Here are the first 740 answers to the Bowl vs. Colander Melt-off. |
If they are both in a cardbord box, ice will last longer in the colander. In a room with lots of air circulation it will last longer in the bowl.... + heat transfer from bowl contact... + heat transfer from water (large capacit, small difference) 1) The small ice bits will fall out and float down the sink 2) The lack of cold water surronding the melting ice means that the ice is surronded by California air (which I presume is warmer than our currnet Minnesota air) 3)The shear weight of the pilled ice will force the lower, weaker cubes to break apart and fall through the holes (see #1). actual bowl on the left. Air Air is a poor conductor of heat, so the colander should keep its ice longer. Even though the bowl will keep cold water close to the ice, the water is still above freezing and will act as a conductor transmitting heat from the bowl to the ice. are the bowls made of the same material? Ass ass**** bob booty both the same bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl BOWL bowl bowl bowl Bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl Bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl Bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl - No holes bowl - the airholes in the colander will increase the "convection" and warm air movement, and cause the colander's ice to melt faster. Bowl - warmer water will insulate the ice and make that melt. Bowl (not colander) bowl (not colander) will protect ice longer. bowl on left bowl on left bowl on left, because colander also lets more air in bowl on the left Bowl on the left Bowl on the left.. The bowl, not the colander bowl to the izz-ouul. bowl two bowl wins by 7 hours! Bowl With Water bowl with water Bowl with Water in it bowl without holes Bowl! bowl! bowl(left) bowl, air has a lesser specific heat thus if it was only incontact with air, it would loose heat quicker bowl, not colander bowl, not colander Bowl, probably. Bowl. Bowl. Bowl. bowl. due to convection Bowls without holes.... But what about the insulating properties of the bowls themselves? They look to be both of different thicknesses and shapes which would affect how the ice is exposed to it's warmer surroundings! cheese China! Clearly the colander will melt faster for three reasons: Closed Bowl Closed Bowl Colandar Colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander Colander colander Colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander colander Colander colander colander Colander colander colander colander COLANDER colander colander Colander COLANDER Colander colander colander Colander colander colander Colander colander colander Colander colander Colander Colander colander bowl colander bowl Colander bowl COLANDER DUDE! colander is not worthy Colander! colander! colander! Colander! colander! colander!! Colander, holes will act like a mini refridgeration unit. But that is dependent on the influences of penguins... Where are the penguins? Colander. The water will absorb the energy from the ice in the bowl, and it will melt faster. Colander? Colandermander colendar colender colender Colinder colla collandar Collandar collander Collander collander collander Collander collander Collander collander Collander collander collander Da bowl. diaper dragon drain drain Drain. drained draining draining one duh, left Equal... ertfgsdfgs first foo **** you you fucking mother****a **** you you fucking mother****a gay get in there heat transfer = heat transfer from air (large temp diff, small heat capacity) help keep it cold Help keep the ice cold. holes Holy shnikies! I believe that the colander will make the ice last longer I dont know! I eat children. I guess is that the water keep the ice in the bowl from melting at fast at the ice in the collonder. I have no idea. I predict "THE BOWL". The colander holes will allow airflow there by making the ice melt faster. I predict the colander will make the ice last the longest. I saw Rob the other day digging food out of the dumpster behind KFC. I think it depends on how well the air circulates in the room you are in. I think that the bowl will take the longset to melt. I think the bowel will keep the ice cold, until it gets to the colonder. I think the bowl will help protect the ice from melting the longest rather than the colander. I figure the melted ice will insulate the ice in the bowl better than the air surrounding the ice in the colander. That's just my $0.02, though. I think the bowl with the water in it will keep the ice from melting because if there's no water surrounding the ice, there's more surface area for the ice to be evaporated from... :( I think the ice with the water will melt faster becuase the melted ice water will slowly heat up and water is a better conductor (right phrase!?!?!) than air. Ice in the bowl will last longer. If the water is stirred it will help the melting; otherwise it will keep the ice cold. I'LL GUESS YOU! I'm sayin the bowl, the water will help melt the ice better than just air alone... It is all thermal dynamics these days don't ya know. Of course the one with the water will last longer. it won't matter keep from melting Keep ice cold. So very cold. keep it cold Kept water melts faster. Left left Left left left Left Left Left left left left Left Left left left left left Left left left left left left left Left left left (colander) Left (not