My Illustrated World of Warcraft Diary: Day 259 - Elementals, 40 and riding lessons.

Another day fighting with Elementals in the Aranthi highlands with Apostasy. By the end of the night, I had hit 40th level, and was eager to get a horse so that I could keep up with my tiger-riding friend. I only had about 40 gold, so I knew I'd have to borrow some cash from him. We flew to Redridge and ran to the Eastwood lumberyards, where I had seen horses for sale once upon a time.

Buying a horse is a two-step process, first there are riding lessons, for 78 gold. I know what you are wondering... how is it that someone can teach me how to make lightning bolts explode out of my axe for 90 copper, but demands 78 gold, (8,666 times as much) to train me how to ride a horse?

I don't know. Riding a horse must be pretty damn tricky.

Anyway, I took some riding lessons and tried to buy a horse, only to discover that I was about 5 gold short. Damn!

Determined to see me on a horse before the end of the night, we both scrambled for cash. We ran to the nearest mailbox to see if anyone had any auctions ending (and money coming in). Nope not yet!

Five gold is not a lot of money in this game, but it is a lot to try to pick up off of corpses.

Please Continue Reading Day 260 - Mounted
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May 19, 2009  

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