510 Area Code | ||
work at home $100-$5000 pt/ft 510-728-work (9675) wahonline.com |
Phone number gives message #8, "jammies"
Website redirects to wah5.com, requires you to log in, and then reveals itself as an Herbalife site, with pictures of thermajectic products a-plenty.
707 Area Code | ||
Work from home $1500/mo part time $5000 /mo full time paid vacations 707-421-5206 |
Phone number gives message #7, "no booklet issued without valid phone number" | |
800 Area Code | ||
photo unavailable
(tiny paper windshield flier on parking lot) |
Lose up To 30 lbs. in 30 Days 1-800-202-9442 www.vnmdirect.com |
phone number cannot be reached from my calling area, neither can the website. I guess this guy isn't quite ready for business. |
work from home $100-$7000 pt/ft per mo. mail order / internet www.kash4you.com 800-213-6421 free info |
website down
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know" |
Work at home $1500/mo part time $5000 /mo full time mail order 800-213-6421 |
Same phone number as above | |
work from home $100-$7000 pt/ft per mo. mail order / internet 800-213-6421 free info |
Same phone number as above | |
Work at home up to 1500/mo part time 5000/mo full time mail order 800-213-6421 kashathome.com |
Kashathome.com site reveals Herbalife
Same phone number as above |
Work at home up to 500-1500/mo part time $200-$5000/mo full time No Door-to-Door Selling No Telemarketing Paid Vacations Your home is your office! Call Toll Free 1-800-213-6421 Recorded Message explains 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit our website www.kashathome.com |
Kashathome website reveals Herbalife
Same phone number as above |
Own a computer? Put it to work! up to $25-$75/hr. www.kash4you.com 800-213-6421 |
Same phone number as above
kash4you.com website down. |
Work from home 1500/mo part time $5000/mo full time Paid Vacations 1-800-2work19 bucksinthebox.com |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know"
bucksinthebox.com reveals itself as an Herbalife site.
Work from home 1500/mo part time $5000/mo full time Paid Vacations 1-800-2work19 bucksinthebox.com |
Same phone number as above | |
photo unavailable | Work at Home Mail Order up to 1500-5000 ft/pt 800 2wo-rk19 (296-7519) |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know" |
Bell Pest Control Free Startup Service 1800-322-4170 "give us a ring" |
Not an herbalife sign | |
photo unavailable | Work from Home $1500-$8000/month pt/ft mail order 800-326-2016 |
Phone number gives Message #1b, "Ya Know" |
Work at home
Home Based Business |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know" | |
Answer to your prayers! Work@Home
800-419-2912 individual results will vary |
Phone number gives Message similar to message #10, "leave the best part of your
"conducting 5 minute interviews" Probably not Herbalife |
New Slim & Trim 30lbs. 30 days Programs Start at $30.00 800-430-trim | Phone number gives Message #6, "Skin and Hair" | |
Work at home 1500/mo part time $5000/mo full time Mail Order 1-800-480-2410 |
I called this number at Florin Mall in Sacramento. I
was surprised at the message that "this number does not accept calls
from pay phones" Luckily, I tried at a non-mainstream payphone on
Broadway and got right through to message 3. Yet another step to conceal
the herbalife name. Three more numbers gave me this same message at Florin
Phone number gives Message #3, "We're going to pay" |
Lose weight Feel Great I lost 35lbs. in six weeks! 800-487-7488 | Hello, this is the office of Rick and Carol, leave name and number at the tone. | |
Bad Credit? We Can Fix it 1-800-505-0003 |
Lou Semour & NCR, leave a number and we'll get back to
(not herbalife) |
Home Based 150K+ First Year 800-537-0877 Not MLM No Selling | Phone number gives Message #10, "leave the best part of your
Probably not Herbalife |
Work from Home up to $1500/mo part time $5000 /mo full time |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know" | |
Work From Home $1000-$5000 pt/ft 800 616-INFO |
Phone number gives Message #1b, "Ya Know" | |
Work From Home up to $1500-$5000 pt/ft Mail Order 800 756-8424 btimefree.com |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know"
btimefree.com site down |
Own a computer? Put it to work! $25-$75/hr. Btimefree.com 800-756-8424 |
Phone number same as above
btimefree.com site down |
Work at "Home" $1000-$5000 pt/ft call 800-792-8483 |
Phone number not working
"enter pin number... call 1-801-322-9555 for assistance" |
work from home $1500/mo part time $5000 /mo full time Mail Order - internet 800-836-7019 willberich@usa.net |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know" | |
Work at home $1,200-$5000/mo full time No Door-to-Door Selling No Telemarketing Paid Vacations Your home is your office! Call Toll Free 1-800-878-1841 Recorded Message explains 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit our website renewyourdreams.com |
renewyourdreams.com seemed to have a different business
system, but then I checked their "success stories", one of them,
Brent & Emily Mikolajczyk, also appear on the Herbalife site.
