The Golden Ring Diet

Rob, on your wonderful diet I lost 125 pounds! Look at me - before I was fat and lumpy. Now I'm thin and streamlined. I can barely believe it - it only took three months to lose all that weight. I was a size 22 and am now a 2! Thank you soooo much! You rock!

Shauna Nelson
Washougal, WA  

Your diet is the greatest thing since unleavened bread! I'd recommend it to anyone who is a slovenly fast b@stard and would really like to get back into those polyester slacks that have been in the closet since my glorious "Dancing Queen" days. Just look at me go !!! Who is THE MAN now?

Benedict Borromeo
St. Charles, OH


Dear Rob,

I am writing to say thank you for your diet plan! I used to be so embarrassed to take my baby out in public as everybody would point and laugh at how fat she was, and that I had to pull her around in a cart since her strollers kept breaking. All the other diets we considered required significant exercise but since she can't walk yet they just weren't working. With your plan my baby lost 10 pounds in just two weeks! She still has a ways to go, but if we stick to your plan I am sure we'll be able to start entering her in baby pageants by the end of the summer. Hello Big Buck$!!

Wow! The Golden Ring Diet absolutely changed my life! It has given me so much more energy and motivation! I thought I was going to just wallow in
obesity for the rest of my days! I've tried everything, the pills, the exercise, the european body wraps, all to no avail! And, just before I thought it was hopeless, I stumbled across the acclaimed Golden Ring Diet! And the results are unbelievable! I don't know where I would be without it! So, thank you Rob Cockerham for developing this life changing program!


Your amazing diet helped me shed some much-needed weight. The Mario Bros. mustache was killing me with the ladies. Now I’m reeling them in! You’re a lifesaver. Thanks Rob!

Dave C.
Omaha, NE



The Golden Ring Diet has given me a new lease on life! When my ex-girlfriend broke up with me, I knew that I needed to take control of my life, and the pictures say it all. I can shop in regular clothing stores, wipe myself with relative ease and fit into regular-sized airplane seating! Thank-YOU Golden Ring Diet!

And again, Rob, thank you for the great and truly original Web site.

~ Justin "Cha-Cha"


Thanks to this new Miracle diet, i was able to lose 80 pounds! at first, i tried all those fad diets and anorexia, but nothing worked, then i heard about this and thought that i'd give it a try. and sure enough, it worked! the diet plan was easy to follow! no counting calories or carbs here! THANKS!


I can't thank you enough for your life-saving fake diet! As the pictures show, I lost over 200 pounds of ass with this miracle. Bless you! (And call me!)

- Anonymous


Hi Rob, I was excited to try your new diet after all previous attempts to lose a little pesky baby fat had failed. I never imagined I could go from 200 lbs down to less than 100 lbs in such an easy and fun way! Thanks for your awesome diet!

And there you have it! While these results are not typical, and you should always consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise, vacation, auto repair or relationship, I think you can see how mystically brilliant the Golden Ring Diet is! I hope you try it yourself!

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July 7th, 2005.  

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