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Page intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Page 197-198 | pp. 197-198 My page appeared to be from the 'Celebrities' section of the book, more specifically the Ashton Kutcher prank. This particular prank involved a fake website set up that contained the private voicemails of Ashton, complete with secret Easter eggs for the truly hardcore. The second page talked about using FARK.com to really launch the prank into the mainstream - and really, what better place is there to do that? Drew Curtis of FARK agreed to post the website in return for sweet, sweet revenge on all those no-brain mass media reporters. Sadly, I do not know the outcome of this prank, or how well FARK did with the promotion...guess I'll have to buy the book and find out! Laura from Chicago |
Page 199-200 |
![]() It appears that I have the results of a prank where John claimed to have the audio of Ashton Kutcher's cell phone messages on a hoax website "Ashtonhacked.com". The fact that Paris Hilton's cell phone was hacked in real life added to the drama and his baiting worked. Even John admits that he is a "Master Baiter", as told by one of the headings on page 199. The deluge of calls to a voicemail box, requests for interviews, and the 'news' being spread by the unscrupulous United Press International began to show how well this prank was taking off. It was deepened by the real news of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore getting married. I can only assume how the prank began, and that it most likely edged towards Demo and Ashton's deepest, most private fantasies falsely recorded and hosted for the media and fan obsessed. I may have to track down the owners of pages 197, 198 and 201, 202 to find out myself, or perhaps I'll just buy the book. Maybe that'll help recoup the 30G's John spent hacking the Super Bowl. Thanks for the opportunity to review "Prank the Monkey"! -Joshua Devine |
Page 203-204 | Pages 203 & 204 I was so hooked by the incomplete description of the Ashton Kutcher's fake wedding prank in these two pages that I had to find the rest of the story. Read this book one page at a time and you'll be hooked too! |
Page 205-206 | (Pages 205-206) Intriguing and ammusing at the same time. I was at the edge of my seat! Er, maybe not quite the edge, but I was definitely not leaning back. I really want to know what was done to Ashton Kutcher now. My one-year-old son giggled a bit, but wants to know who Aston Kutcher is, and says the page tastes kind of yucky. - Jordan Sugarman |
Page 207-208 | 207-208 This seemed to be the first two pages in a section entitled "Government". One side (207), had the word "Government" stylized as graffiti with a small drawing of a man urinating on the title. A small drawing of the capitol building, with the dome drawn to look like a breast (the left one I think). The other side of the page (208), starts to detail his journey into becoming a British knight. The contents of two letters are displayed graphically for the reader. The first letter is from the author to Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace, requesting to be knighted and asking for the appropriate forms to do so. The second letter is from The Ceremonial Secretariat from the Cabinet Office at Buckingham Palace glancing over the process toward becoming a knight. The enclosed materials were not displayed on this page. |
Page 213-214 | I received pages 213 and 214, part of the "Royal Pain in the Ass" section. I thoroughly enjoyed the author's quest for not only knighthood, but for any and all perks that come with the title and position. Sadly, there are no discounts or 2-for-1 deals at Arby's, as the British Cabinet was able to inform him. He references Kitty Kelley's book, The Royals, and teaches us all about a new snack- the jammy dodger. MMMM!! -Maryann Scott, Homer, NY |
Page 215-216 |
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Page 217-218 |
![]() This morning I was let out of my first class early which enabled me to get breakfast. Before ordering my bagel and hot chocolate, I went to my mail box and to my surprise, my page had arrived! As a spread the cream cheese over the bagel I started to read page 217. The top, right hand corner says "Royal Pain In the Ass" and I assume that this page is part of a section. Taking up most of page 217 is a photocopy of a name change certificate. According to this, Christopher Ashton Kutcher changed his name, legally, to Sir John Myers Hargrave on 14th of December 2005. Adding "Sir" to the name seems to have been prompted after being rejected for an Honours Nomination by the Queen of England. Also on page 217 is a dark photocopy of Sir John's Massachusetts driver's license, noting the name reading "HARGRAVE, SIR JOHNM". The photocopy is quite dark and somewhat hard to read. Page 218 is mostly a transcript of a phone call that Sir John had with the British Cabinet Office. In short he let them know he had legally changed his name to "Sir John Hargrave" after his rejection. This page also has a photocopy of Sir John's YMCA membership card which reads "Sir john Hargrave". At least they got more of it correct than the DMV. -Quinn |
