The Shed Prank

Introduction | Sean | Ben | James | Ed | Mike | Justin | Alpha | Michelle | Tom

Hey Rob - here the outside pics out Denver Home Depot sheds. I wandered around the building for 15 minutes before remembering this store has them mid-way in the parking lot, which made it very easy to post up!

Except for one other guy shuffling about examining these structures it was just me. And said stranger took my picture there.

Here's the inside. I did all three - I didn't post any outside because most of the similar signage was on the inside.

This is right on may way home so I'll swing by later next week and see if they're still up!


If you go back I think you should put up a couple English/Spanish signs too.

Then walking back (to my bike actually) I saw about 20 people in these yellow shirts. I couldn't tell if they were from a church group of a bunch of valet parkers going to work - but at night this could be frightening.

Also here's an exterior shot of the Home Depot in Denver on Colorado Blvd.

All the best - -hope these pics came through ok!

please continue reading Ed's story of the shed prank .

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June 30, 2008.

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