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November 10th, 2005.  

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