Phone number gives Message #9, "tuned up"
work from home $1500/mo part time $5000 /mo full time Mail Order 800-900-9618 |
Phone number gives Message #3, "we've going to pay for the booklet" | |
I lost 40 lbs. in 2 months 800-917-diet | Phone number gives Message #13, "Dave, Tammy, Anthony" | |
tiny flier | Work from Home Home Based Business 1-800-357-0983 www.vnmdirect.com |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya Know" |
Work at home upto $1500-$6500/mo 800 974 7728 |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know" | |
work from home $1500/mo part time $5000 /mo full time paid vacations 800-work-216 (800 967-5216) |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know" | |
Work from Home up to $1500-$5000/month part time/full time mail order 800-999-8543 |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know" | |
801 Area Code | ||
photo unavailable | work at home free info 1-801-323-7737 |
Utah Phone Number, "this fax contains 12 pages", to receive your fax, press the start button on your fax machine now. |
877 Area Code | ||
Work from home $500-$1500/mo pt 2000-$6000/mo ft no door-to-door selling no telemarketing paid vacations your home is your office! www.homebiz4ne1.com 1-877-230-1678 recorded message explains 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Phone number gives Message #3, "we're going to pay"
www.homebiz4ne1.com is a disguised herbalife site with the "coins and cash" graphic theme |
Work from Home $1500-$5000/month pt/ft mail order 877-272-7699 |
Phone number gives Message #5, "Clear, Simple Easy" | |
photo unavailable | Work at Home upto $2,500/mo PT $5,000/mo FT (877)2-WORK-19 (variant) bucksinthebox.com |
Phone number disconnected |
Smart Moms & Dads Work from Home! Find out how "call now" toll free 877-294-5734 |
Phone number gives Message #5, "Clear, Simple Easy" | |
Wanted 29 people to get paid $$$ to lose up to 30lbs 30days 877-391-DIET (paper sign) (also variant with myezdiet.com) |
Hello & thanks for taking the time... not in the diet
"thermojectic" in message, herbalife trademark. |
Free Sample lose up to 30 lbs. 30 days $39.00 guaranteed 877-391-diet (3438) |
same phone number as above | |
photo unavailable | Lose 20 lbs fast! Natural/guaranteed Free Samples $38.00 (877)391-diet |
same phone number as above |
work from home $500 per week part time No Boss No inventory no selling sounds too good to be true? See for yourself 877-597-6350 |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know" | |
Work at Home upto $2,500/mo PT $5,000/mo FT (877)635-WORK bucksinthebox.com |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know" | |
888 Area Code | ||
Work from Home $500-$1500 part-time $1500-$7000 full-time mail order call 888-248-6709 |
Phone number gives Message 5 "Clear, Simple, Easy" | |
Work from Home $500-$1500 pt $1500-$7000 ft paid vacations call 888-438-3012 www.bossfree4you.com |
Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know", with different voice | |
work from home take one call 888-438-3012 bossfree4you.com | Phone number gives Message #1, "Ya know", with
different voice
website redirects to "ebook" download at www.lifetimeopportunity.com/download/100382/lifetimeopportunity.exe |
Work From Home $1500-$8000/month pt/ft |
Same phone number as above | |
Lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 days programs start at $30 Natural! Guaranteed! Dr. Recommended! 1888-202-9442 www.vnmdirect.com |
Phone number gives "mail box full"
VNMDirect is Currently Under construction
I lost 40 lbs. In 2 months free samples 888-212-6785 | phone number disconnected | |
Work from Home $1500 pt $5000 ft internet/mail order call 888-321-7495 www.lifestylechange4u.com |
Phone number gives Message #12, "J-a-n-e D-o-e"
www.lifestylechange4u.com is a carefully disguised herbalife site. |
work from home $500-$1500 pt $1500-$7000 ft paid vacations call 888-438-3012 www.bossfree4you.com |
Phone number gives Message #1b, "Ya know" | |
Willpower in a bottle Make 30 lbs. Disappear fast!! Doctor Recommended 888-449-THIN www.yes2trim.com | Phone number gives Message #13, "Dave, Tammy,
Website redirects to page requiring 5-digit code. Weird. |
I lost 40 lbs. in just 2 months 888-449-thin |
Phone number gives Message #13, "Dave, Tammy, Anthony" | |
work at home $1000-$5000 ft/pt mail order call 888-462-1218 www.onlinewah.com |
Phone number is not in service
website is blue camouflaged Herbalife site. |
I lost 40 lbs. in 2 months 888-643-8367 Free Samples | Phone Number gives Message 11 "high volume of responses" | |
work from home up to $500-$5000 ft/pt mail order call 888-668-2829 abettterlife2.com |
Phone number gives Message #7 "JUST BEEN
ah, Jon and Kelli at abetterlife2.com. flash presentation... One of the success stories highlights the great income of Tom and Kathy Barnash. I did a google search on her, and found her story at http://www.moreenergy.com/, a site which sells herbalife products without any slight-of-hand.
