5' 6" height, 180 pounds weight

168 cm height, 82 kg weight (13 stone)

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Hi Rob,

I really like cockeyed.com a lot! Cool site w/ quality and highly informative entertainment :) !
My name's A, I'm 5 feet 6 of height and weigh 178 lbs. (160 cm/ 81 kg on metric scale).
Hope the pics are ok qualitywise. If not, I' ll be glad to retake under different lighting circumstances...but I' m just so excited about the prospect of getting onto your website!

Kind regards,

Name: Leah Ault
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 178 lbs
Pick one you like! :-)

My name's Christine

I noticed that I fit in a number of slots on your chart and would like to help out.

5'6'' 175lbs age 14

Hi, my name is Jasa & I'm just under 5'6" & weighed 175 in this photo. I really like what you're doing here!

Here are three pictures of myself. I am 5'6" and 175-180 pounds


Hello. I am 5' 6" and weigh 185 pounds.


See a bunch of nearby weights at 5' 6" height

back to the photographic height / weight chart | BMI - Body Mass Index | Age Chart: 1-100