Page 221-222 |
Page 227-228 | P. 227 & 228 Divided Review Prank the Monkey. Prank the Monkey:The ZUG Book of Pranks (Paperback) by Sir John Hargrave Pranks have drawn the eye of the non-creative for as long as man has lived. Often to just scratch their head and go "hun? Why would someone do that?" From the simple "pull my finger" prank to the more complex CalTech Rose Bowl pranks, people have pulled them and others have just been confused and flustered. Pranks are the way the exceptional but powerless rebel at authority. In the classic prank book "If At All Possible, Involve A Cow" by Neil Steinberg (St. Martins Press 1992) He lists six rules about pranks that one should follow when Pranking. Sir Hargrave's new book, does well by the rules. Page 227 and 228 are a strike against the powerful in Congress by the average man. Sir Hargrave is able to meet four out of six of the "good prank" rules with this prank. How ever he fails to involve a cow, a big disappointment, but does not reduce the pranks skill and humor. Following Steinberg's rules he successfully and brilliantly met rule number four: People are gullible and will believe almost anything. In this case Sir John pretended to be a young student who as part of a government school project asked 100 Senator's to fill out the "Senator Joke Form". The idea of the most powerful leaders in the nation sitting down and filling out a Joke Form to help out "little Johnny" makes one proud of their work. The page is filled with copies of actual letters from Senators, each with an explanation of the set up and results. The page is laid out well, making it an easy read for one commuting to work while trying to talk on the cell phone, shave, eat your bagel, and do that safe driving thing. I highly recommend getting this page for your summer reading. SSG (P) Kone, William Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland |
![]() A few things happen when you send part of a text to a Ph.D.-to-be and her Ph.D-and-M.A.-to-be friends. They edit said textbook page. And they edit said textbook page while playing "Edward Beerhands." (which involves taping forties to your hands, which you are not allowed to remove until you've finished them) My friend Brad actually took the photo of me and Tina while the forties were still taped to his hands (you can see them on either side of the image). That is sheer skill. Anyway, let me know if you get this - I'm afraid your spam filter might grab it because the files are big. Or because the e-mail is soaked in beer. Cheers! Tara
Page 239-240 |
![]() I was really excited about being part of this project! I did worry, however, that my chance to participate had been thwarted by some other person in my town, or that I'd just put in my name too late. The day my page arrived, I got one other piece of "real" mail - a note from my grandmother. I'm too ashamed to say which was more exciting. As I lovingly held the envelope, however, I noticed a little hole in the bottom of it. It's a pretty clean punch , probably from some wayward machinery (yeah, I have no idea). I had a moment of panic regarding the page inside.. However, as you can see in the pictures, the hole was pretty small, and the words that were cut out were pretty easy to fill in. Somewhere, someone has a little tiny sheet of paper with "tries of" on one side of it and they have no idea what it means.
Page 241-242 |
![]() -Swanda |
Page 243-244 | 243-244 I have been a long-time fan of cockeyed.com and zug.com, so I expected this book to be filled with recollections of pranks and humorous anecdotes, much like what I have seen on both of these websites. What I found in my mailbox, however, was a different story. Page 243 contained no text but rather a full-page, hand-drawn, extremely disturbing cartoon. Whoever thought this up should be ashamed. The artist took adorable fairy tale characters and woodland creatures and made them deviant sexual animals. Disgusting. Page 244 was more what I expected - it appeared to be an introduction to a prank on the United Nations. The author made some good points, like, "the thing I personally found most tragic about the United Nations was how little *peace* the world's peacekeepers had been able to secure." Interesting perspective. -Amy, Louisville, KY |
Page 249-250 | 249 & 250 The prank described appears to be hilarious, if it is real. The first page shows some black & white photos and signatures that appear to be from various UN representatives with the words "Peace Homey." If it is true that the author was able to obtain these types of responses, I would love to read other pranks. |
Page 255-256 |
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Page 257-258 |
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February 18, 2007.