My real job is working at Blue Moon Printing in Sacramento.
It is a small, digital print shop. We print brochures, postcards, line sheets, menus, calendars, business cards and other small-quantity, full color items. Blue Moon has a great reputation for high-quality printing.
I personally print and cut a ton of business cards, and in the middle of cutting someone's cards, I had an idea. I'll provide a service, scanning business cards and putting them online. Now that I have a post office box. This will be easy. Send your business card and $3 to: Rob Cockerham Upon receiving your business card and payment, I'll scan the card and post the image on the new Business Card Site. |
The scanned images will measure approx. 350 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall, as shown in the above example of Black Sheep Carpet. This will make your business card info very accessible to many people, and it might be good for business. It might be fun too. Who knows. It is easy for me, and it is cheap for you... although not as cheap as postsecret. |
Other services and the associated fees:
This is a sample of a two-sided card.
Two-sided business cards rarely have important information on both sides. I'll scan & post the most important side. If you really want both sides online, please send 90 cents extra.
Barbara R. Toro RealtorŪ 2901 K Street, Suite 120 Sacramento, CA 95816 Cell (916) 765-7340 Office (916) 244-1200 Fax (916) 498-7887 Email: Website: Each Office Independently Owned and Operated |
Some important things to know before sending your card:
And that is it, I can't wait to see how this goes, and who is first. Send your business card and $3 to: Rob Cockerham Another option is to paypal payment to rob at Please include 38 cents for the paypal transaction fee, and be sure that your payment makes very definite reference to which artwork/business card is yours. These are paypal prices, reflecting a $0.38 service charge
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May 22nd, 2005.