The California Quarter Designs
The images are very small on the official site, so I thought I would load them all here full size. Then I decided to give them titles...
Coin 1: Where'd Mount Rushmore go?
Coin 2: Marin County buys the Hollywood sign
Coin 7: Garden department 50% off sale
Coin 11: California, Talented Youngsters
Coin 10: California, the extraordinarily detailed state
Coin 13: The Predator State
Coin 16: The Ultimate Fantasy Treehouse
Coin 19: California, the Rice-A-Roni State
Coin 18: California: The Panhandling State
Coin 17: Shaquille O'Neal Commemorative Coin
Coin 20: California, home of indestructible icons
Coin 5: Happy Thanksgiving!
Coin 12: American Gladiator Champions: 1994-2001
Coin 4: California, the Hula State
Coin 8: California, home of awesome sonic booms
Coin 6: Wha?! These aren't my negatives!
Coin 14: I can see all the way to New Mexico!
coin 3: What happened to that old miner that was out here
Coin 9: The goldenest, most beautiful gate in the world!
Coin 15: EurekaŽ Brand Toffee Clusters
Despite my comments, I think almost any one of these would be a pretty good quarter for California. It is pretty hard to encapsulate all of this state on 0.6 square inches. Too hard for me, anyway.
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Last updated January 3, 2003