Backwash Experiments

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Amy prepared to test the tendency of backwash to pollute water bottles. She dumped an envelope of sour red powder into her mouth, cringing at the sourquake of undiluted Kool-aid mix. 

Her cringe muscles leapt to attention. The inside of her mouth was instantly colored a deep red. 

She took a drink from a bottle of Evian water.

Bottles have a bit of a reputation as backwash machines. Because it is easy to block air from entering the bottle as you are drinking, the decreased air pressure in the bottle can actually suck spit right out of your mouth.

Amy, an experienced bottle drinker, did not allow this to happen. Only a tiny little cloud of red could be seen. Only a miniscule spurt of backwash had escaped.

Amy was jubilant to have successfully had a drink without backwashing.

She expressed her pleasure with a wicked guitar solo, and then sprayed a mouthful of red saliva onto the three front rows.

Our test was half over, and so far, drinkers had able to keep the backwash to a minimum when they were drinking normally.

A soda can was next. Could I resist leaving backwash while drinking from a typical soda can?

For the experiment, I emptied out a can of Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, and filled it with plain water. A lot of people enjoy Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. It is a favorite among adjective-lovers.

It was now time to experience the Kool-Aid sour attack first-hand. 

Oh, this sucked. 

A few days later, I realized I could have used chocolate syrup for this experiment, instead of Kool-Aid powder.

But for the moment, I was eating Kool-Aid.


Please continue reading page 4 of the Backwash  Experiment.   page 1 2 3 4 5 6

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December 7th, 2006

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