drained) left bowl left bowl (not the colander) left bowl will last longer left one, the bowl, because the water will insulate LEFY m Measure the temp of both bowls to see who can keep something colder. The one with water or the one without water melanie is cute melt melt more believe it or not Mixing Bowl monkeys! NEITHER Neither bowl's ice will melt at all. neither! no water normal bowl normal bowl not colander o;uih oh yes Okay I won't say something stupid. one on the left open poop pule regular regular bowl Regular bowl Right right Right Right right right right right right right right right right right right bowl right bowl Right one Right. Rose Bowl rubber chicken same same sex So even through the colandar has holes, the red bowl has larger surface area... I dunno. So long as both bowls are the same thickness and material, the solid bowl (with the water) will last longer. -St SOLID solid bowl Solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl Solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl Solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl solid bowl w/water Solid bowl. Solid Bowl. solid one strainer strainer strainy one Surely the one on the left! test thats it The The blue one :) The bowl The bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl The bowl the bowl The bowl The bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl The Bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl The bowl The Bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl the bowl The bowl The bowl (not the colander). The bowl (on the left) will protect the ice from melting the longest. The bowl and not the colander The bowl containing the water. THE BOWL DAMMIT. the bowl for 30 more minutes The bowl ice will melt faster. The bowl in the ice cream maker! the bowl not the colander the bowl on the left The bowl on the left The bowl on the left will protect the ice the longest. (I think...^^) The bowl on the left with the water will keep the ice cold longer. The bowl that allows drainage. The bowl that doesn't allow the water to drain will protect the ice from melting the longest. The bowl that holds the water. The bowl that isn't a colander, of course. The bowl that keeps the water. The bowl that retains the water will allow the ice to remain longer because the temperature differential between the ice and the cold water is less than the temperature differential between the ice and the air (which is the case with the collander). The bowl that retains the water will protect the ice from melting longer. The bowl that retains the water will protect the ice longest. And it will be so, because I decree it. the bowl that will keep the ice in contact w/ the water will keep the ice longer. The bowl that will not allow the water to drain. the bowl w/o holes The bowl will keep cold longest, colander will keep cold shortest The bowl will keep the ice from melting longest, not the colander. the bowl will keep the ice frozen longer The bowl will keep the ice the longest because of the increased thermal mass of the ice+water mixture and the decreased surface area of the ice-air boundary. The bowl will last longer. The water is a better insulator than the air. the bowl will last the longest The bowl will melt more quickly, as the thawed ice (i.e. water) will continue to thaw the remaining ice. The Bowl will melt more slowly, not because of the water but because heat escapes through those tiny holes! The bowl will work better. The bowl with the collander because the cold air is allowed to circulate. the bowl with the water The bowl with the water kept in it will melt the fatest as the water warms up and melts it.. perhaps. The bowl with water will last the longest the bowl without drainage will keep the ice from melting longer the bowl without holes The bowl without the hole will melt slower The bowl! the bowl! The bowl, although asking the question "which bowl" when referring to a bowl and a colander is inherently flawed. The bowl, because insulates the ice from the air. The holes in the colander let cold water out and warmer air in! the bowl, it's bowl-a-riffic! The bowl. The bowl. The bowl. the bowl. the bowl. the bowl. the bowl. you gave it away when you asked whih bowl instead of which container. I learned that in test-taking 101. The bowl. Less (warm) air circulation. -Jenny, Ypsilanti the bowl. the holes in the colander will help the ice melt faster. The bowl-bowl. the closed bowl the colander The colander The colander The Colander The Colander The colander the colander the colander the colander The colander The colander the colander The Colander the colander the colander Ice will melt first because the holes provide more air circulation the colander one, as long as it is not in a hot enviornment The colander should allow the greatest surface area for air to reach the ice and therefore should allow the ice to melt faster. The bowl, once filled with water would have less surface area to absorb heat. the colander should drain more quickly The colander will prolong the melting the longest because of the high conductivity of the water. The colander will protect the ice from melting longer, although it is at a disadvantage as the bowl insulates the ice on all sides but the top. the colander will pwn the bowl. The Colander! The colander. The colander. The colander. The colander. As the ice must be below 0 degrees (C), in the bowl, the average