Cockerham Halloween Costume 2008

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Three of the six segments.

The head is made of aluminum. 18 curved ribs hold 18 triangular screens in a shallow bowl shape.

In addition to the head itself, the all-important mounting equipment was included, although the pieces were a puzzle, as I had no instructions or guide as to how the mount operated. (The mount had been disassembled when I picked it up) 

These pieces are not made of aluminum, they are heavy steel.

The ribbed thing in this photo is one end of a Von Weise actuator, which is designed to tilt the head left and right, to point at different satellites.

I didn't know how that was controlled or even connected, but I was pretty sure I could figure it out.





Please continue reading page 2 of the Cockerham Halloween Costume 2007.

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October 14th, 2007.  

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  • The Weight of Clothing
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