5' 3" height, 160 pounds weight

160 cm height, 73 kg weight (11 stone)

Hey Rob -

Wanna add me to your Height/Weight chart? 

I am 5' 3" tall
I weigh 158 lbs (yeah, I'm a raw biscuit)
I'm 42 years old
I live in Fort Collins, Colorado

I was turned on to your site just last Friday afternoon and have lost an amazing 72 hours of my life as a result - thanks for that! 

My sister is the crazy lady who called you at home over the weekend.  I don't know why, but obviously she was obsessing, and likely drinking.  I think she was trying to figure out HOW MUCH IS INSIDE THIS BOTTLE OF VICODIN....AND THIS BOX OF WINE...AND THIS PACK OF SMOKES...all at one time.  She called me a total of 27 times (YES - 27 TIMES!!) on Sunday to ask if I read HOW MUCH IS INSIDE GOLDSCHLAGER, or saw your FANDANGO costume, or watched the NASCAR RALLY AT CARL'S JR...GAWD, do you know how many clicks it takes to get to the chewy center of your sick little world?  (Now THERE is a "how much is inside" episode for ya...)

72 hours, and counting....

Thanks, and keep up the awesome work! 


P.S.  The "Frankfurter Spectacular" recipe from the 1974 weight watchers cards is DEE-LISH! 

See a bunch of nearby weights at 5' 3" height

back to the photographic height / weight chart | BMI - Body Mass Index | Age Chart: 1-100