tepertaure will rise steadily, whereas in the colander, as the average temperature of the contents must always be below freezing, assuming there is not much air movement, the average temperature areound the ice will be lower, so it will melt more slowly, also there will be less surface area for the heat to be absorbed through as the ice depleats. The water in the bowl may help to insulate it as it is a poor conductor of heat, and convection cannot take heat energy downwards, however over a long period the colander will win. The colander: because air, having fewer particles per cubic volume, has less kinetic energy than water. The collander The collander the dry one The first one The furriest one. the holy one melts quicker The ice in the bowl that holds the water will last the longest. The Ice in the bowl will melt faster!! The ice in the colander will melt first, because the holes will allow for more surface area of ice to be exposed to the air and melt/evaporate. The ice that is in the colander will melt faster because more air is reaching the ice. The ice water bowl. The Left the left the left The left bowl. the left bowl...that doesn't allow drainage. the left one The left one. The left! the left!!! The Left, yo. Water holds temperature longer than air. the non-colander the non-colander bowl the non-colander bowl will keep the ice longer The non-collander. the normal bowl w/out holes the normal one the not holey one! The one made of cheese The one not drained the one on the left The one on the left The one on the left the one on the left The one on the left the one on the left THE ONE ON THE LEFT The one on the left The one on the left - ice cold water is better than room temperature air The one on the left (the bowl) The one on the left that holds the water in. The one on the left! the one on the left, with the water the one on the right The one on the right the colander The one on the right, the colander. The one on the right, which allows the water to drain away. I suspect that if you were to have ice melting with water contained, ice melting with water drained, and ice melting with a current of water, the ice with the current would melt the fastest, then the draining ice, then the ice and still water. the one retaining water The one that allows the water to drain away will melt faster. The one that allows water to stay in contact will melt slowest because the water will act as a short of insulator, slowing heat transfer much more than air, which is the only thing insulation the other. The one that contains the water will stay colder longer and thus the ice will melt more slowly. The one that does not allow draining the one that drains The one that keeps the water the one that keeps the water The one that keeps the water, since the colander allows warm air through the holes as well. The one that looks like your mom. most defintely. the one that retains the water. The one that retains water. The one that will allow the melted water to drain away from the solid ice. the one that you stare at the hardest The one with A.I.D.S. the one with holes the one with the cold water because the temperature of the water will be less that that of the air temperature The one with the water should melt slower The one with the water. the one with water The one with water The one with water. The one without holes! :) the one without the holes The red bowl. The REd One the red one The red one the red one! The red one. The red one. The regular bowl the regular bowl The regular bowl the regular bowl, the non-colander...yea? the right one The right one. the same the second The solid bowl the solid bowl the solid bowl The Solid bowl obviously. The solid bowl will, because water has a higher specific heat than air, so it will require more energy to bring it up to temp. I think... the solid bowl! The solid bowl. The solid bowl. The solid bowl. Keeps all the love in the same spot. The solid bowl. I like gum? The water in the solid bowl will protect the ice from melting! The water will help The water will help the ice melt. The water will help the ice melt... it seems like the ice will try to equalize the temperature of the water, thus causing it to melt faster... the colander should keep it from melting longer The water will make it melt faster! The water will protect the ice from melting by minimizing the surface area of the ice exposed to the (warm) air. The water will remain at 32 F until all the ice is melted. Therefore, the ice in the bowl will stay colder longer. three totally the drainage um... water water Water bowl. Water conducts the heat away from the ice faster than air does, so the bowl will melt faster! water drainer water helps keep the ice cold Water is a better conductor of heat than air, so my guess is that ice in bowl will melt faster than ice in colander. water is a better conductor than air, so the colander will last longer because it won't have warmer water shoving heat up the ice's butt Water will help it melt. water will keep ice cold. waterfilled waterfilled Well today I went out shopping and came back with loands of goodies. west virginia With the water. with water With water With water With Water with water will melt slower without water without water Without water yes yes yes Yes Ymir. More specifically, Ymir filled with holes. your mom Your mom Zoolander |
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January 18, 2006