Lose 20 lbs Fast!! |
Phone number asks you to enter pin, or call 801-322-9555.. which is a $3.85 call from
a payphone for some reason.
801 is Utah area code |
Own a PC? $25-$75/hr. pt/ft extra-in-come.com 888-709-8322 |
Phone number gives Message #10, "tuned up"
Extra-in-come.com....I'm not sure what Freud would say about that second hyphen, but the website redirects to a site which reveals itself to be a herbalife site on the front page, featuring checks from John and Susan Peterson. You can read about them in the Herbalife Lawsuit page. |
Work at "Home" $1000-$5000 pt/ft 888-785-1889 |
Phone number gives Message #4, "we won't be able to verify your address" | |
photo unavailable | Own a Computer? Put it to Work! $25-$75 /hr. PT/FT 888-785-1889 www.websuccess4u.com |
Same phone number as above
www.websuccess4u.com redirects to green "cashmailbox.com" site. Y.E.S. Marketing & Distribution Systems, Inc. |
photo unavailable | Work at Home $1200-$5800/mo www.tips2financialbliss.com 888-831-9624 |
Phone number gives message 9, "tuned up"
www.tips2financialbliss.com Ronald & Tamika seemed to have a different business system, but then I checked their "success stories", one of them, Brent & Emily Mikolajczyk, also appear on the Herbalife site. |
Own a Computer? Put it to work! $25-$75/hr pt/ft 888-765-1889 cash111.com |
cash111.com is green & has a success.exe executable I was afraid to
redirects to green "cashmailbox.com" site. Y.E.S. Marketing & Distribution Systems, Inc. phone number reaches a numerical paging menu.
Work from Home $2000 pt $6000 ft paid vacations call 888-935-4008 |
Phone number gives message 3, "we are going to pay" | |
916 Area Code | ||
Need Money? p/t or f/t work earn cash daily! start today earning tomorrow! 916 369-2301 |
Phone number gives "You have reached the desk of Aaron Moore, please leave a message, thank you". | |
Drive-a-car today!! $500.00 down bad credit / slow pay bankruptcy/repo's everyone qualifies! (916)452-9729 call now! | Not an herbalife sign | |
Attention Soliciting 20 people Interested in making $400 to $650.00 weekly without interrupting working hours (916) 532-7313 |
Reached a living person named Eric Standmore. He was in L.A., and said he would call me back the next day at 9:30am. I didn't go back to that payphone to get it. | |
Work at Home Make $5000/week FT PT Make $1500/week (916)615-5156 | Phone number connects to phone number with a woman's voice
identifying it as from the Jace Corporation. She asks if you are
calling about credit repair or about the "work from home"
P.O.Box 231023 Sacramento, CA |
Attention Soliciting 20 people interested in making $400.00 to $650.00 weekly without interrupting working hours (916)869-8242 | This one has a message in spanish that mentioned a lot of numbers | |
Website Only | ||
t |
Own a computer? Put it to work! up to $25-$75/hr.pt/ft tapn2cash.com |
One of another group of disguised herbalife sites.
On the testimonial's page, there is a group of kids in a pool with a dolphin toy, next to a testimonial from Kevin L. The name of the image is lauesen_kids.jpg. If you search the web for Kevin Lauesen, you will find him featured on Herbalife's "today" magazine, Sept. 2001 |
Work from Home $1,500 /mo. pt $5,000/mo. ft 2rsuccess.com |
Step 4 on this webpage says:
Multi-billion dollar publicly traded company (Nasdaq stock exchange) in business for over 20 years called Herbalife International ensures that what you build now will be secure for the future |
Home | How much is inside?
| write Rob@Cockeyed.com
Last updated March 28, 2002.