5' 7" height, 210 pounds weight

170 cm height, 95 kg weight (15 stone)

Hi There

Think your website is a great idea. I am over halfway in a huge weightloss task and am still finding it difficult to come to terms with my decreasing size. I still think I am as big as I was when I started. Comparing and looking at others with similar heights and weights is very interesting.
If you have space to drop me into the matrix please find attached a photo and my details:

Name - Sarah
Height - 5Foot 7inches
Weight in photo 210lbs

Weight loss so far 6stone 1lb. 3stone 13lbs to go.


I love the site! My name is Jenna and I'm about 5' 7", 210 lbs. in both of these pictures.

I know the bathing suit one is cut short but I thought it was a good representation of my body and the rest of my leg is shown in the one with the dress!


Hi  Here's a photo of me at 5 foot 7, and 98 kgs (215 lbs). 

My name's Christine, I noticed that I fit in a number of slots on your chart and would like to help out. 5'6" 210 lbs. age 19

See a bunch of nearby weights at 5' 7" height

back to the photographic height / weight chart | BMI - Body Mass Index | Age Chart: 1-100